存在焦虑,existential anxiety
1)existential anxiety存在焦虑
1.The purpose of the paper is to examine to the relation among existential anxiety, self-identity and anxiety and depression in the sample of college students.本研究以大学生为研究对象,采取自编的大学生存在焦虑量表对大学生的存在焦虑进行调查,以期丰富存在焦虑的理论及其测量研究。
2.The theory mainly includes anxiety ontology put forward by Rollo May, existential anxiety by James F.存在焦虑是焦虑本体论的一种定义,是哲学、文学和心理学领域的重要概念之一。

1.The Study of Relationship among College Students' Existential Anxiety, Ego-identity, Anxiety and Depression大学生存在焦虑、自我同一性与焦虑、抑郁关系研究
2.Research on the Relationship between Ego-Identity and Existential Anxiety of Undergraduates;大学生自我同一性与存在焦虑关系研究
3.The Existential Angst of the Individual and the Cultural Anxiety of the Nation --Bai Xianyong′s Novels and Existentialism;个体存在焦虑与民族文化忧患——兼论白先勇与存在主义的关系
4.Results 45.45% of senior students were found to have anxiety from the survey.结果毕业班大学生存在焦虑情绪人数占调查人数的45.45%;
5.The Death of God and the View of Anxiety in Existentialism;“上帝之死”与存在哲学之“焦虑”观
6.Worriment and Breakthrough;焦虑与突围——新诗在电子传媒时代如何生存
7.There is a touch of optimism in every worry aBout one's own moral cleanliness在对自身道德纯净度的每次焦虑中,都存在一种乐观因素
8.Anxiousness about the system and Focus on the Main Problems in the Present Research of the Chinese Aestheticism;体系与视点的焦虑——评目前中国美学研究存在的主要问题
9.CONCLUSION: Psychological interventions can reduce the bad emotions of depression and anxiety in the postoperative patients of mastectomy.结论:乳腺切除术后患者存在抑郁、虑不良情绪,心理干预可以改善其抑郁和焦虑情绪。
10.It is shown that there exist sense of inferiority, sense of loss, anxiety, sense of depression in the course of the development and getting useful of the civilian-run college students.民办高校大学生在其成才和发展过程中存在着自卑感、失落感、焦虑、抑郁感等消极情感。
11.This anxiety, Laqueur observes, is not found in all cultures and is not part of our own culture's distant originsLaqueur发现,这种焦虑并非存在于所有文化之中,并且并未见于我们自己文化的遥远源头。
12.The modern life under the law has occurred anxiety of unsureness life, so the spirits of modern law should turn to the humanism.现代法律生活存在着可能生活的焦虑,因此现代法精神必须也必然应当进行人文向度上的变革。
13.Predicament and Aspiration about Existence--On Anxiety Tendency of Novel by CanXue;生存的困境与追问——论残雪小说的焦虑情结
14.Anxiety for existence and concern of sentiment and aspiration--On the motive of literary consciousness in the Wei and the Jin Dynasties;生存焦虑与情志离合——魏晋文学自觉的动力探源
15.Anxiety State and SF-36 Quality of Life after Ischemic Stroke缺血性脑卒中后焦虑与SF-36生存质量的关系
16.What are we going to do now?@ he asked anxiously.“我们现在干什么?”他焦虑不安地问。
17.She fluttered about the room anxiously.她焦虑不安地在房内走来走去。
18.Stener was quite alone, worried and distraught.斯坦纳一个人在那里焦虑着,心神不安。

anxiety over living生存焦虑
1.Liu was strongly repelled by the elegarnt culture led by the Emperor Renzong and lost himself in infinite anxiety over living in the colliding between these two cultures.从雅文化与俗文化对撞的角度来看柳永的生存状态 ,柳永是俗文化的代表 ,以仁宗为代表的雅文化对其强烈排斥 ,柳永在两种文化斗争的浪尖上陷入了无边的生存焦虑中。
3)anxiety conservation焦虑保存
4)resident anxieties.内在的焦虑
1.Effect of Time Management and Anxiety on Sleep Quality of University Students;时间管理倾向和焦虑对高校学生睡眠质量的影响
2.Prevalence of Anxiety and the Influencing Factors Among Middle School Students in Harbin;哈尔滨市城乡中学生焦虑状况及其影响因素分析
3.Effect of music therapy on the relief of anxiety in patients undergoing gastroscopy;音乐疗法缓解胃镜检查患者焦虑的效果分析
1.Analysis of Two Subtypes of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Combined with Anxiety,Depression and Observation of Its Curative Effect;两种亚型胃食管反流病并发抑郁、焦虑情况及药物疗效观察
2.Bupropion sustain-release in treatment of depression with anxiety;盐酸安非他酮与盐酸氟西汀治疗抑郁症伴焦虑症状的对照研究
3.The Depression and Anxiety Status of Nurses in SARS Wards;SARS发病高峰期SARS病房护士焦虑、抑郁状况探讨

《保护地球——持续生存战略》《保护地球——持续生存战略》  《保护地球—持续生存战略》世界自然保护同盟、联合国环境规划署以及世界野生生物基金会共同编制的关于1991年10月21日在北京、伦敦、莫斯科、东京等60多个国家的首都同时公布的一个文件。这个文件强烈呼吁富裕国家立即停止滥用自然资源,减轻对地球的破坏。文件指出,在最近200年中,地球已经失去了600万平方公里的森林,水土流失使注入世界大河的淤泥量比19世纪增加了两倍。从18世纪中叶到20世纪,大气中二氧化碳的浓度已经增加了27%,严重地影响了气候。人类活动对地球生态系统的压力已到达它所能承受的极限。这个文件提出了旨在建立人类可持续生存的社会应遵守的9条基本原则,即尊重和关心生活社区,改善人类生活质量,保护地球的生活力和多样性,最大限度地减少不可更新资源的消耗,使每个人都关心他们生存的环境等。