竞赛特质焦虑,competitive trait anxiety
1)competitive trait anxiety竞赛特质焦虑
1.The results showed:(1) The public self-consciousness,competitive trait anxiety and approach coping style could totally explain 37.研究表明:(1)青少年篮球运动员的公众自我意识、竞赛特质焦虑和积极应对方式能有效解释37。
2)competition anxiety竞赛焦虑
1.The reasons for the changes of their competition anxiety and the factors causing different anxiety degrees were analyzed and studied.通过对我国60名优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑的调查,分析研究跳高特殊竞赛形式下,我国优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑变化的原因以及引起不同焦虑程度的相关因素。
2.The purpose of this paper was to investigate the characteristics of competition anxiety of the professional coaches with the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory.采用斯皮尔伯格状态—特质焦虑量表、问卷调查中国甲A足球和CBA联赛教练,揭示职业教练竞赛焦虑现状和特点。

1.Study of Competition Anxiety in Excellent Chinese High Jumpers;我国优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑的研究
2.Study on Anxiety before Martial Art Contest for Undergraduate Athletes;大学生武术套路运动员赛前竞赛焦虑研究
3.Study on the Relationship between Perfectionism and Competitive Anxiety of Athletes;运动员的完美主义与竞赛焦虑关系的研究
4.Research on Over Strain in Competition of High-level Athletes of Trackand Field in colleges and Universities of Shanxi Province;山西高校高水平田径运动员竞赛焦虑的研究
5.Perspective and Analysis of the Competition Anxiety of Professional Coaches in National Football League and CBA;中国足球、篮球职业教练竞赛焦虑透视与分析
6.On the Individual Factors that Influence Soccer Players Sport Anxiety;试论影响足球运动员竞赛焦虑的个体性因素
7.Study of Competitive Anxiety in Chinese Elite High Jumpers;对我国优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑的研究
8.The Research on Race High-level Anxiety of Women's Volleyball Athletes in Lanzhou University兰州大学高水平女排运动员竞赛焦虑研究
9.Influence of Anxiety State on Performance Stability of Top Rhythmic Gymnasts;我国高水平艺术体操运动员竞赛焦虑水平对比赛稳定性的影响
10.A Study of 400m-Hurdlers′ Anxiety State in 1996 National Athletics Championships;1996年全国田径锦标赛400m跨栏跑运动员竞赛焦虑状态的研究
11.Research on elite race walking athletes influencing factors of competitive anxiety;第七届大运会竞走运动员竞赛焦虑及影响因素的分析研究
12.Investigation on Trait Anxiety and Competition State Anxiety of Disabled Athletes;残疾人运动员的特质焦虑与竞赛状态焦虑研究
13.Correlative study of college students exam anxiety and their competitive state anxiety;大学生考试焦虑与竞赛状态焦虑的相关研究
14.Investigation on Shooters’Trait Anxiety and Competition State Anxiety;苏州市射击运动员的特质焦虑和竞赛状态焦虑分析
15.Study on Competition State Anxiety and Anxiety Direction of Table Tennis Athletes;对乒乓球运动员竞赛状态焦虑及焦虑方向的研究
16.Precompetition Anxieties of Aerobatic Athletes竞技健美操运动员赛前紧张和焦虑现象的剖析
17.On the Psychological Training for High Jumpers Tensions in Competition;跳高运动员竞赛中焦虑问题的心理训练研究
18.Researching and Analyzing the Anxiety of Competitive State in Xinjiang Wushu Atheletes;新疆武术运动员的竞赛状态焦虑的研究与分析

competition anxiety竞赛焦虑
1.The reasons for the changes of their competition anxiety and the factors causing different anxiety degrees were analyzed and studied.通过对我国60名优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑的调查,分析研究跳高特殊竞赛形式下,我国优秀跳高运动员竞赛焦虑变化的原因以及引起不同焦虑程度的相关因素。
2.The purpose of this paper was to investigate the characteristics of competition anxiety of the professional coaches with the Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory.采用斯皮尔伯格状态—特质焦虑量表、问卷调查中国甲A足球和CBA联赛教练,揭示职业教练竞赛焦虑现状和特点。
3)competitive anxiety竞赛焦虑
1.Research on elite race walking athletes influencing factors of competitive anxiety;第七届大运会竞走运动员竞赛焦虑及影响因素的分析研究
2.To investigate the relationship between perfectionism and competitive anxiety in athletes during competition.目的:探讨竞赛过程中运动员的完美主义与竞赛焦虑之间的关系。
4)state anxiety characteristic焦虑特质
1.In order to explore the influence of acute psychological stress and state anxiety characteristic on the immune of tennis-players.以48名在校高水平男、女网球运动员作为研究对象,采用STAI量表测量其焦虑特质,采用比浊法测量其免疫球蛋白含量,分析不同焦虑特质的网球运动员在心理应激后的免疫应答。
2.This study selects 36 Wushu routine players,adopts the self-test STAI of the testing the state anxiety characteristic and the compared method of the testing IgG、IgA、IgM.以36名山东高校武术高水平运动员作为研究对象,采用STAI量表测量其焦虑特质,采用比浊法测量其免疫球蛋白含量,对不同焦虑特质的武术运动员在心理应激后的免疫应答进行了分析。
5)Trait anxiety特质焦虑
1.Influence of exam stress on sustained attention of students with different levels of trait anxiety;考试应激对不同特质焦虑者注意稳定性的影响
2.Study on the influencing factors of College Students Trait Anxiety;大学生特质焦虑的影响因素研究
3.A Further Discussion On the Relationship Among Arm Movement Stability,Arousal Level and Trait Anxiety;手臂动作稳定性与唤醒水平、特质焦虑等关系的再探
1.Trait-anxiety and Characteristics of Cognitive Processing in Young Soldiers;青年军人特质焦虑及其认知加工特点
2.According to the result of factor analysis, four main factors,state-anxiety present , state-anxiety absent, trait-anxiety present, traitanxiety ab-sent,were drawn from the inventory 0.本研究采用大学生被试对状态特质焦虑量表(STAIFormY)进行了修订。
