钱谷融,Qian Gurong
1)Qian Gurong钱谷融
1.Between Fanaticism and Rationality——On Qian Gurong s "Literature Is Homonology";在狂热与理性之间——论钱谷融的“文学是人学”
2.The Original View in Confused Voices ——The Criticized Theoretical Contributions Made by Qian Gurong and Jiang Kongyang;众声喧哗中的独特见解——被批判的钱谷融、蒋孔阳的理论建树
3.Qian Gurong is our country renowned literature theoretician and the literature critic.钱谷融是我国著名的文学理论家和文学评论家。

1.Between Fanaticism and Rationality--On Qian Gurong s "Literature Is Homonology";在狂热与理性之间——论钱谷融的“文学是人学”
2.Artistic Creation-A Kind of "Emotional Thinking "(A Talk of Mr.Qian Gurong);艺术创作是一种“有情思维”──钱谷融先生谈话录
3.The Original View in Confused Voices --The Criticized Theoretical Contributions Made by Qian Gurong and Jiang Kongyang;众声喧哗中的独特见解——被批判的钱谷融、蒋孔阳的理论建树
4.Silicon Valley turned white-hot on the world money map.硅谷在世界圈钱地图上变得白热化。
5.He brought the company a good omen of a lot of money when he took over the position.他刚一上任就为公司带来了钱谷广进的好彩头。
6.On Qian Zhongshu’s Huang Shan Gu Shi Bu Zhu钱钟书《黄山谷诗补注》对《内集注》补正举隅
7.The Criminal Object of Money-laundering Offences--How money-laundering offences against the financial management order;洗钱罪的犯罪客体——洗钱怎样危害金融管理秩序
8.Enlightenment from International Anti - money Laundering Convention on Anti - money Laundering in Our Financial Field;国际反洗钱公约对我国金融领域反洗钱的启示
9.It would be an accommodation to me if you could wait some days for the money.请你们通融通融,让我过几天再来付钱吧。
10.Embracing All Kinds of Musical Styles Brimming over with Brilliant Art Value Eternally: Research of Gu Jianfen s Art Achievement;百川融汇 流韵沁芳—谷建芬艺术成就研究
11.Gui-gu is a fusion made from an university City and a high technique industry zone;硅谷是大学城与高技术产业区的融合体
12.On the Fusion of Perceptual and Abstract Beauty in Tanizakin Jun'ichirou's Works论谷崎润一郎作品中感性与抽象之美的融合
13.Surely the local banks you deal with can help you out a bit?"难道你的往来钱庄不能通融一下么?”
14.the moneyed interests金钱上的利害关系;金融界;[总称]资本家
15.The Study on Anti-money Laundering and the System of China Finance Regulation and Supervision;反“洗钱”与中国金融监管制度研究
16.Striking "underground bank" and keep within limits of illegal financial activity;打击“地下钱庄”与非法金融活动的遏制
17.On the Constructing System of the Public Security Organ s Anti-money Laundering and Anti-terrorism Financing;公安机关反洗钱与反恐融资体系构建
18.Analysis of Money Laundering Utilities and Paths in Complex Financial Network;复杂金融网络中洗钱效用与路径分析

magistrate's assistant on jurisprudence and taxation刑名钱谷
3)To levy taxes钱谷征收
4)Anti-Money Laundering金融反洗钱
1.The Research on the Application of Knowledge Discovery in Databases in Anti-Money Laundering Field;知识发现在金融反洗钱领域中的应用研究
6)accommodate a person with money给某人钱通融一下
