路径整合,path integration
1)path integration路径整合

1.The Effect of Kinaesthetic Information and Irrelevant Movements on Human Path Integration Ability;动觉信息和无关运动对人的路径整合能力的影响
2.Division of Industry Chain and Knowledge Integration;产业链的分工结构及其知识整合路径
3.Study on Evolution Mechanism & Integration Path of Industrial Chain of Coal煤炭产业链演化机理与整合路径研究
4.Discussion on Cultural Integration of M & A Enterprises in Shaanxi陕西并购重组企业文化整合路径探讨
5.The Research on Gentlemen and Political Integration in Late Qing Dynasty of China:Along the Path of the Political Integration Mode of Knowledge Trending to Power;晚清绅士与政治整合研究:以知识权力化整合模式为路径
6.Research on the Innovation Pathes of Chinese and Foreign Pharmaceutical Enterprises Based on Integration;基于整合的国内外制药企业创新路径研究
7.Prime Route Reserch of Integrated Dispatching of Container Terminal Trucks;集装箱码头集卡资源整合使用的路径优化研究
8.Path selection for the conformity of engineering investigation design and consultancy industry of China;中国工程勘察设计咨询业产业整合的路径选择
9.Logistics Integration within the Plant and Lean Production Route;厂内物流整合与精益生产推进路径之研究
10.Balance Urban and Rural DevelopMent--Integrate the Interests of Fairness and the Best Path to Choose城乡统筹——公平与利益整合的最佳路径选择
11.Approaches to integrate the Multiple Means of Transmitting Information with Network Platform基于网络平台的信息传播多元化整合路径研究
13.Study on Optimization Process of Integration Path of Socialist Ideology社会主义意识形态整合路径的优化历程论析
14.Research on the Value-chain Merge and the Development Path of the Cultural and Creative Industry文化创意产业价值链整合及其发展路径探析
15.Reviewing the Trade Cooperative Way in Chinese Region from the Integration of Regional Trade Agreement and WTO Multilateral Trade System;从区域贸易协定与WTO多边贸易体制整合看中国区域贸易合作路径
16.Multi-period Investment Strategies Based on the Optimal Growth Path in Chinese Stock Market;基于最优增长路径的多期投资组合选择及其动态调整研究
17.Research on Vehicle Transportation Route in the Integration of Common Distribution and Reverse Logistics in City;城市车辆共同配送与反向物流整合的运输路径研究
18.A Study on the Integration of Physical Distribution and the Routing Optimization about the LMD of Boloni;博洛尼物流管理部的配送业务整合及路径优化研究

integration path整合路径
1.Study on Evolution Mechanism & Integration Path of Industrial Chain of Coal煤炭产业链演化机理与整合路径研究
2.Since the founding of new China,the integration path of socialist ideology has showed the optimized process from "highly centralized" in the first 30 years to " principally centralized and actively recruited" in the later 30 years.建国以来,社会主义意识形态整合路径,经过了由前三十年"高度一元化"向后三十年"一元指导和积极吸纳"优化的历程。
3)integrated care pathways整合医疗路径
1.The elemental files for Organized Stroke Care is guideline and integrated care pathways.组织化卒中医疗的基本文件是卒中指南和整合医疗路径。
4)means of integrating information信息整合路径
5)integration way整合途径
1.The second part describes the integration way of本文以太原市城中村为例,旨在对城中村不同社会群体间的关系及其整合途径进行探讨和研究。
6)coupling paths耦合路径
1.The DM EMI excitation source generated by power electronic switches and coupling paths is analyzed.为研究挂接单个三相逆变器的直流电网的差模传导干扰,分析了干扰源和耦合路径并建立了差模传导干扰的频域等效电路,在10 kHz~30 MHz频率范围内分析了实验测得的相关器件参数。

Pro/ENGINEER中复杂几何路径的数组阵列1 引言 Pro/ENGINEER是目前应用非常广泛的CAD/CAM软件,其功能非常强大。在Pro/ENGINEER中进行特征复制时, PATTERN(数组阵列)可以一次建立多个相同的特征,比COPY(复制)省时省力。 在实际应用中,阵列的几何路径有规则的(如直线形、圆形等),也有不规则的(如平行四边形、椭圆形等)。对于规则路径,其生成较简单,如圆形路径,选取一周向驱动尺寸,输入阵列的增量与个数即可。下面以在基座上钻孔为例,介绍不规则几何路径的数组阵列。2 设计实例 首先,生成基座(如图1黑点表示孔的圆心位),其中心点位于Pro/ENGINEER中坐标系的原点,再钻出左上角的第一个孔(以基座的两条边为参考边,这两条边的交点为准原点)。然后进行数组阵列,产生其余的孔,依次选择“Pattern→General→Table”。图1 黑点表示孔的圆心位2.1 步骤一 选择图1中的尺寸“40,55”作为“表格驱动阵列的驱动尺寸”,然后选“Done”。2.2 步骤二 选择“Add”,进行表的添加(输入一个表名如A),接着打开一个窗口,其中已有的文字均为注释语句,最后一行为: idx d4(40.0) d3(55.0) 其中,idx表示这一列填的是序号,从1开始;d后的数字以实际操作中产生的为准,括号内数值为步骤1中所选驱动尺寸的值,可以看出该值的显示顺序与尺寸的选择顺序是对应的。2.3 步骤三进行表的录入,依次填入:165 5529055311555414055550856601157 7014589514591201451014514511170145121508513160115 其中1~4为上部右边的4个孔,5~7为左边3个孔,8~11为下部右边4个孔,12~13为右边剩余2个孔。2.4 步骤四 首先点击“File→Save”,并且进行保存。然后点击“File→Exit”,退出程序。之后执行“Done”即可进行阵列,如图2所示。