1.A Discussion on Emotionality of Chinese Archaic Ideologist;中国古代思想家对情绪性的论述
2.Emotionality Trait of Personality in Pupils Abused受虐待小学生人格的情绪性维度分析
3.The aim of this stndy was to investigate the role and interaction effects of experimental stress, emotionality and cage shelf level in spontaneous hereditary diabetes mellitus of Chinese Hamsters, and to find out risk factors in onset/incidence of animal diabetes.研究实验性应激、情绪性、笼架水平在中国地鼠糖尿病发生中的作用强度及其交互作用 ,以确定中国地鼠糖尿病发生危险因素。

1.non emotional behavior非情绪性行为 非情绪性行为
2.Emotional Implicit Memory: Emotion Index of Implicit Memory;情绪性内隐记忆:内隐记忆中的情绪指标
3.A Research on the Relationships of Children's Emotionality and Emotion Control With Social Adaptability儿童情绪性及情绪控制与社会适应能力的关系研究
4.College Students Emotional Quotient and Emotional Stability情绪智力与大学生情绪稳定性的相关
5.The Role of Emotional Stability and Emotion Acknowledgment in the Generation of the Mood-Congruence Effect情绪稳定性与情绪关注在情绪一致性效应产生中的作用
6.offensive to the mind.对情绪具有攻击性的。
7.rational-emotive therapy理性情绪疗法(心理学)
8.A Study on the Correlation of High School Students Emotion Regulation Strategies and Negative Emotions;中学生情绪调节策略与负性情绪的相关研究
9.The Research of Impact of Emotional Education to the Emotional Stability of Junior One Students;情绪教育对初一学生情绪稳定性影响的研究
11.An Experimental Research on Positive Emotional Words and the Priming Effect of Implicit Emotion正性情绪词与内隐情绪启动效应的实验研究
12.Presence of incident depressed mood at2 consecutive annual clinic visits defined the incidence of recurrent depressed mood.在两年的随访中再次出现的情绪低落称为反复发性情绪低落。
13.A Study on the Effect of a REE Based Counseling Program on Improving Students Emotion in High School;基于理性情绪教育的辅导课程对改善高中生不良情绪的效果研究
14.The Theoretical Analysis of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and the Research That the University Student;理性情绪行为疗法理论分析及其对大学生抑郁情绪调控的研究
15.Study on emotional intelligence and personality in soldiers with TMMS;应用元情绪量表对士兵的情绪智力与个性特点研究
16.Comprehensive Growth towards a Success;全面发展 走向成功——从情绪智商的重要性谈大学生的情绪智力开发
17.(of a person)changing quickly from one mood or interest to another;fickle(指人)情绪或兴趣多变的,无常性的
18.seasonal affective disorderph.1. 季节性情绪波动(或失调)

1.Their artistic characteristics are intense emotions and realistic spirit of criticism.其创作特色集中表现为创作主体强烈的情绪性及其现实的批判精
3)A mood; a disposition.情绪;性情
4)negative emotion负性情绪
1.A control study of personality characteristics,life events,negative emotion between patients with acute myocardial infarction and health adults;急性心肌梗塞患者与正常人个性特征生活事件和负性情绪对照研究
2.A Study of Related Factors Between Negative Emotion and Acute Myocardial Infarction;急性心肌梗死患者与负性情绪的相关因素探讨
3.Analysis on negative emotion and influential factors of spouses loss;丧偶人群负性情绪及影响因素分析
5)Negative emotions负性情绪
1.Analysis and adjustment of students negative emotions in volleyball teaching;排球教学中学生负性情绪产生的原因及调控
2.Emotional tradeoff difficulties refer that decision makers usually feel it difficult to tradeoff alternatives because of negative emotions experienced when they have to tradeoff valued goals.情绪性权衡困难是指决策者在对与价值目标相关的特性进行权衡时会产生负性情绪,从而在情感上难以对不同的特性进行权衡。
3.From the angle of study pressure,family economic status,loving and so on, the cause of the negative emotions is analysed,and timely,effective psychological nursing is probed into so as to reduce or eliminate deterioration of the negative emotions and further to vavoid causing the possibility of getting into the emotional barrier.从学习压力、家庭经济、恋爱等多方面因素分析大学生负性情绪产生的原因 ,探讨适时有效的心理护理 ,减少或消除大学生负性情绪恶化进而陷入情绪障碍的可能性 。
6)negative mood负性情绪
1.Efficary of Interventions on pain and negative mood in patients with X syndrome;X综合征患者疼痛及负性情绪的干预效果研究
2.To investigate the influence of psychosomatic treatment on the negative mood of the patients with advanced cancer.[目的]探讨身心综合治疗对晚期肿瘤病人负性情绪的影响。

情绪性腹泻情绪性腹泻 胃肠神经功能紊乱的一种表现,因小肠功能紊乱而致。主要表现为慢性水样腹泻,伴脐周不适或阵痛与肠鸣,常因精神紧张或情绪激动而诱发。确诊必须先排除各种器质性疾病。