1.Narrative Therapy for Lovelorn Problems失恋问题的叙事治疗:个案报告
2.In terms of the universities love question on the campus,combining with the examples all sorts of lovelorn behaviours performance some university student self-adjustment means are rasied,and suggestion of the university educators about their education unblocked work is put forward.就大学校园里日益普遍的恋爱问题,结合实例分析阐述了失恋的种种行为表现,提出了大学生自我调节的办法,并对高校教育工作者的教育疏导工作提出了建议。

1.Loving and is disappointed in a love affair being better than essence never loves.恋爱而失恋胜过根本不曾恋爱。
2.Once again he was disappointed in love, with his heart being like a dead tree.他又一次失恋,心如槁木。
3.a popular song concerned with disappointment in love.有关失恋的流行歌曲。
4.Lovesick Brit Piles on Pounds失恋的布莱妮体重倍增
5.Where love fails, we espy all faults .一旦失恋,缺点易见。
6.Mary went mad because she was disappointed in a love affair玛丽因失恋而发疯。
7.apparently the result of a failed romantic relationship.显然因为失恋的原因。
8.The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,失恋的痛苦,公堂的延宕,
9."We're fellow sufferers now.I've been jilted and so have you.You needn't put on a front or try to save face around me.咱们现在是同病相怜,我失恋,你也失恋,当着我,你不用装假挣面子。
10.The breakup, or failure in love, seems to bear lots of subtle resemblances to the previous one, too.后来的分手,或者失恋,跟上次失恋也好像有很多微妙的相似。
11.One personal brokenhearted time, the songs hear all are comfort you to is brokenhearted!一个人失恋的时候,所听到的歌都是在安慰你失恋的!
12.She was beginning to know the pang of disappointed love.她开始尝到了失恋的痛苦。
13.He was crossed in love and was in no mood for anything.他失恋了,没心情做任何事。
14.marry a different girl on the reBound失恋后立即与另一女孩结婚
15.He was once crossed in love in college他在大学时曾失恋过一次。
16.He has been disappointed in love three times already, but he always comes up smiling.他已三次失恋,但仍很乐观。
17.He was crossed in love and looked zonked.他失恋了,一副没精打彩的样子。
18.After the breakup, she is no longer able to laugh or lighten up.(失恋后,她笑不出来也轻松不起来。

Lovelorn process失恋过程
3)《My Lost Love》《我的失恋》
1.Farewell to tradition Face to nothing——The reading and explanation of the cultural content of 《My Lost Love》written by LU Xun;诀别传统 直面虚无——解读鲁迅《我的失恋》的文化内涵
4)lovelorn crisis失恋危机
1.Therefore, it is necessary for us to study the college students lovelorn crisis and the suicide behaviors, and to strengthen the work of crisis intervention.因此,有必要对大学生失恋危机及自杀行为进行研究和加强对危机的干预工作。
6)He was disappointed in love.他失恋了。
