1.It is certain that self-responsibility is a basic requirement for a person s quality in future society, the basis of a sane personality.自我责任心是未来社会对人才素质的一项基本要求,是一个人健全人格的基础,它的培养是素质教育不可缺少的重要内容。
2.College students\' self-responsibility is college students\' the self-conscious attitude for assuming obligation and responsibility of self survival and growth.大学生自我责任心是大学生对自身生存和发展所应承担的义务和责任的自觉态度。
3.Cultivating the self-responsibility of young people is the indispensible demand of the development of the younger generation,enterprises and the country.自我责任心是个体对待生命全过程中关乎生存和发展事情的一种心理特征和行为倾向。

1.Inspiring Youths Regarding Self-responsibility: A Psychological Perspective青少年自我责任心培养的心理学思考
2.Urban Junior High School Student s Self-Responsibility Present Condition, Reason and Education Counter-Measures;城市初中生自我责任心现状、原因及对策研究
3.A Study on the Questionnaire and the Developmental Characteristics of Self-responsibility of College Students大学生自我责任心问卷编制及其发展特点
4.Self-Responsibility Attribution and Judgment:Mental Framework and Character自我责任归因与推断的心理结构与特征
5.I too have my responsibilities.我也有自己的责任,
6.Egoism and competition are, alas, stronger forces than public spirit and sense of duty.自我主义和竞争心理,唉!比公德心和责任感更有力。
7.Diligent; with sureness; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.勤奋,踏实,有责任心,对自己的工作尽职尽责。
8.She is mindful of her responsibilities.她对自己所负的责任铭记在心。
9.My in a dream lover will is occupy the industry heart, there is the man of the social responsibility and the family sense of responsibility.我的梦中情人将是有事业心,有社会责任心和家庭责任感的男子。
10.Search your heart and ask if you're not equally toblame.你扪心自问是否自己也同样要承担责任.
11.Search your heart and ask if you are not equally to blame .你扪心自问是否自己也同样要承担责任。
12.You don't need to worry about it. I'll take it upon myself.你不必担心,我来承担一切责任。
13.It is our duty to take good care of the advanced in years.悉心照顾老年人是我们的责任。
14.Research on the Responsibility Center Profit and Loss Calculation of Chinese Postal Service Enterprise;我国邮政企业责任中心损益核算研究
15.You must appreciate that I have my duty to perform, just as you have your duty.你得体谅我有我要履行的责任,正如您有您自己的责任一样。
16.It goes without saying that we have no obligations whatever in this matter.我方对此并无责任,自不待言。
17.I must make that my care.我一定得把这件事当作自己的责任。
18.Indeed I have reason to suspect myself on this head ;我确实有理由怀疑这是自己的责任。

self responsibility自我责任感
1.Sense of responsibility refers to individual s understanding of responsibility,emotion and behavior,which can be divided into self responsibility and social responsibility,both supplementing each other.责任感可分为自我责任感和社会责任感,二者相辅相成,彼此促进。
3)responsibility and self-confidence责任感和自尊心
1.That is to pay attention to the change of teachers’ teaching methods,improving the head teachers’ quality,fostering students’ proper interests and hobbies,cultivating their responsibility and self-confidence and the development of the whole students.本文论述了应该从五个方面抓好基础教育:注重教师教学方式的转变、注重班主任素质的提高、注重学生的正当兴趣和爱好的培养、注重学生责任感和自尊心的培养、注重全体学生的发展。
4)dutiful affection出自责任心的爱
5)university students' sense of self-responsibility大学生自我责任感
6)responsibility center责任中心
1.The method centers on cost program,achieves particular cost control of all process,and fulfills performance evaluation based on responsibility center.通过对以海尔、澳柯玛等企业成本费用控制模式的介绍,探讨在大型医院实现基于Intranet(内部互联网)平台,以成本项目为中心,通过制作年预算和月预算方式实现事前、事中、事后全过程成本费用精细化控制的基本方法,并以责任中心为基点,实现业绩评价。
2.Secondly, the thesis clearly introduces the steps of establishing responsibility center, and especially shows the disadvantages of traditional dividing responsibility center, then further differentiates responsibility center according to enterprise s value chain again.本文首先概括总结了责任会计的中国特色,进而指出我国对责任会计的研究与运用中还存在许多问题:再次,较为详细的介绍了责任中心的建立步骤,强调指出了传统对责任中心划分的弊病,并进而按照价值链对企业的责任中心进行了重新划分。
3.The main work of constructing enterprise s budget executing organization is to build enterprise budget responsibility network composed of all kinds of responsibility centers.构建企业预算执行组织的主要工作是构建由各种责任中心组成的企业预算责任网络。
