1.On the supplement of mental health test in the postgraduates reexamination研究生复试中的心理健康测查嵌入
2.The imperial reexamination can be traced back to the Tang and Song Dynasty,which extended to the Ming Dynasty when it was held occasionally because it was not systematized.科举考试的复试起于唐宋,明代沿袭其旧,而未形成制度,系偶一为之。
3.On the basic of postgraduate admission, examination reform introduction, the paper studes the characteristic and function of the reexamination and the shortcomings in the admission examination in the past years; It analyzes how to guarantee reexamination fair with the fair way, procedure, content, form and etc.作者在介绍硕士研究生入学考试改革背景的基础上,分析了入学考试中初试、复试环节各自的特点、作用发及发住考试模式中存在的弊端,从复试的组织方式、程序、内容、形式等方面对如何保证复试环节的公平与公正进行了探讨。

1.re-qualification of turntable ladder operator旋转台钢梯车操作复试
2.Experimental Research on Intelligent Self-monitoring and Self-repairing of Concrete Beam with SMA;SMA复合混凝土梁智能自监测自修复试验研究
3.Repeated Creep and Recovery Test for Identifying Elastomeric Polymer-Modified Asphalt重复蠕变与恢复试验鉴别弹性聚合物改性沥青
4.Bar to Award of Merit [Royal Life Saving Society]成绩特奖复试年带〔英国皇家救生会〕;“磁章”复试年带〔英国皇家救生会〕
5.endurance testing machine for torsion repeated重复扭转疲劳试验机
6.combined stress fatigue tester复合应力疲劳试验机
7.Test chart for electrostatic copying processGB/T4591-1992静电复印测试版
8.high speed reciprocating friction testing machine高速往复式摩擦试验机
9.running a build-up进行一次压力恢复测试
10.endurance testing machine for repeated torsion反复扭转疲劳试验机
11.reversed bending fatigue machine反复弯曲疲劳试验机
12.cloth repeated stress machine织物反复应力试验机
13.In preparing for the exam, John reviewed his notes.约翰复习笔记准备考试。
14.It's very complicated to have the goods reinspected and tested.这批货测试和复验起来比较复杂
15.Methods of test for enamelled wires--Repeated scrape resistance testGB/T4074.15-1983漆包线试验方法往复刮漆试验
16.The Study and Manufacture of Reciprocating Tribometer & Friction Test;往复式摩擦试验机的研制及摩擦试验
17.again at a midway point, and then again in final review before the exams.然后中期复习一次,最后考试前再复习一次。
18.An Analysis of YAN Fu s Disassociation from and Return to Chinese Traditional Culture;试析严复对中国传统文化的"离异"与"复归

1.Methods:The doubtful positive samples with conventional sterility test were retested with conventional sterility test and bacteria- collecting sterility test, including five breeds and twenty batches.方法:将常规法检测中的可疑阳性样品(5个品种、20批次),用常规法和细菌集菌法进行复试
3)second round of examinations复试
1.The second round of examinations is an important part of the graduate record examination and a basic link of assuring the student quality.复试是硕士研究生招生考试的重要组成部分,是保证生源质量的基础环节,应构建体现程序公正和实体公正的模式设计,保证复试的公平、公正,选拔出专业知识较为全面、具有一定科研潜质、综合素质较高的优秀考生,积极推动中国硕士研究生教育的良性发展。
2.Graduate students enrollment second round of examinations is a comprehensive quality evaluation of candidates.硕士研究生招生复试是对考生素质与能力的综合测评。
5)retest evaluation复试评价
6)repeated trial重复试验
