
1.The debate degenerated into farce when opposing speakers started shouting at each other.双方辩手开始朝对方大喊,辩论变成了一场闹剧。
2.Informal Reasoning Differences between Excellent College Debaters and Non-debaters大学生优秀辩手与非辩手的非形式推理能力比较
3.A clean hand want no washing .净手不用洗,无罪何须辩。
4.An overview of McNeill s theory on gestures──A dialectic of gesture and language;手势新论──麦克尼尔的手势语言辩证观
5.The man's plea was that he did not see the murder.那人的答辩是说他没看到那凶手。
6.If you lose in an argument, you can still call your opponent manes.即使输了一场辩论,你仍可谩骂对手。
7.a feeble argument, attempt, gesture, excuse无力的论据、 尝试、 手势、 辩解.
8.The debater refused to cede the point to her opponent.辩论者拒绝向她的对手放弃其主张
9.The Home Secretary will lead for the government in the emergency debate内政大臣着手为政府作紧急辩论
10.The defense counsel can't get over the fact that he is a murderer辩护律师无法否认他是凶手。
11.An opponent who is known to go for the jugular in arguments.在辩论中以犀利有力而有名的对手
12.He was to preach the doctrines, and I was to confound all opponents.他负责布道,我则与对手辩论。
13.Peter's answering speech left his opponent without a leg to stand on.彼得的答辩使他的对手哑口无言。
14.Stop arguing about procedure and let's get down to business.别再为程序争辩了, 咱们着手议正事吧.
15.Mr Carter bowled down his opponent in the debate.卡特先生在那场辩论中把对手击败了。
16.To settle decisively, especially by means of an argument or a discussion.尤指通过争辩或讨论的手段最终解决
17.A Study of the Linguistic Means in Written Arguments of Criminal Defense as Adaptation to the Judges Mental World;顺应法官心理的辩护词语言手段研究
18.The Analysis on Dialectical Connotation of Deng Xiaoping s Theory of "Addressing Both Material and Spiritual Civilizations Simultaneously Without any Letup;邓小平“两手抓、两手都要硬”思想的辩证内涵

excellent debaters优秀辩手
1.This study was designed to investigate informal reasoning differences between college debaters and non-debaters.为考察大学生优秀辩手与非辩手非形式推理能力的差异,运用"提示访谈法"对大学生中的优秀辩手与非辩手的普通大学生进行了比较研究。
4)sea lawyer好争辩的水手
5)handwriting recognision手写识别,手写辩识

辩  中国古代逻辑学术语。指对一个命题或论点的是非展开争论,亦泛指逻辑学。    《墨经·经上》说:"辩,争彼也。辩胜,当也。"认为"彼"是辩论的对象,指所争论的命题或论点。"辩"是对彼进行争论,或谓之是,或谓之非。如一个牲畜,"或谓之牛,或谓之非牛,是争彼也"。而论断与实际相符便是"当"。    在战国时期的百家争鸣中,各家都力图通过辩论,战胜论敌。辩论多了,逐渐摸索到一些应当遵循的法则,积累起一套辩论的方法。《墨经·小取》对辩的法则作了这样的说明:"夫辩者,将以明是非之分,审治乱之纪,明同异之处,察名实之理,处利害,决嫌疑焉。摹略万物之然,论求群言之比;以名举实,以辞抒意,以说出故;以类取,以类予;有诸己不非诸人,无诸己不求诸人。"这里概括了当时辩的基本内容,"辩"称得上是一种专门学问,即辩学。它相当于近代的逻辑学,所以后世有人将逻辑学译为"辩学"。