1.In the paper the love story of Zijun and Juansheng is narrated,with the emphsis on the flashback.从叙事语法看,文本采用倒叙的手法,叙述了子君与涓生的性爱故事;运用第一人称的限知视角,表现了涓生失去子君后的懊悔心理。
2.This paper analyzes the narration, flashback and interlaced styles of films in the new times in the view of sequence.从时序入手 ,通过对新时期电影中的顺序、倒叙、交错叙事手法的分析梳理 ,试图探寻在西方电影思潮的影响下 ,这一叙事技巧最活跃时期 ,在时间处理上诸种尝试。
3.In The book Zuozhuan there are sequential narration and flashback in terms of narrative time, with the former type dominating, which is closely related to the thinking habit of the Han nationality.《左传》中有顺叙、倒叙等类型的叙事时间。

1.At this point the writer puts in [inserts] a flashback.作者在这里安插了一段倒叙
2.The script cuts back to the old hero's childhood.剧本倒叙到老英雄的童年。
3.The events of his boyhood are shown in a flashback.他童年的故事是用倒叙法来表现的。
4.The film suddenly flashed back to the hero's childhood.电影突然倒叙到主人公的孩提时代。
5.The film suddenly flashed back to the heroine's youth.电影镜头突然倒叙到女主角的青年时代。
6.The writer started his novel by cutting back to events which happened long time ago作者采用倒叙手法落笔,一开始就写许多年前发生的事情。
7.The event that leads up to the murder is shown in a series of flashback.酿成谋杀案的各个环节是通过一系列倒叙手法来表现的。
8.The event that lead up to the murder is show in a series of flashback酿成谋杀案的各个环节是通过一系列倒叙手法来表现的
9.The events that led up to the murder were shown in a series of flashbacks.酿成谋杀案的各个环节是通过一系列倒叙手法来表现的.
10.The English Patient tells the story in flashback of an archaeological explorer's experiences in Egypt in the 1930s and early 1940s.《英国病人》以倒叙的形式讲述了一名考古勘探者20世纪30年代和40年代初期在埃及的经历。
11.Through his narrations in Mandarin and flashbacks, we learn more of Ming's thoughts and start to piece together the story of his love with Fei and the tragedy of his life.通过一系列的倒叙,我们更多的了解了明,拼凑起他与菲的爱情故事和他伤心的过往。
12.On the "Anachronics" and its Meaning in the Narration of Jin Ping Mei;《金瓶梅》叙事的“时间倒错”及其意义
13.U-shaped and Inverted U-shaped Prototype Narrative Structure in Meiyu Night《梅雨之夕》的U型和倒置U型的原型叙事结构
14.His death has been almost universally attributed to Syria and in Lebanon led to the fall of the Syrian sponsored government.他的死几乎普遍被归咎于叙利亚,并且在黎巴嫩导致了受叙利亚扶持的政府的倒台。
15.Quotation and Variation of Narrative Structure of the Bible in Flannery O'Connor's Story--The Application of Inverted U-shaped Structure奥康纳小说对圣经叙事结构的缓引与变异——倒置U形叙事结构的运用
16.It would be pleasant to tell of her life with the fisherman and wife in their cottage on the moors.我倒是乐意讲叙她与渔夫妇在荒野小茅屋里的生活情形。
17.On Anachronism and Narration Distance of A Rose for Emily;《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》的时间倒错和叙事距离
18.The act of inverting.倒置,倒转颠倒的动作

flashing back method倒叙法
3)in flashback以倒叙手段
4)a disjointed flashback没有条理的倒叙
5)Inquiry about Flashback关于倒叙的质疑
1.P+dao+P" and "P+dao+bu/mei+P;“P倒P”和“P倒不/没P”
2.This article takes Vietnamese foreign students in primary, middle advanced level as research object, observing their errors when they study Chinese function words“dao”、“que”and“dan”.本文以初级、中高级阶段的越南留学生作为研究对象,对他们学习汉语虚词“倒”、“却”及“但”产生的偏误进行归类,其偏误主要表现在三个层面:句法、语义和语用。
