视觉认知能力,visual cognitive ability
1)visual cognitive ability视觉认知能力
1.Traditional researches often focused on the special visual cognitive ability of people with developmental dyslexia, which is a common learning disorder.但国对阅读障碍人群的视觉认知能力的研究较少,且采用的实验材料均为平面材料,从未对立体图形的认知进行研究。
2.Traditional researches often focus on the abnormal visual cognitive ability of people with developmental dyslexia.国内对阅读障碍人群的视觉认知能力的研究较少,实验材料仅限于普通平面材料而未涉及立体线索。

1.The Research on Visual Cognitive Ability of Students with Chinese Developmental Dyslexia;汉语发展性阅读障碍学生的视觉认知能力研究
2.The Research on Visual Cognitive Ability of Students with Developmental Dyslexia发展性阅读障碍学生的视觉认知能力研究
3.The Education Experiment of Promoting Optic Cognitive Ability of 3-6 Years Old Child by Cognitive Drawing Courses;认知绘画课程促进3-6岁幼儿视觉认知能力发展的教育实验研究
4.visual literacy视觉认识能力, 直观力
5.An Experimental Study on the Relationships between Visuospatial Ability and Working Memory Span of College Students;大学生视觉空间认知能力与工作记忆广度的实验研究
6.The Study on the Relationship among Numerosity Estimation, Counting Ability, and Visual-Spatial Cognitive Ability in Young Children Aged 3-63-6岁儿童数量估算、数数能力及视觉空间认知能力发展关系的研究
7.Practice Effect in Motor Skill Learning and Visual Imagery Cognitive Process;运动技能学习与视觉表象认知加工的练习效应
8.New Perspective of the Intentional Forgetting:The Research of Cognitive Inhibition有意遗忘研究的新视角:认知抑制能力
9.I guessed that his inward senses--hearing, perception, cognition--were outlasting his outward skills such as moving and making sound.我猜想,他内部的感觉--听觉、知觉、认知能力--比外部能力如移动发音更耐久。
10.The Influence of Perceptual Learning on Drug Abuser s Cognition;视知觉学习训练对海洛因依赖者认知功能的影响
11.Knowledge Cluster and Regional Innovative Capability:A View from Social Cognit ion;知识集聚与区域创新能力:一个社会认知的视角
12.The mental process or faculty of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment.认识力思想过程或认识才能,包括如意识、知觉、推理和判断等方面
13.Relationship between visual function, processing speed and working memory in cognitive aging;认知老化过程中视觉功能、加工速度和工作记忆的关系
14.Improvement of visual-auditory cognitive functions of the population immigrating high altitude by taking in tea polyphenols茶多酚对移居高原人群视听觉认知功能的改善作用
15.I think that It is the first link about the works which are affected by people, and it is belong to perceptual knowledge;我认为作品的视觉冲击力是被人们感受、认知的第一环节,属于感性认识;
16.Research on Promoting Undergraduates Professional Practical Abilities: A Perspective of Cognitive Apprenticeship;大学生专业实践能力培养研究:认知学徒制视野
17.On Child s Drawing Cognitive Capacity Development Characteristics;幼儿绘画认知能力发展特征的个案透视
18.Cognitive Abilities Test认知能力测验 认知能力测验

visual-spatial cognitive ability视觉空间认知能力
3)phonological deficit视知觉能力
4)visual cognition视觉认知
1.ObjectiveTo investigate the related functional orientation of the visual cognition antijamming ability in brain.目的探讨大脑视觉认知抗干扰能力的相关功能定位。
2.People have two kinds of visual ability:visual cognition and visual feeling.人的视觉具有两种先天能力 ,一是视觉认知 ,一是视觉感受。
3.The main theme of this paper is that the early process of visual cognition may be source from the global spatial frequency of object.“初期特征分析”理论认为视觉认知过程由局部性质开始到大范围性质,而“初期整体知觉”理论认为由大范围性质到局部性质。
5)visual literacy视觉认识能力
6)visual metacognition视觉元认知

视觉感受能力视觉感受能力ability of visual sensation  认同。(3)对视觉接触到的各种生命的运动形式迅速作出情感上的反应。例如从微微起伏的海浪中感受到欢快活泼的情绪,对挺拔向上的大树产生雄健伟岸之感,在滴着雨水的屋檐下仿佛听到小雨的叹息,引起哀婉惆怅的情感等。西方完形心理学派的代表人物替道夫·阿恩海姆,对视知觉与艺术形式之间的关系进行了深入的研究。完形心理学派的研究,对我们了解人的视觉感受能力、艺术形式问题、进行美术欣赏和美术创造有着重要的意义口 (陈洛加撰匹亘亘司审)视觉感受能力(ability of visual sonsation)视觉感受能力是美术欣赏者和美术创造者必须具备的一种能力。它主要得自于后天的教育和培养,也不排除它有先天的因素。视觉感受能力主要包括:(约对各种美术形式的敏锐的视觉反应。例如对色彩的分辨能力和敏感程度,对形体比例的准确把握,对空间深度的深刻领悟等等。(2)对美的运动模式的敏锐选择能力。例如,在纷繁复杂的自然对象中,对于平衡、对称、韵律、多样统一等模式的感悟和