根本原则,cardinal principle
1)cardinal principle根本原则
1.Regarding people as the first is the cardinal principle of higher vocational college’s modern system.以人为本,是高职学院现代学校制度的根本原则
2.Of the regulations and priniciples,the dialectal unity between theory and practice,which exits in the whole process of foreign language teaching,is the cardinal principle to be followed first.外语教学作为一门科学,有诸多应当遵循的规律和原则,其中,理论与实践的辩证统一贯穿于整个外语教学活动始终,它是外语教学质量的根本保证,是外语教学活动首先应当遵循的根本原则
3., restricting factors and cardinal principle of socialist political civilization at present of the socialist political civilization.文章论述了政治文明的基本含义、政治文明在整个社会文明中的地位,以及社会主义政治文明的性质、当前建设社会主义政治文明的必要性、制约因素和根本原则

1.(Taoism) the ultimate principle of the universe.(道教)宇宙的根本原则
2.Student-centered: Fundamental Principles of Teachers' Professional Ethics以学生为本:教师职业道德的根本原则
3.Maintaining independence is the basic principle of China's diplomacy.独立自主是我国外交政策的根本原则
4.In the reform we have consistently followed two fundamental principles.在改革中,我们始终坚持两条根本原则
5.Make sure not to confuse self-interest axiom and rational axiom.确保不要混淆私利和理性的根本原则
6.On "Not Contending"--The Basic Principle of Lao Zi s Ideas on Social Administration;论不争——老子社会治理的根本原则
7.The Fundamental Principles to Preserve and Maintain the Original Form of Historic Relics“不改变文物原状的原则”是文物保护和维修的根本原则
8.Person-centeredness:the Leading Principle of Managing the Teaching Staff in Colleges;以人为本:高等学校师资队伍建设的根本原则
9.People-oriented the fundamental principles of world outlook of dialectical materialism;以人为本——辩证唯物主义世界观的根本原则
10.The principle for effective education and teaching.循序渐进原则是有效实施教育和教学的最根本原则
11.On the Essential Principle and Content about Ideology and Politics Education in Colleges and Universities;试论高校思想政治教育工作的根本原则与根本内容
12.(2) Whether launching the nonalignment policy becomes an important criteria in judging their relationship;(2)不结盟是印度处理与中东关系的根本原则
13.The Applicability: the Basic Principle of the Continuous Education for the Librarians in University Library适用性——高校图书馆员继续教育的根本原则
14.The Basic Principle for Right of Knowledge s Protection Under the Economy of Knowledge;论知识经济下中国知识产权保护的根本原则
15.The basic or fundamental fact, element, or principle.基本或根本的事实、因素或原则
16.The only bedrock rule is Don't Burn the Locals.最根本的原则是"绝不欺骗本地人"。
17.On Guangxi Wenchang’s Root and the Principles of its Protection论广西文场之根、本及保护的基本原则
18.On the Two Basic Principles of Wittgenstein s Logical Philosophy;维特根斯坦逻辑哲学的两个基本原则

basic principle根本原则
1.Besides,it provides the scientific guidance and basic principle which stimulate economic and social development.当代中国以人为本思想的现实价值,首先在于它实现了唯物史观在当代中国社会发展理念认识实践上的战略性提升,同时在于它完成了科学发展观在我国社会建设价值取向上的辩证性认定,还在于它为推进经济社会发展的工作实践提供了科学指导和根本原则
2.This article analyses the essence, the historical status, the function and the basic principle of the socialism outlook for honor and dishonor from the scientific theory or principle.通过从学理上对社会主义荣辱观的实质、历史地位和作用、根本原则等方面分析得出:树立社会主义荣辱观是对我国较长一段时间以来存在的文化偏至现象的反对和纠正,是当代中国进步发展的新纲领,是中华民族精神人格建构理论发展的新高度,是当代中国人精神人格建构的新起点。
3)the basic principle根本原则
1.In China, in order to protect this right, we must use the balance by the industry induction as the basic principle.在中国,知识产权保护必须结合国情,以国家产业政策导向为依据,以知识产权权利和义务的相对均衡作根本原则
4)principle of fundamental interests根本利益原则
5)fundamental breach doctrine根本违约原则
1.The first part deals with the rise and fall of the fundamental breach doctrine in the British contract law, and the root status of maritime deviation doctrine.本文通过英国合同法上根本违约原则的演变,即起源,兴起和衰落,以及演变过程中与海运合同法上绕航制度的关系证明英国合同法和海运合同法的关系并非一般和特别法的关系模式。
6)the principle of fundamental change of circumstances情势根本变更原则
1.This text point out the ultimate reason is the different nature of domestic law and international law by comparing the differences in the principle of fundamental change of circumstances between Contract Law and Treaty Law, so as to enhance our understanding of it.通过比较合同法与条约法中情势根本变更原则的不同,指出其根本原因在于国内法与国际法的性质不同。
