高塔利,Félix Guattari
1)Félix Guattari高塔利
1.After shudying a large number of traditional psychoanalytic theories,French philosopher Gilles Deleuze and Psychologists Félix Guattari proposed a criticism of the anti-Oedipus strategy.高塔利在对传统精神分析理论大量研究后提出了一种反俄狄普斯的批评策略,并在他们一系列著作中实现了对精神分析学说中若干理论的超越和颠覆。
2)tall tower高塔
1.The superposition method in mechanics of material and a MATLAB Procedure was used to calculate the top deflection of tall tower under both of weight and wind pressure.采用材料力学的叠加法和自编的MATLAB程序,计算了高塔设备在风载荷和自重联合作用下的塔顶静挠度,并推出了考虑自重影响时塔顶静挠度的计算公式。
2.But for the tall tower which subject to wind, earthquake and pipingloads etc, it will be unsafe when the loads are negligible except pressure.对于低压高塔,按标准提供的等面积方法(仅考虑压力载荷)进行开孔补强设计有时是不安全的,本文针对这一问题,结合工程设计实例和有限元分析,给出了在考虑风载荷、地震载荷等外载荷作用下,按照等面积原则进行开孔补强设计的解决方案。

1.Study on the constraint on inner crossing beam from the wall of thin-walled tall tower薄壁高塔塔壁对塔内横梁的约束作用研究
2.He comes back to the tower each night.于是他每晚都回到高塔
3.That night, the prince comes to the tower.那晚,王子到了高塔前,
4.What do you know about the guard towers?你对守卫高塔了解多少?
5.A special installment technology of the construction tower crane attached to the minaret of the great mosque大清真寺高塔施工塔机的特殊附着技术
6.The tower rises to a height of 60 feet.这座塔高60 英尺。
7.Fault Analysis of High Voltage Transmission Tower Collapse During Rebuilt高压塔换塔移线过程中倒塔事故分析及措施
8.The cables intersect the tower or pylon at different heights.钢索在桥塔或塔柱的不同高度上相交。
9.Structural Design of Loading Towers for UHV Transmission Tower Test Base特高压杆塔试验基地加荷塔结构设计
10.The masts level with the spires of churches.船桅与教堂塔尖同高。
11.a tall tree, chimney,spire, mast高大的树、 烟囱、 塔尖、 船桅.
12.height equivalent to a theoretical stage (plate)理论塔板的当量高度
13.The lighthouse that will be installed has eight meters high.要安装的灯塔有八米高。
14.The owl from the steeple sing,猫头鹰将在塔尖高唱:
15."The pagoda, rising abruptly from earth, Reaches to the very Palace of Heaven...."塔势如涌出, 孤高耸天宫;
16.A steel tower supporting high-tension wires.架高压电缆的铁塔用来支撑高压电线的铁塔
17.The A-frame pylon harmonizes with the tall spires of the adjacent cathedral.A形塔架同附近教堂的高耸尖塔十分协调。
18.The Research of Potential Characteristics of EHV Transmission Line Towers超高压线路杆塔的塔顶电位特性的研究

tall tower高塔
1.The superposition method in mechanics of material and a MATLAB Procedure was used to calculate the top deflection of tall tower under both of weight and wind pressure.采用材料力学的叠加法和自编的MATLAB程序,计算了高塔设备在风载荷和自重联合作用下的塔顶静挠度,并推出了考虑自重影响时塔顶静挠度的计算公式。
2.But for the tall tower which subject to wind, earthquake and pipingloads etc, it will be unsafe when the loads are negligible except pressure.对于低压高塔,按标准提供的等面积方法(仅考虑压力载荷)进行开孔补强设计有时是不安全的,本文针对这一问题,结合工程设计实例和有限元分析,给出了在考虑风载荷、地震载荷等外载荷作用下,按照等面积原则进行开孔补强设计的解决方案。
3)height of tower塔高
1.Combining with the Yuzui Yangtze river Bridge,some influence factors of erecting baseline cable are analyzed and modified,including height of tower,deviation of tower and temperature,results show that the baseline cable after modifying is very ideal,thus accumulating valuable experiences for construction monitoring of similar bridge.结合鱼嘴长江大桥对架设基准索的一些影响因素进行了分析与修正,包括塔高、塔偏、温度,结果显示修正后的基准索线形非常理想,从而为以后同类桥梁的施工监控积累了宝贵的经验。
1.Analysis on the Essence of American policy to Taliban;剖析美国对塔利班政策的实质
2.It selects two types of linguistic stratedies that Taliban has applied to battlefield of propaganda after "the Event of september 11":Defense for Innocence and Topic Displacement.选择了“9·11”事件后塔利班在宣传战中运用的“无罪辩护”和“话题转移”两大语言策略 ,从语境、言语内容、听话人、说话人各因素出发 ,分析言内行为 ,揭示言外行为 ,考证言后之效 ,完整地展示了战争言语行为的过程。
1.Scientific Knowledge and Its Functions: Between the Modern and the Post-modern——A Comparative Study of the Views of Merton and Lyotard;科学知识及其功能:在现代与后现代之间——对默顿与利奥塔二者观点的比较分析
2.On Lyotard s Postmodernism;利奥塔“后现代”思想阐释
3.The Rise of Postmodernism and Lyotard s Thought on Postmodernism;“后现代”的兴起与利奥塔的后现代思想
6)palms together dagoba舍利塔

古特伯高塔(qutab minar)该[[塔]]被称为“印度斯坦七大奇迹”之一,1193年由奴隶王朝第一个国王古特伯·乌德·丁开始修建,后由其继承人在14世纪中叶最后完工。塔高75.56米,底层高达29米。塔呈赭红色,由红砂石建成。塔身上镌刻阿拉伯文的《古兰经》经文和各种花纹图案。塔内有397级台阶,可由此直登塔顶悬台。高塔是印度教文化和伊斯兰教文化融合的建筑物。