1.The purpose of the article was to organize the status of research Gong-mode in Xi an drum music.本文旨在对西安鼓乐宫调问题的研究状况进行梳理,从西安鼓乐“四调”的性质、音阶形态、“以上代勾”问题、“同均三宫”问题、西安鼓乐宫调与其它乐调的关系等五个方面进行综述,并就西安鼓乐宫调研究存在的问题提出自己的看法。
2.The paper taken kuyin notation as a subject, pointed out there was an absolutization knowledge to the relationship between the modes and the notation, furthermore, it analyze some misunderstanding on kuyin modes, expressed the necessary to pay attention to the logic and the sensitive way to distinguish the modes and study the Gong-modes.文章从苦音记谱问题切入 ,首先指出了调式与记谱关系上的一种绝对化的认识 ,然后重点剖析了苦音调式辨别的多数论、习惯论 ,揭示了这类观点、方法的盲目性的本质 ,表明了在调式辨别和宫调研究中增强理性自觉、注重逻辑规律的必要

1.A Study on the Tune Sort of Shizi Xu in Nanqu Jiugong Zhengshi;《南曲九宫正始》[狮子序]曲牌的宫调归属论析
2.The Nature Features in the Artistic Performance of Haizhou Five Gongs;海州五大宫调演唱艺术的自然性特点
3.Daqu,Xiaoqu Music and Others--Inspection about Haizhou Five Gong Mode;大曲、小曲及其他——海州五大宫调
4.On the Shortcoming of the Talking and Singing Art from TianbaoYishi Zhugongdiao;从《天宝遗事诸宫调》谈讲唱文艺之不足
5.A Quantitative study on the Yuan Dynasty s drama tunes and melodies;元杂剧宫调、曲牌运用情况的量化研究
6.Also About Relationships Between "Transition" and "Modulation";也"谈 旋宫又转调 与 转调又旋宫 "
7.regulate menstruation By eliminating stagnation of qi, warm the uterus and stop metrorrhagia解郁调经,暖宫止崩
8.Reconstruct Pitches of Tone of Every Tone s Music Word in Jiugong Dacheng Beici Scores(九宫大成北词宫谱);《九宫大成北词宫谱》各声调乐字调值拟测
9.The Relation between Nitric Oxide in Endometrium and Disfunctional Uterine Beeding;子宫内膜中NO含量与功能失调性子宫出血的关系
10.Clinical Application of Uteroscope in Disfunctional Uterine Bleeding宫腔镜在功能失调性子宫出血中的临床应用
11.About Relationship Between "Note Mutation" and "Transition"--Talking with Yongfu Liu;谈"旋宫又转调"与"转调又旋宫"——兼与刘永福先生商榷
12.He delighted in allegory, and in the elaborate sentiments of courtly love.他喜欢寓言,喜欢宫廷爱情的细腻情调。
13.Leonurus ointment (a traditional Chinese medicine) can regulate menstruation By eliminating stagnation of qi, warming the uterus and stopping metrorrhagia.益母草膏(中药),解郁调经,暖宫止崩。
14.The White House response to his comment was relatively low key.白宫对他的言论反应相当的低调。
15.ovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding排卵性功能失调性子宫出血
16.anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding无排卵性功能失调性子宫出血
17.Expression and Regulation of Galectin-3 in the Patients with Endometriosis;Galectin-3在子宫内膜异位症的表达及调节
18.Study on the Expression of VEGF and Its Regulation in Human Endometrium;人子宫内膜VEGF表达及其调控因素研究

1.The legend,the“Fan of Peach Blossom”,mainly takes the modes of Xian Lugong and Nan Lugong.《桃花扇》传奇所用宫调以 [仙吕宫 ]和 [南吕宫 ]为主 ,音乐感情与离合之情、兴亡之感和谐一致 ,男女主角侯方域和李香君的唱词所属宫调又与各自性格吻合。
3)a series of qupai in the same category of gongdiao宫调联套
4)gongdiao and qupai宫调曲牌
1.of Jurchen ballad,dancing,Zhugongdiao,Jinyuanben set a foundation for the prosperity of Yuan operas.金代女真文化与文学具有独特的民族文化特点,对元曲的繁荣产生了积极的促进作用,女真歌谣与歌舞、诸宫调、金院本在思想内容、艺术表现形式、艺术风格等方面为元曲尤其是杂剧的繁荣奠定了基础;金代女真帝王对通俗文学的喜好和宽松的文化政策,南北文化的交流融合,由金入元的作家队伍等,共同促进了通俗文学元曲和小说的发展与繁荣,使元杂剧迅速走向中国古典戏曲的黄金时代。
2.Considered in the genre of story-telling literature, zhugongdiao (the multiple tunes), like the transformed writings of the Tang Dynasty, follows the same tradition.从讲唱文学这一样式来看 ,诸宫调与唐代变文是一脉相承的 ;而从音乐体制来看 ,诸宫调与曲子词则是“血肉相连”。
6)Five Gongs五大宫调
1.The Nature Features in the Artistic Performance of Haizhou Five Gongs;海州五大宫调演唱艺术的自然性特点
