1.Methods A tota l of 1800 stud ents from nice vocational colleges in provinces of Jiangsu, Shandong and Anhui, including 1060 males and 740 famales, were studied and investigated by use of IA D Scale, Kartaier s 16 personality factors test(16PF).使用网络成瘾诊断量表、卡特尔16种人格因素测验(简称16PF),进行比较分析。
2.Methods 213 samples of youthful and middle-aged primary officials have been tested using the methods of 16PF and analyzed with SPSS program.方法采用卡特尔16种人格因素测验(16PF),对杭州市213名中青年领导干部作了测量,并用SPSS软件对数据进行处理。

1.Survey on Young Police Officers by Means of 16PF Measurement年轻警察卡特尔16种人格因素测验调查
2.Analysis of Carter 16PF Measure with College Students大学生卡特尔16种人格因素测查分析
3.Confirmation of construct validity of Cattell s 16-personality factor questionnaire (Chinese revision);卡特尔16种人格因素(中国版)构念效度的验证
4.Analysis of 16PF Test on Students 2005;2005级大学生卡特尔16种人格因素测量结果分析
5.Analysis of Carter 16PF measure with polytechnic college students of national defense理工院校国防生卡特尔16种人格因素测查分析
6.A Research on the Cattel s 16 PF of Uygur Students in XinJiang.;新疆地区维吾尔族大学生卡特尔16种人格因素测查分析
7.Establishment of national norm of Cattell 16 personality factor questionnaire in military personnel;卡特尔16种人格因素问卷中国军人常模的建立
8.16 personality factors test shows that old people are more deferential and self-assured.应用卡氏16项人格因素测验进行人格特征的测查。
9.Correlation between the Rorschach inkblot method and 16 personality factor questionnaire罗夏墨迹技术与卡特尔16种人格因素问卷的相关特征(英文)
10.An Analysis on 16PF Survey Results of 157 Male Army Trainee;贵州省陆军某部男性新兵卡特尔16种人格因素分析
11.Cattell 16 PF is an important tool of personality testing .卡特尔16特征是人格测评的重要工具。
12.Methods Two hundred navy divers were tested in group with Cattell Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF).方法采用卡特尔 16种个性因素问卷对 2 0 0名海军潜水员进行团体测验。
13.Analysis on the Application of 16PF on the Personality Assessment of Party and Governmental Cadres;卡特尔16种个性因素量表(16PF)在党政领导干部人格评价中的应用分析
14.Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire卡氏十六种人格因素测验
15.In this paper,cattell 16PF is applied to study the personality traits of college students of Miao nationality in West Hunan.本文用《卡特尔十六种人格因素量表》研究了湘西苗族大学生的人格特征。
16.An Applied Study of Cattell s 16 Personality Factor Inventory Employed in Personality Assessment of Chinese Communist Party and Governmental Cadres;卡特尔十六种人格因素量表在党政领导干部人格评价中的应用研究
17.Examination and Analysis of Cattell s 16PF of Students in the Normal College and Comprehensive University;高师生与综合性院校大学生卡特尔16PF人格测验与分析
18.Analysis of 16 main personality factors of the students at two teacher colleges;两所师范院校学生16种主要人格因素调查分析

Cattell Raymond B.16 personality factor卡特尔16种人格因素
3)Cattell 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire卡特尔16种人格因素测试
1.Methods 666 students were surveyed with Cattell s Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire(16PF).方法采用卡特尔16种人格因素问卷对666名维族大学生进行测试。
2.Methods Using Cattell Sixteen Person ality Factor Que stionnaire (16PF) and questionnaire, to carry a comprehensive and systematic ana lysis on 2,272 ocean seamen.方法使用卡特尔16种人格因素问卷(16PF)以及测试者基本情况问卷等工具,对2272名远洋船员进行测试,并对测试结果进行分析。
1.Methods 377 middle school teachers were investigated with self-administered questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory and 16PF.方法采用一般自编调查问卷、Beck抑郁问卷(BDI)和卡特尔16种人格因素量表(16PF)对377名农村初级中学教师进行调查并做多元回归分析。
6)Cattell sixteen personality factor questionnaire卡特尔十六种人格因素测验
1.Methods 165 professional divers tested in group with Cattell sixteen personality factor questionnaire(16PF),with 49 sailors and 66 trainee divers chosen as the control.方法运用《卡特尔十六种人格因素测验》(16PF),选取职业潜水员165人进行团体施测,数据采用SPSS 13。

16项人格因素16项人格因素16 personality factors  16项人格因紊(16 Personality faetors)o因素自大一自责一种人格调查表,卡特尔(c attell,R.B.)Ql因素守旧一革新于1949年编制,故又称卡特尔16种QZ因素随俗一自立人格因素问卷(Cattell,5 16 PersonalityQ,因素任性一自律Faeto:Questionnaire)。经过多次修订,Q;因素松弛一紧张现分成5式。目的是测量人格本来特.,人~~一_~,、.,.~人~_~“‘~“~’曰“‘介~~竺川一/~尸16个因素又可再分出四个第二质(s ourco traits)。每一个因素由一个~“爪公二厂’-一”-一一兰一‘一_“罗一‘一~’份~岁’级的因素,即:分量表来测量,每一因素分两极。16-----一个因素如下:Ql因素内向一外向 Qn因素低焦虑一高焦虑 A因素含蓄一开朗Qlll因素敏感、情绪的一不敏感、 B因素智力低一智力高冷静的 C因素情绪激动一情绪稳定QW因素依赖的一独立的 E因素谦逊一武断5式不过是因受试者的文化程度 F因素有节制一冲动不同而对量表的项目数量进行了删 G因素权宜一认真节;而且在选择回答有的量表由从三 H因素害羞拘谨-冒失敢为个回答中选择一个,改由从两个中选 I因素不空想一空想一个。将结果换算成标准10分(平均 L因素信任一猜疑为5.5)。原量表按文化程度设立常模。 M因素实际的一想像的(龚雄先撰林传燕市) N因素爽直一世故