马龙潜,Ma Longqian
1)Ma Longqian马龙潜
1.In this context, Ma Longqian has always adhered to the basic study of literature Science.在此种背景下,马龙潜坚守文艺学基础理论研究的园地,对文艺本质这个文艺学最基本的理论问题进行了深入探索,从文艺主客体关系角度提出了主客体结构论文艺学观念,并初步勾勒出其体系框架的基本面貌。
1.Consideration on Strengthening Environmental Protection in Malong;关于加强马龙县环境保护工作的几点思考
2.Ecological Environment Construction and Protection of Malong;马龙县生态环境建设与保护
3.The importance and necessity of environmental monitoring on environmental protection and sustainable development in Malong County are presented.阐述了环境监测工作对促进马龙环境保护和可持续发展的重要性和必要性,马龙监测站面临的问题等,提出了加强马龙环境监测工作的建议。

1.the traffic is extremely heavy.路上车水马龙,拥挤不堪。
2.The city is bustling with life.城里车水马龙,生气勃勃。
3.What traffic and what crowds!真是人山人海,车水马龙
4.Weaved our way through the heavy traffic.在车水马龙中迂回行进
5.The Study and Development of Forecast and Early-Warning Software System for Potato Late Blight in MaLong;马龙地区马铃薯晚疫病预警系统的研制
6.The tourist traffic was very busy that day. There was an endless stream of visitors.那天真是车水马龙, 游览的人络绎不绝。
7.The guests had all arrived, and the gateway was crowded with coaches.宾客们都到了,门口车水马龙
8.Malone is lonely, eating long abalone alone.马龙很寂寞,自己一个人吃着长鲍鱼。
9.He walked into the Malones'flat as bold as brass.他大摇大摆走进马龙家的一套房间。
10.The street s of Hanoi bustled with evening traffic and pedestrians.越南河内的夜晚,街道人流拥挤、水马龙
11.The city has grown; there was heavy traffic on the streets.这个城市发展了, 处处车水马龙
12.At the time the area ws known for its horses and carriages.当时的时代广场以车水马龙闻名。
13.Do you have a response for Marlon?你对马龙.白兰度有什么要说的吗?
14.Pitche-Buruntuma Highway皮切-布龙图马公路
15.The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose.马厩已用水龙管冲洗过。
16.Speculation on the Martial Art Form from the Gong Shun-long s Proposition "A White Horse is not Equal to Horse";试以公孙龙“白马非马”命题思辨武术套路节奏
17.fabric of maguey fibre, woven机织马奎龙舌半属叶纤维织物
18."And later, when your dragon-horse, Born of the sky, Had Banished earthly horses for ten thousand generations,"斯须九重真龙出, 一洗万古凡马空。

1.Consideration on Strengthening Environmental Protection in Malong;关于加强马龙县环境保护工作的几点思考
2.Ecological Environment Construction and Protection of Malong;马龙县生态环境建设与保护
3.The importance and necessity of environmental monitoring on environmental protection and sustainable development in Malong County are presented.阐述了环境监测工作对促进马龙环境保护和可持续发展的重要性和必要性,马龙监测站面临的问题等,提出了加强马龙环境监测工作的建议。
3)Under Siege2暴走潜龙
4)ABsconded without trace潜龙无踪
5)A talent is useless when secluded潜龙无用
6)Qianjiang Longwan潜江龙湾
