记忆准确性,Memory accuracy
1)Memory accuracy记忆准确性
2)accuracy-oriented memory准确记忆
3)memory exactitude记忆正确性
4)an unerring memory准确无误的记忆力
5)correct memory正确记忆

1.A Study on the Modality Effect in True Memory and False Memory;正确记忆与错误记忆中的感觉通道效应研究
2.I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory.我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。
3.To Correctly Instruct Remembering by Recitation and Improve English Teaching Efficiency;正确指导背诵记忆 提高英语教学效率
4.It was on the9th of last month, if my memory is correct.如果我的记忆正确,那是在上个月的九号。
5.In reviewing, memorizing work should be combined with a good understanding.复习时记忆工作必须与正确的理解结合起来。
6.Effects of Memory on Event-related Potential N270,Correct Reponse Rates and Mean Reaction Time记忆对冲突性负波N270及反应时和正确率的影响
7.Chimpanzees and elephants have the best memory, and are able to remember the correct can for at least twenty hours.黑猩猩和大象有最强的记忆力,他们能够在12小时内记住正确的桶。
8.My memory is circumstantial and unshaken.我的记忆精确无误。
9.A program may access memory within a valid block buffer.一个程式可以存取在正确的区块缓冲区中的记忆体.
10.We get the following results:(1) Working memory span affects the correctness percentage of complex sentence comprehension, but has no influence on the reading time of complex sentence comprehension.(1)工作记忆广度影响阅读理解句子的正确率,而不影响阅读时间;
11.On guiding the students of secondary school to master the right methods of studying and remembering the vocabularies;谈指导中专学生掌握正确的学习和记忆词汇的方法
12.(of sb's memory)able to remember things in great detail,exactly as they were seen(指某人的记忆)记得详细准确的.
13.Only the possessor of a good linguistic memory, or better still, a thick notebook, can fully realize the truth of this statement.只有对语言记忆力强的人或者最好有一本厚厚的记录本的人,方能体会到这番话的正确含义。
14.The Influence of Induced Negative and Positive Affects on Explicit and Implicit Memories;诱发正负情绪对外显记忆和内隐记忆的影响
15.Truly a pin can make the memory bleed,的确,一根饰针就可以让记忆流血,
16.memories vanishing slowly but surely.bappear记忆慢慢地而又确实地消逝了
17.A questioner can challenge the witness's veracity or memory;提问者可质疑证人的准确性和记忆力;
18.Of, relating to, or being in memory.记忆的记忆的,有关记忆的,在记忆中的

accuracy-oriented memory准确记忆
3)memory exactitude记忆正确性
4)an unerring memory准确无误的记忆力
5)correct memory正确记忆
6)Normative Memory标准化记忆

测量准确度测量准确度accuracy of measurement  ce!ia叩zhunquedu测.准确度(accuracy of measu~t)测量结果与被测量真值之间的一致程度。它只是定性的概念。由于在测t过程中不可避免地受到一些随机因素和系统因素的影响以及测t仪器不够完善等,导致测t结果与被测量之值不一致。在测t结果中的误差按其出现的规律分为随机误差与系统误差。 过去习惯用测童精密度一词定性表示随机误差大小的程度,而用测量正确度一词定性表示系统误差大小的程度,测t准确度则为此两者的综合。但是由于精密度或精度一词被使用得过于广泛而往往并非上述含义,国际上已不再使用这一术语。当要表示结果中可能出现的随机误差大小时,采用重复性标准偏差或复现性标准偏差。而测量正确度一词亦代之以系统误差并定t表述。测量准确度并非测盆误差。测量误差等于测t结果减被测量之真值,是可以定t的。测t准确度也非测量不确定度,测t不确定度是合理赋予被侧t之值的分散性,也是可定t的。把测量准确度表达为一个t值,其含义是含混的,如准确度为0.25%、16mg、‘16mg以及士16mg等,这里给出的值是误差、标准不确定度还是扩展不确定度或其他,是不明确的。测t准确度只能用于测t结果的比较。例如,准确度高或低或符合某个技术规范的要求,合格或不合格。 对于测量仪器而言,如技术规范中已按其示值误差大小划分成某种准确度档次称为准确度级别时,可用级别的标志定性地给出;如已按斌予测量仪器之值的不确定度大小划分成某种准确度档次称为准确度等别时,可用等别的标志定性地给出所谓测量仪器的准确度等级。(李慎安)