移民英文小说汉译,English literature by immigrants
1)English literature by immigrants移民英文小说汉译
2)Chinese translation of English articles英文汉译
3)The stories of Migrate移民小说

1.A Migrant City and Migrant Novels--On the Migrant Novels and Novellas Created in Shanghai in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic;移民都市与移民小说——论清末民初上海小说中的移民题材中长篇
2.The Narrative Art of Living Situation of Female Characters in Yan Geling s Fictions about New Immigrants;严歌苓新移民小说中的女性生存叙事
3.On New Immigration Novel Authors and Their Motivations;新移民小说创作主体及创作动机管窥
4.Narration of Sufferings in Migrant Novels Since 1990s;20世纪90年代以来乡土移民小说的苦难叙事
5.From"Home"to the Otherland and to the World:Writing Across the Boundaries in the Three-Dimensional Geographic Spaces in New Immigrant Novels从原乡、异乡到世界——新移民小说中三重地理空间的跨界书写
6.The New Immigrant Pursuit of Identity -On Yan Chungou s novel;新移民的身份追寻——颜纯钩小说简论
7.Description of Chinese Immigrant Community in Thomas Burke s Novels;托马斯·柏克小说里的华人移民社会
8.On the Immigrant Characters in West-Lake Novels during Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties;论明末清初西湖小说人物形象的移民化倾向
9.A Comparative Study on the Novel Which the Theme is the Immigration of Jiandao of Contradiction and Conflict间岛移民题材小说之矛盾冲突比较研究
10.Bernard Malamud's Perspective into Inter-ethnic Relations移民的境遇——马拉默德小说中的种族抒写
11.Her reputation largely rests on her novels about immigrants on Nebraska prairie and the American Southwest.她的小说以描写内布拉斯加州及美国西南部的移民生活著称于世。
12.A Throughbreaking of New Immigrant Literature --On Canadian Chinese novelist Zhangling s Writings;新移民文学的崭新突破——评华人作家张翎"跨越边界"的小说创作
13.Human Desires and Existential Dislocation--A Survey of the Fiction Creation of Immigrant Writers in Wuyi Region;人性的欲望与生存的错位——五邑移民作家小说创作简论
14.The Change of Chinese American's Cultural Identity in Amy Tan's The Bonesetter's Daughter分裂与认同——从谭恩美小说《接骨师之女》看华人移民流变的文化认同
15.Popular Writing in an Elevated Style--A Study of Online Fiction Creation by Shao Jun,a New Migrant Writer in North America精英姿态的大众写作——北美新移民网络作家少君小说研究(1988-1998)
16.The Unreasonable:The "Other" Phase of the New Immigrant Society in Sha Shi's Writings不可理喻:新移民社会的另类展示——论沙石的小说创作
17.Mental Acceptance with Resettlement Policies and Worries of Xiaolangdi Reservoir Relocatees;小浪底水库移民对移民政策的认同及顾虑心理
18.Speak on Behalf of the People with Novels --An Analysis on Lu Tian-ming s Novels;用小说文本为人民代言——陆天明小说论

Chinese translation of English articles英文汉译
3)The stories of Migrate移民小说
4)English Novel英文小说
5)C-E translation of political writing政论文汉英翻译
1.This thesis runs its systematic discussion on it and discusses how two techniques--addition and omission are employed in the direction of Nida s Redundant Information Theory, hoping to help translator improve the quality of C-E translation of political writings.本文系统地探讨了增词法及减词法在政论文汉英翻译中的运用,并以奈达的剩余信息理论作为研究的理论基础。
6)English-Chinese literary translation英汉文学翻译

移民移民  移民人口迁移的一种形式。一定数量的人口由于各种原因,离开原来的居住地,到另外一个距离较远的地方定居和谋生,一般情况下不再返回原地居住。移民的原因可分为主动性原因和被动性原因。主动性移民指移民主动迁往新的地区.以追求新的生活环境和生活方式等。被动性移民指因某些自然的或社会的原因而被迫迁移到新的居住地。还有一种强制性移民,这些移民被当作奴隶贩卖。移民的方式有自发性移民和计划性移民。自发性移民是移民自发、无组织地自由迁移,计划性移民是国家有计划地迁移人口到确定的地域居住。从移民的国籍范围看,有国内移民和国际移民。国内移民是移民在本国境内由原居住地迁移到新居住地,国际移民是移民越过国界迁往别国。在不同时代,移民具有不同特征。古代自然灾害移民主要是因纯自然性质的天灾引起的,而现代自然灾害移民则往往与人为的环境破坏有关。90年代初,因全球经济发展越来越一体化、交通工具越来越发达,国际移民出现新的特征:移民国际化,即成为一种国际普遍现象;移民加速化,即相对80年代,移民越来越多;移民区域化,即经济、政治关系较为密切的国家之间移民增多;移民原因复杂化,即既有经济、政洽生移民,也有家庭、婚姻性的移民。另外,在国内和国际间,移民国流现象也在增加。在古代和近代,移民较少回流,但在现代,移昆时常回流。西欧和北美洲之间移民回流较为明显。