1.Brief Talk on the Art of Singing;关于歌唱艺术的几个问题
2.Shift of the recitation skills of tone and intonation in singing;朗诵中“语气与语调”的处理技巧在歌唱中的迁移

1.The birds sang, the proles sang. the Party did not sing.鸟儿歌唱,无产者歌唱,但党却不歌唱
2.When the singer finished, we clapped.歌唱家唱完时,我们鼓掌。
3.encore a singer [song]要求歌唱者再唱一次
4.To chant or recite in a musical monotone.吟诵,歌唱在乐曲声中吟诵或歌唱
5."She sings well, you sing better."她歌唱得棒,你歌唱得更棒。
6.The act, technique, or art of singing.歌唱歌唱的行为、技巧或艺术
7.The singer led off with a popular ballad.歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。
8.Controlling and Training the Nervous Psychology of Singing;歌唱紧张的心理调控及歌唱心理训练
9.On the Path of Beginners in Singing to the Enhancement of Singing Effect;试论初学唱歌者提高歌唱效果的途径
10.She sings in the school choir.她在校唱诗班唱歌.
11.Finally the Internationale was sung.最后唱《国际歌》。
12.let us sing our A B C.我们来唱abC歌吧。
13.The national anthem goes like this...国歌是这样唱的...
14.warble songs以颤声唱歌[鸣啼]
15.A B C D E F G Sing a song of A B C.唱一首AbC字母歌。
16.You like singing, is that right?你喜欢唱歌,是吗?
17.shrill an order [a song]高声下令 [唱歌]
18.speak, chant, or declaim in a singsong.歌舞会上说、唱、诵。

1.Acoustic Parameters of Singing Voice;歌唱艺术嗓音声学参数分析
2.The Relation Between Vocal Cords Closing And Breathing While Singing;歌唱发声时声带闭合与呼吸的关系
1.Isawa Shuji、Tamura Torazō、shōka and the Introduction of Western Musical Education in Meiji Japan;伊沢修二、文部省、唱歌、明治维新、西洋音乐——艾泼斯坦《明治时期西洋音乐在日本之发轫》述评
4)singing training歌唱训练
1.On the Important Factor of Singing Training Language Function;论歌唱训练中的重要因素——语言功能
2.Objective: To investigate the efficacy of singing training in the treatment of chronic schizophrenia.目的 :探讨歌唱训练在慢性精神分裂症患者康复中的效果。
3.The imagination in singing training is a way to control selfconsciousness.歌唱训练中的想象,实为一项自我意识调控法。
5)Singing is harmfulto QI歌唱伤气
6)singing psychology歌唱心理
1.This paper analyzes why there is singing psychology and effects that it has on singing and teaching, points out the methods and necessity of developing good singing psychology.文章分析了歌唱心理的产生原因及其对歌唱和教学活动的影响,提出培养良好的歌唱心理的方法和重要性。
2.The excellent singing skills and scientific singing psychology play an important role to achieve better results in vocality learning and practice.具有扎实的歌唱技能,同时培养科学的歌唱心理是歌唱者在声乐学习与声乐实践中取得良好效果的保障。
3.It is necessary to pay attention to the position and function of the singing psychology in singing,to strengthen the training the students attention,volition,memory,imagination,sensibility,thinking and performance,to adopt scientific methods to lead by improving the occasion to represent vocality art.重视歌唱心理在演唱中的地位和作用,加强学生在注意、意志、记忆、想象、情感、思维、表演几个歌唱心理方面的培养,因势利导地采取科学方法加以引导,尽可能正确、规范、完善地去表现声乐艺术。
