1.The test has used the present time to distinct target and distractor.作为注意的机制——抑制在注意选择中对分心物是如何起作用的 ,抑制和干扰是一种什么关系 ?笔者采用负启动实验范式 ,利用目标、分心物呈现时间先后来分离分心物的干扰作用 。
2.We focused on how number of distractor,cue validity and singleton or non-singleton affect the development of selective attention of primary school children.被试为小学一、三、五年级学生,研究主要考察分心物数量、线索有效性和目标新异性对小学生注意发展的影响。
3.Three factors involved were number of distractor,color changing of target and target form changing.采用多目标追踪范式考察运动员在视觉注意追踪任务中的表现,实验主要考察分心物数量、目标颜色变化和目标运动形式变化对运动员视觉注意追踪任务的影响。
2)distractor inhibitory mechanism分心物抑制机制
3)biopolymer active center生物高分子活性中心

1.Studies of Antioxidant Capabilities of the Organism with Diet Therapy Effect by the Distributions of the Biopolymer Active Center Elements;食疗型生物体中生物高分子活性中心元素分布与其抗氧化功能关系的研究
2.The Relationship between the Distribution of the Polymer Active Center Elements and Radical Scavenging Activity in Tea茶叶中生物高分子活性中心元素的群子统计分布与其清除自由基能力的关系的研究
3.The Research on the Distribution Law of Biopolymer Element Active Center by the JRG-Fourth Statistical Mechanics Scale Theory;生物高分子元素活性中心分布规律的第四统计力学理论标度研究
4.Studies on Chemical Constituents and Bioactivities of Cynanchum Komarovii;牛心朴子化学成分及生物活性的研究
5.Bioactivity of Biocompatible Polymer Combining Small Molecule Drug;生物相容高分子结合小分子药物的生物活性研究
6.Polymeric Fibrous and Membranous Materials,Containing Immobilized Bioactive Substances含有固化生物活性物质的高分子纤维及膜材料
7.Studies of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease by the Characteristics of the Elemental Distribution in the Biopolymer Active Centers;利用生物大分子活性中心元素群态分布特点诠释心脑血管相关疾病
8.Macromolecular Modifications and Evaluation of Bioactive Peptides生物活性肽的大分子修饰及活性研究
9.In Vitro Effect of Biologically Active Coating on Nitinol Devices Designed for the Closure of Intracardiac Shunt;生物活性分子共价包被心脏植入装置提高介入疗效的体外实验研究
10.The Research of Active Components Extraction and the Interaction between Biomacromolecule and Active Components of Andrographis Paniculata Nees穿心莲活性成分提制分析及其与生物大分子作用机理研究
11.Bioactive Constituents from Alternanthera Philoxeroides & Abacopteris Penangiana;民间药物空心莲子草和披针新月蕨生物活性成分研究
12.The Cellular and Molecular Biological Studies on the Anticancer Activities of DRG and HS-2, Two Bioactive Compounds from Chinese Medicinal Herbs;中草药活性成分DRG和HS-2抗癌活性的细胞分子生物学研究
13.Study on the Isolation and Bioactivity of Active Ingredients from Chinese Traditional Herbs Reheum Officinal Baill and Ribes. Henry French et al.;大黄、茶藨子等中草药活性成分的提取分离及生物活性研究
14.Evaluation the potency of low-molecular-weight heparin by bio-statistical methods低分子肝素活性测定中生物统计的应用
15.Studies on Preparation and Performance of Ha/Uhmwpe Biomaterial;羟基磷灰石/超高分子量聚乙烯生物活性复合材料制备及性能研究
16.An Assessment of the Molecular Basis of Toxin-induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy in an Avian Animal Model扩张性心肌病在禽类模型中的分子生物学评估
17.Biodegradation and Structure-biodegradation Relationship of Substituted Benzenes Using Activated Sludge;活性污泥中取代苯类化合物的生物降解性与分子结构关系的研究
18.Study on Construction of the Electro-bioactive Coating on the Dental Implant Surface: Use of Electrically Conductive Polypyrrole (PPy);导电高分子PPy构建种植体表面电生物活性层的应用基础研究

distractor inhibitory mechanism分心物抑制机制
3)biopolymer active center生物高分子活性中心
4)facilitation of distractor repetition重复分心物促进效应
5)central dogma of molecular biology of the firm企业分子生物中心法则
6)supramolecular extract of Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.)Nees穿心莲超分子提取物

神分心经【神分心经】 (仪式)法会之初,为劝请神祇读般若心经一卷,以拂魔障。(参见:神分)