拖延原因,class environments
1)class environments拖延原因
1.In addition, we discussed the relationship between class environments and academic procrastination by HLM.研究一以1972名中学生为对象对PASS学业拖延量表进行了修订,包括两部分:一部分是拖延测查部分的修订,修订后的量表包括对课程作业、复习备考、自我任务三项学业任务的拖延考察;另一部分是《中学生学业拖延原因量表》的编制,编制的问卷包括个人特征、班级影响、任务特征三个维度。
2)ifs and buts拖延的原因
3)the principle of procrastination拖延原则
4)delay reasons延误原因
1.It analyzed delay reasons and delay warning by using partition time data of an airline company departure from an airfield in China.贝叶斯网络是一种有效的概率预测方法,尝试将其应用于航班数据分析预警,应用Netica软件工具构建实际航班及其关联的贝叶斯网络,特别是针对航班延误的最主要环节——离港延误,分时间段对国内某航空公司在某机场的离港数据进行了延误原因分析和延误预警分析。

1.The Study on the Cause of Delay & the Model of Early Warning in Construction Project;工程项目工期延误原因及预警模型研究
2.The reasons for late delivery vary from country to country, but some are often inherent in public sector marketing itself.延误原因因国而异,但有些问题往往是公共经销本身所固有的。
3.Study on the Cause and Influences Factors of Delay Health Seeking of Intestinal Infectious Disease;急性肠道传染病病例就诊延误原因及影响因素研究
4.The reasons for the delay were manifold.延误的原因是多方面的。
5.A Probe into Causes of Delay in the Course of Early Chinese Modernization;中国早期现代化进程延误的原因探析
6.Surgical exploration was immediately performed in all patients when testicular torsion was suspected.?丸切除率过高的主要原因是病人延误就诊时间。
7.Causes of Women’s Delay in Seeking Medical Care for Cervical Carcinoma:A Qualitative Study中晚期宫颈癌患者延误就医原因的质性研究
8.The Climatic Factors Analysis on Scheduled Flight Delay of Important Airport in Plateau高原重要机场航班延误的气象因素分析
9.the first person to arrive late usually wrote the reason @Delayed by fog.第一个迟到的人常常会写上迟到的原因是“因雾延误”,
10.The train be hold up by the storm .列车因暴风而延误了。
11.The ship was delayed by contrary winds, ie blowing against the direction of travel.航船因遇逆风而延误了.
12.some phoney excuse for the delay因延误而找的假藉口
13.In judging the delay, we must make allowance for the extremely bad weather.在判断延误的原因时,我们必须把极端恶劣的天气考虑进去。
14.Current Situation of Treatment Decision-making Delay on Patients with Acute Myocardial Infaction and Related Factors Analysis;急性心肌梗死患者就医决定过程的延误现状及原因分析
15.On Reasons for the Process of China’s Modernization Being Postphoned;帝国主义和清政府是中国近代化进程延误主要原因
16.Use error proofing and problems solving to determine the root causes of production delays, material delays, quality problems and cause of waste.利用错误避免与问题解决系统找出生产延迟,物料延迟,质量问题和浪费的根本原因。
18.Flight number556 will be delayed. The delay is due to mechanical difficulties.556航班延迟了,延迟原因是机械问题。

ifs and buts拖延的原因
3)the principle of procrastination拖延原则
4)delay reasons延误原因
1.It analyzed delay reasons and delay warning by using partition time data of an airline company departure from an airfield in China.贝叶斯网络是一种有效的概率预测方法,尝试将其应用于航班数据分析预警,应用Netica软件工具构建实际航班及其关联的贝叶斯网络,特别是针对航班延误的最主要环节——离港延误,分时间段对国内某航空公司在某机场的离港数据进行了延误原因分析和延误预警分析。
1.A Study of the Effect of Self-efficacy on Situational Procrastination of College Students;自我效能对大学生情境拖延的影响研究
2.In recent 20 years,the studies abroad indicated that procrastination has both negative and positive meanings,and can be divided into various kinds.拖延是一种广泛流行的现象,且影响着我们生活的方方面面,但在国内并未引起研究者足够的重视。

拖延1.延长时间,不迅速处理。 2.延长。