视—听刺激,audio-visual stimulas
1)audio-visual stimulas视—听刺激

1.The Experiment Research of the Automatic Physiological Responses Affected by Audio-visual Stimulations视—听刺激影响情绪自主生理活动的实验研究
2.Vision and hearing are exteroceptive senses.视觉与听觉都是感受外界刺激的官能。
3.Objectives: To evaluate the effect of Audiovisual sexual stimulation(AVSS) on nocturnal penile tumescence(NPT).探讨视听觉性刺激对阴茎夜间勃起的作用。
4.Conclusions: The AVSS can improve NPT.结论:视听觉性刺激对阴茎夜间勃起有改善作用。
5.The interchangeable suction cup and mounting clamp give you more fun.听觉、视觉及触觉刺激加强小朋友对外的认识。
6.Both vision and hearing are exteroceptive senses.视觉兴听觉两者都是接受外界刺激的感觉。
7."audile: Capable of learning chiefly from auditory, rather than tactile or visual, stimuli. "听象型的 可以主要通过听觉感知,而非通过触觉或视觉,刺激。
8.Capable of learning chiefly from auditory, rather than tactile or visual, stimuli.听象型的可以主要通过听觉感知,而非通过触觉或视觉,刺激
9.To decrease false negative rate, it is necessary to offer AVSS before NPT.在阴茎夜间勃起检测前,有必要给予视听觉性刺激,以降低检测的假阴性率。
10.For children that can sit and crawl, select toys made of cloth, are brightly colored, and can produce sound to provide visual and auditory stimulation.可为已学会坐卧与爬行的婴儿挑选颜色鲜豔、有声响的布制玩具,以刺激其视觉与听觉的发展。
11.Comparative analysis of the erectile night test and the audi-visual sexual stimulation test based on Rigiscan Plus in the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction阴茎硬度测试仪进行夜间勃起和视听性性刺激两种检查方法的比较
12.The rude behavior of the audience did not seem to jar the speaker.听众的粗暴行为似乎未能刺激讲演者。
13.The job sounds really exciting to me.这工作听来确实叫我感到刺激。
14.Clinical Study on Fetal Hearing Monitored by Extrauterine Acoustic Stimulation宫外声刺激监测胎儿听觉的临床研究
15.The optical system of the eye stimulate cell of the retina眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞
16.The optical system of the eye stimulate cell of the retina.眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞。
17.The Development of a Visual Color Checkerboard Stimulator彩色棋盘格图形视觉刺激器的研制
18.(physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation.(物理学)能够刺激视觉的电磁辐射。

Audiovisual sexual stimulation视听觉性刺激
1.Objectives: To evaluate the effect of Audiovisual sexual stimulation(AVSS) on nocturnal penile tumescence(NPT).目的:探讨视听觉性刺激对阴茎夜间勃起的作用。
3)visual and auditory stimulus视觉听觉刺激
4)audio visual sexual stimulation视听性性刺激检查
5)auditory stimulation听觉刺激
1.Objective By comparing the EEG hemisphere coherence value in silent with stimulating state in infantile spasm (IS) and normal control, the influence on EEG by auditory stimulation, and its mechanism were studied.目的 本文通过对婴儿痉挛症 (infantilespasms,IS)患儿及正常儿童在安静状态下及喀喇音听觉刺激下脑电的相干值变化的比较 ,研究这种听觉刺激对脑电所产生的影响及其发生机理 ,力图尝试从神经电生理角度为婴儿痉挛症关于脑干是其发病责任结构这一假说提供依据 ;方法 选取婴儿痉挛症患儿 10例 ,正常对照组儿童 8例 ,分别记录其常规及听觉刺激下的脑电信号 ,并分别计算左右半球的相干值 ,进行比较 ;结果 安静状态下 ,在优势频带 (功率谱的峰值频带 )上 ,IS组的半球相干值低于对照组 (P <0 。
2.The progresses on auditory filial imprinting in the domestic chick were summarized in this paper from sound selection,changes in molecular level and tissue level which caused by auditory stimulation.听觉刺激对印记学习有很好的强化作用,作用效果依赖于频率、强度和持续时间等声音特征。
6)non-auditory sensation非听刺激症
1.A comparison of the data after surgery showed more non-auditory sensation (NAS) such as headache, dizziness and so on in patients with LVAS in the duration of mapping.结果 LVAS患儿植入术中有 1例出现“井喷”现象 ,开机调试时的非听刺激症要多些。

听觉诱发性癫痫听觉诱发性癫痫audition induced epilepsy  为突然的响声引起各种癫痫的发作。患者对诱发的声响有高度的频率选择性。如有的闻钟声而发病,有的则听音乐而诱发。多数患者脑皮质,尤其是颞叶区有癫痫灶。有时患者听到声响后有情感上的反应。