2)To change the subject, ...改变话题,……
3)About the Tonal Modification of Common Speech普通话变调琐谈
1.It is required for the organizers to deal with the relationship between the quality and the conversations of candidates.阐述了保证发展党员质量的关键环节——与发展对象谈话工作的重要性,并提出了组织员做好与发展对象谈话工作的基本要求。
2.It is an important method to have a conversation with the college students in their ideological and political education.谈话法是对大学生进行个性化思想政治教育的重要方法。
3.The unique style of Coleridge s poems is embodied in his integration of the conversational style, simplicity and magnificence, and he originated a much-told story in his poetic language.柯勒律治的诗歌语言风格特异,体现在他将神奇的谈话风致,古朴的风味和瑰丽的风韵熔于一炉,创造了诗歌语言的佳话。

1.a conversation especially a formal one.谈话,尤指正式谈话
2.heart-to-heart talk开诚布公的谈话,谈心
3.The conversation was enlivened with jokes.笑话使谈话变得活泼。
4.His talks smell of the shop.他的谈话充满了本行话。
5.guide a conversation into other subjects把谈话引向其他话题
6.I was the subject of their talk.我是他们谈话的话题。
7.The conversation was interlarded with oaths谈话中夹杂一些骂人话。
8.Divagate from(文章或谈话)离题
9.Foolish, trivial, or idle talk or chatter.蠢话,废话空话、傻话或无意义的话的谈话
10.Monotonous talk or routine.乏味的谈话单调的谈话或老一套
11.Speech, especially a conversation or parley.谈判,商谈尤指讨论或辩论的谈话
12.asked the man he had spoken with.刚才和他谈话的人问。
13.He was thrilled by her conversation.她的谈话使他很激动。
14.Who was that person you were talking to?刚才同你谈话的人是谁?
15.Stand - up Cocktail Party站着谈话的鸡尾酒会。
16.a mumble of voices, conversation, etc喃喃人语声、 谈话声等
17.immodest talk, behaviour, etc不雅的谈话、 举动等.
18.a lively, smart conversation.一次活泼,机敏的谈话

To change the subject, ...改变话题,……
3)About the Tonal Modification of Common Speech普通话变调琐谈
1.It is required for the organizers to deal with the relationship between the quality and the conversations of candidates.阐述了保证发展党员质量的关键环节——与发展对象谈话工作的重要性,并提出了组织员做好与发展对象谈话工作的基本要求。
2.It is an important method to have a conversation with the college students in their ideological and political education.谈话法是对大学生进行个性化思想政治教育的重要方法。
3.The unique style of Coleridge s poems is embodied in his integration of the conversational style, simplicity and magnificence, and he originated a much-told story in his poetic language.柯勒律治的诗歌语言风格特异,体现在他将神奇的谈话风致,古朴的风味和瑰丽的风韵熔于一炉,创造了诗歌语言的佳话。
1.The thesis illustrates the meaning and function of talk art in colleges.思想政治工作者在谈话活动中要结合谈话对象的心理动态,注重谈话艺术,讲究谈话技巧,这样才能更好地发挥谈话在思想政治教育中的重要功能。
2.In order to improve their work and talking skills,they should master the following principles:decide the time and target first and then the occasion and content,listen patiently first and then talk skillfully,first rise,then fall and more comment,less criticism,discuss first and then suggest,approve first and then reserve differences.谈话是高校教师做思想政治工作的主要方法和途径。
3.Since the introduction, talk show\'s development in China has gone through three periods, namely, its infancy, growth and prosperity.起源于美国,兴盛于欧美的谈话类节目在上世纪90年代传入中国内地市场,从最初的引进模仿到如今的本土化移植创新,经过十几年的培育,谈话节目在中国的发展已经经历了萌芽、成长、兴盛三个时期,目前进入稳定发展阶段。
1.The Blamable Cause and Talking Essentials for the Negative Behavior of Students;大学生问题行为归因与谈话要领
2.In the practice of a teacher in charge of a class,a suitable way of talking should be applied.在班主任工作实践中 ,应较好地运用谈话方式。

改变①事物发生显著的差别:山区面貌大有~ㄧ随着政治、经济关系的~,人和人的关系也~了。②改换;更动:~样式ㄧ~口气 ㄧ~计划ㄧ~战略。