1.A study on the correlation between Subjective well-being and forgiveness and the development status of college students大学生主观幸福感与宽恕心理的现状及关系研究

1.The Empirical Study on Forgiveness Mind and Its Influencing Factors of the College Students;大学生宽恕心理及其影响因素的实证研究
2.Relationship between Forgiveness and Self-esteem Interpersonal Trust of High School Students高中生宽恕心理与其自尊、人际信任的关系
3.A study on the correlation between Subjective well-being and forgiveness and the development status of college students大学生主观幸福感与宽恕心理的现状及关系研究
4.Review of Studies on Forgiveness Intervention:Effect of Forgiveness on Psychotherapy宽恕干预研究述评——宽恕在心理治疗中的作用
5.Having more moments of feeling loving, compassionate, and forgiving of others.用更多的片刻来感受爱、同理心以及宽恕的力量。
6.The Influencing Factors of Forgiveness and Relations between Forgiveness and Mental Health for Undergraduates;大学生宽恕的影响因素及其同心理健康的关系
7.Research on the Forgiveness Level and Psychological Health of College Students大学生宽恕水平与心理健康的相关研究
8.Forgiveness Boosts Health宽恕之心促进自身健康
9.Forgiving puts you in control.宽恕别人能让自己理智。
10.A Study on Interpersonal Forgive and Revenge of Undergraduates and their Links with Depression;大学二年级学生人际宽恕与报复心理及其与抑郁的关系研究
11.Self-Forgiveness: Concept, Measurement, and Relationships to Other Variables自我宽恕的概念、测量及其与其他心理变量的关系
12.She prayed to be forgiven/(to) God for forgiveness.她祈求宽恕[上帝宽恕].
13.Self-forgiveness cleanses the soul, washing away shame and guilt. Out of self-forgiveness comes the power to extend forgiveness to others.宽恕自己仿如洗涤心灵,让羞辱与愧疚一起流走。宽恕自己就是宽恕别人的起点。
14.She'll relent;she's - ming.她会宽恕的,她已经心软了。
15.She'll relent; she's coming."她会宽恕的, 她已经心软了."
16.You ask if I forgive you; oh!您问我能否宽恕您,我从心底里原谅您。
17.I am a more forgiving and loving man than I ever was.我现在比以前更有爱心和宽恕的能力。
18."To err is human, to forgive, divine. - Pope"人孰无过?心存宽恕,就是圣洁 --蒲柏

3)forgiving reason宽恕理由
4)The Psychological Research of Forgiveness宽恕的心理学研究
6)I must ask your pardon for my carelessness.请宽恕我的粗心。

善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of good  s卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。