内隐嫉妒,implicit jealousy
1)implicit jealousy内隐嫉妒
1.The research discusses implicit jealousy with IAT, analyzes the sex differences of implicit jealousy, furthermore the research discusses the relationships between implicit jealousy and implicit self-esteem for the first time.本研究采用IAT实验程序考察了嫉妒的内隐性特征,分析了内隐嫉妒的性别差异,并在此基础上进一步探讨了内隐嫉妒和内隐自尊的关系。
1.Relationships among Jealousy, Self-esteem and Self-efficacy;嫉妒与自尊、一般自我效能感的相关研究
2.A Study of Exploring the Origin of Jealousy in the Opinion of Psychoanalytic Theory.;从精神分析理论的角度探讨嫉妒产生原因

1.From black jealousy to white jealousy--An analysis to the jealous psychology of JIA Huan;从黑色嫉妒到白色嫉妒——贾环嫉妒心理剖析
2.madly excited, jealous, etc极其激动、 嫉妒
3."I'm not at all envious.“我一点儿不嫉妒
4.The envious will die, but envy never. --Moliere嫉妒的人将死去,但嫉妒永存。——莫里哀
5.The word jealous had revived her jealousy.“嫉妒”两个字发声正好表达了她的嫉妒
6.Mary says that Betty is jealous, but she is more jealous herself. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.玛丽说贝蒂爱嫉妒、但她本身更爱嫉妒
7.Hate sometimes stems from envy.仇恨有时起于嫉妒
8.alcoholic delusion of jealousy酒精中毒性嫉妒妄想
9.What be highest be envy 's mark .最高处乃是嫉妒之的。
10.My mother taught me about envy:我母亲教我什么是嫉妒
11.Jealousy divided the girls.嫉妒于女孩子们失和。
12.He burns with an ambition(live, jealousy)他充满野心(恋情,嫉妒)。
13.She acted from jealousy她的行为出于嫉妒心理。
14.It's not like you to be jealous.你嫉妒就有失你的本色。
15.Very jealous, he would always want me all to himself.他也很嫉妒,总想包了我;
16.He has been harbouring/nursing a grudge against me.他一直对我心怀嫉妒.
17.a spice of envy in his words他话中有嫉妒的意味
18.She begrudged her friend the award.她嫉妒她的朋友获奖。

1.Relationships among Jealousy, Self-esteem and Self-efficacy;嫉妒与自尊、一般自我效能感的相关研究
2.A Study of Exploring the Origin of Jealousy in the Opinion of Psychoanalytic Theory.;从精神分析理论的角度探讨嫉妒产生原因
1.Credulousness and envy, the Crux of Tragedy of Othello;轻信与嫉妒,奥赛罗悲剧的症结
2.Othello,written by Shakespeare,developed the theme of " envy" in the Greek and Hebrew cultures after absorbing their essence.莎士比亚的《奥瑟罗》在文化传承的基础上对两希文化"嫉妒"主题进行了延续与发展,并把两希文化中分别源于情欲、利欲的嫉妒特征熔于一炉,通过极度展现嫉妒情感所引起的悲剧,反映出文艺复兴时期人文主义者对理性,人性的深刻反思。
3.Equality does not mean sameness and equilibration, and envy is not an origin of the idea and the claim of equality.平等不同于等同、平均,嫉妒也不是导致平等观念及主张的源泉。
4)Jealousy delusion嫉妒妄想
5)black jealousy黑色嫉妒
1.From black jealousy to white jealousy——An analysis to the jealous psychology of JIA Huan;从黑色嫉妒到白色嫉妒——贾环嫉妒心理剖析
6)white jealousy白色嫉妒
1.From black jealousy to white jealousy——An analysis to the jealous psychology of JIA Huan;从黑色嫉妒到白色嫉妒——贾环嫉妒心理剖析
