1.Differentiation and analysis between dialectics and sophistry-criticizing the anti-China sophistry speech;辩证法和诡辩论的辨析——对诡辩反华论的批判
2.Dialectics is antagonist to metaphysics,while metaphysics is the essence of sophistry which often poses as dialectics.诡辩论的实质就是形而上学,却常冒充辩证法。
3.Relativism,sophistry,and the dialectic,as philosophical category,is generally understood based on common sense,whose philosophical significance is covered.相对主义、诡辩论和辩证法这三个哲学范畴经常被常识化理解,其真正哲学内涵长期被遮蔽。

1.Differentiation and analysis between dialectics and sophistry-criticizing the anti-China sophistry speech;辩证法和诡辩论的辨析——对诡辩反华论的批判
2.The Relations of Relativism,Sophistry,and Dialectic From Phenomenological Perspective简论现象学视域中相对主义、诡辩论和辩证法的关系
3.People are easily misled by false appearances- the same outward appearances of dialectics and sophistry.诡辩论和辩证法有貌似相同之处,人们易受其迷惑。
4.There is the distinction between dialectics and sophistry, and in reality those two also have notable differences.唯物辩证法与诡辩论有严格的界限,在实际生活中也有明显区别。
5.It soon resembled reason manipulated by the sophists.它能很快编造出那些只有诡辩论者才能列举的理由。
6.Among the Sophists, the topics of rational argument or the arguments themselves.诡辩家中理性论争的题目或论争本身
7.The phenomenon of sophistry is usually occurred from during the processing between reasoning and proof.诡辩通常产生在推理和论证过程中。
8.Of or relating to casuists or casuistry.诡辩的诡辩家或诡辩术的或与之有关的
9."Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, in Opposition to Sophistry and Scepticism"论自然和真理的不变性、反向诡辩和怀疑论
10.It is the function of rhetoric to transform the weak line of argumentation into the stronger one.把弱者的论点辩为强者的论点正是诡辩的作用所在。
11.Deception by trickery or sophistry.圈套通过诡计或诡辩进行的欺骗
12.They have been repelled by the apparent sophistry of parts of his essay on "Civil Disobedience".对他在《论公民的不服从》一文中某些显而易见的诡辩,他们颇有反感。
13.On Lingual and Philosophical Significance of Sophistry of School of Names in Pre-Qin Period;论先秦名家“诡辩”的语言哲学意义——从“使用”与“提及”的观点看
14.One who quibbles over trivia.诡辩者为小事而争辩的人
15.If there is no language, the processing of reasoning with proof must not be existed.如果没有语言,推理和论证就无法进行,这就使语言和诡辩结下了不解之缘。
16.Analyse or Sophistry that Goes against Dialectics--Research of Neg ative Thinking (Part Ⅱ);违反辩证法的诡辩方法剖析——负面思维研究之二
17.of or relating to or practicing casuistry.属于、关于或实施诡辩术的。
18.To quibble, especially in bargaining.讨价还价诡辩,特别是在讨价还价中

On Sophism论诡辩
3)casuistical adj.怀疑论的;诡辩的
1.Liang Ke Shuo" of Dengxi used to be regarded as a sophism.邓析的“两可说”历来被视为是诡辩。
2.Seeking the selfish gain, on the whole, is the rootstock of sophism.诡辩是一种与私有制同生共存的社会现象 ,它与论者的切身利益密切相关 ,谋求私欲是诡辩产生的总的社会根源。
1.contrast between sophistry in ancient Greece and that in the pre-Qin days in China;中国先秦与古希腊诡辩术之比较
2.Analysis of Several Kinds of Sophistry in Daily Language;浅析日常语言中的几种诡辩手法
3.Expressing forms and essence of sophistry;论诡辩论的表现形式及实质
6)environmental sophism环境诡辩
