1.Perceptual sensitivity and mind-mindedness enriched the connotation of the sensitivity,exploring the relationship among them will help to the development of attachment theory and offer academic construction.感知敏感性和将心比心的研究丰富了敏感性的内涵,对于他们之间关系的探讨有助于依恋理论的发展和给依恋干预提供理论指导。

1.We are aliens in the eyes of some Singaporeans - a feeling that is understandable.我们是有些本地人眼中的陌生人,我们要将心比心
2.You need to draw on your empathy, putting yourself in their shoes, addressing their needs and concerns, as early in the communication as possible.你应该将心比心,换位思考,最终获得大家都期望的双赢结果。
3.Could "A penny for Your Thoughts" Facilitate the Win.win Settlement?--The Role of Perspective Taking in a Buyer-seller Negotiation;“将心比心”能促进双赢吗?——换位思考在买卖谈判中的作用
4.It promised to be an exciting one.这看来将是一场激动人心的比赛。
5.His comparison of the heart to a pump helped the children understand its action.他将心脏比作打气筒(抽水机)有助于孩子们了解心脏的作用。
6.His comparison of the heart to a pump help the children understand its action.他将心脏比作打气筒(抽水机)有助於孩子们了解心脏的作用。
7.The antenna and cable must be carefully matched to ensure a low Standing Wave Ratio (SWR).小心地将天线与电缆匹配,以确保低定波比率(SWR)。
8.They feared he would pay less attention than ever to Spanish interests, and that the Peninsula would become merely an outpost of his wider domains.他们担心他对西班牙的利益关心会少于以往,而且担心伊比利亚半岛将只是他扩大版图的前哨。
9.The C/T ranged from 0.51 to 0.98 with the average value 0.64±0.06. Twenty six cases were MVR, 8 cases AVR, and 5 cases DVR.心胸比0.51~0.98(0.64±0.06);
10.Tientsin will hold the football matches for the 29th Olympic Games at the Tientsin Olympic Center Stadium.天津将举办第29届奥运会足球比赛,比赛将在天津奥林匹克中心体育场举行。
11.The Clinical Observation of Huoxin Capsule on Angina of CHD活心丸与消心痛对冠心病心绞痛的疗效比较
12.Beijing has fretted about its SAR infecting the mainland with annoying ideas like democracy北京担心特区会将一些讨厌的观念传染给大陆,比如民主。
13.I have confidence in him. I know he will be a dark horse in the contest.(我对他有信心。我知道他在这次的比赛中将是一匹黑马。)
14.ECG of 252 subjects taking risperidone and that of 262 cases with chlorpromazine ingested were in comparison.将252例及262例分别服用利培酮及氯 丙嗪患者的心电图进行比较。
15.The government has set itself a target of reducing the proportion of overweight and obese children to 2000 levels by 2020.政府决心到2020年前,将体重超标和肥胖儿童的比率降至2000年的水平。
16.Since the fight will be held in Puerto Rico, are you worried for a partisan verdict?既然比赛将在波多黎各举行,你对评分裁判的作用表示担心吗?
17.In ancient Babylonia, the most popular resolution was to return borrowed farm tools to their owners.在古巴比伦尼亚,最常见的新年决心便是将借来的农具归还原主。
18.For instance, if a couple( husband and wife, for example) form a duet, they will gain the ability to teleport to one another, among other things.比如,如果一对夫妇(夫和妻子)重奏,他们将会有心灵传送的能力。

1.Clinical value about BNP,LVEF,PtfV_1 and CTR in evaluation of cardiac function in patients with heart failure;B-型利钠肽、左室射血分数、V_1导联P波终末电势和心胸比评价心力衰竭患者心功能的临床价值
4)Heart-lung ratio心肺比值
5)Heart-chest ratio心胸比例
6)comparing psychology攀比心理

心胸比例心胸比例  放射学术语。正位胸部平片上心脏横径与胸廓横径的比值,是利用胸部平片估价心脏大小的重要指标。在焦-片距为2m的胸部后前位远达摄影片上,以右膈顶上缘为准,测得两肋骨内缘的水平距离,为胸廓横径;再分别测得右心缘和左心缘最凸点至胸正中线的水平距离,二者之和为心脏横径;然后计算出二者比值。我国正常男性心胸比率为0.43±0.04,女性为0.45±0.03,平均为0.44±0.03。正常上限为0.50。根据心胸比率,可将心脏增大分为三度:0.50~0.55为轻度;0.56~0.60为中度;0.60以上为高度。心胸比率是心脏测量最简便的方法之一。但因心胸比率受体型和横膈位置的影响,故可出现假阳性或假阴性。