1.Based on this, people come up with the idea of counterstereotype—certain types of people with fixed impression will perform contrary to the stereotypes in people’s mind.基于此,人们提出了反刻板印象——具有某一特征的群体在这一特征方面的表现与人们对他们的刻板印象正相反,本研究的目的在于期望使用抑制来达到反刻板印象,以此来改善刻板印象的不良影响,并察看抑制起作用的范围。

1.The Influence of Suppression and Cognitive Load on the Accessibility of Stereotype and Couterstereotype抑制和认知负荷对刻板与反刻板印象可及性的影响
2.The Research of the Effect of Feedback and Responsibility on Implicit Occupational Stereotype;反馈和责任对内隐职业刻板印象影响的研究
3.Breaking the Stereotypes: A Study of the Women Images Created by Amy Tan;刻板印象的反叛:评谭恩美作品中女性形象的塑造
4.The Influence of Stereotype on Information Encoding in Impression Formation;刻板印象对印象形成过程中信息加工的影响
5.Some stereotypes about women and men are fairly universal.有些关于两性的刻板印象相当地普遍。
6.A Study of Social Tuning Effect on Implicit Stereotype社会调节对内隐刻板印象的影响研究
7.The Information Processing Mode of ADs' Gender Stereotype广告中性别刻板印象的信息加工方式
8.How can I impress my boss?(我怎么能给老板留下深刻印象?)
9.Research of Stereotypic Inter-out Group Effect;刻板印象内—外群体效应的实验研究
10.An ERP Study on Undergraduates Gender-Occupational Stereotype;大学生性别—职业刻板印象的ERP研究
11.Adolescents Stereotypes of Some Familiar Nations or Ethnics;青少年对若干国民或民族的刻板印象
12.A Study on the Gender Stereotypic Effect of the Character Role in Ads;广告中人物角色的性别刻板印象效应
13.An Implicit Regional Stereotype Research with IAT and SEB;内隐地域刻板印象的IAT和SEB比较研究
14.The Implicit Effect of Gender Stereotype in Ads;广告中性别刻板印象信息的内隐效应
15.On the Revelence of the Audience Stereotypes and the Advertisement Cutural Fake;受众刻板印象与广告文化仿像的关联
16.A Study on Implicit Mathematics Gender Stereotype by SEB;内隐数学-性别刻板印象的SEB研究
17.The Researches of Implicit Gender Stereotype Based on IAT and SEB;基于IAT和SEB的内隐性别刻板印象研究
18.An Experimental Study on the Stereotype of High School Students Expecting to Major in Liberal Arts or Science;高中生文理分科刻板印象的实验研究

gender counter stereotype反性别刻板印象
1.Influence of Familiarity on Stereotype;熟悉性对刻板印象的影响
2.An experimental study of the activation of urban and rural stereotypes;城乡刻板印象激活的实验研究
3.New progress on the stereotype explorations;国外刻板印象研究新进展
4)stereotyped image刻板印象
1.Sex role stereotypes are expectation, damands and viewpoints about the characteristics, at- tributes, and behaviors of members of men or women.研究发现,无论是男性大学生,还是女性大学生,对成功的高层管理者特征的认定都与男性特征之间存在着高度一致性,而与女性特征之间不存在一致性,该结果证实"一想到管理者就想到男性"的刻板印象是客观存在的。
2.In general,people believe that the media have always been"direct"and"true"to the realities,however,the gender theory suggest that the media shape the female images easily from male s eyes and generalize or classify simply on gender,which in turn makes female image fixed,what s more,the role of stereotypes appears.男权文化孕育了媒介模式,媒介模式反过来强化了人们头脑中的男权文化观点,由此形成了受众对女性形象的性别刻板印象的无意识,而受众的性别印象又是媒介表达的动力和来源。
6)Gender stereotyping性别刻板印象
1.By testing structure of gender stereotyping and processing model of university students, the paper opens out more the complexity, contradiction, and firmness of gender stereotype.内隐刻板印象是近年来内隐社会认知领域研究的一大热点,继种族刻板印象之后,性别刻板印象也日益受到研究者的关注。

性别刻板印象性别刻板印象sex stereotypes  任另lJ到板印象(sox storootypes)对两性的生物属性、心理特质和角色行为的较为固定的看法、期望和要求。它一方面来自于特定文化背景对待两性的行为规范和价值准则,另一方面则来自于对性别群体整体性特征的经验概括,常常忽略了性别群体中各个成员的特殊性一面。性别刻板印象既可以反映实际存在的性别差异,也可能夸大或歪曲实际存在的性别差异,形成性别偏见。它与性别歧视有区别,但却很容易导致性别歧视。它是性别角色社会化的社会压力的来源之一,可以影响和塑造两性的心理行为。在我们的社会中,性别刻板印象的表现是:在身体特征上,通常认为男性高大、强壮,女性纤弱、苗条;在心理特质上,通常认为男性刚强、自立、粗犷,女性温顺、依赖、细心;在角色行为上,通常认为男性的社会角色是工作成就取向,而女性的社会角色是人情关系取向。 (茜奋杏撰高玉样审)