1.Research progress of models for predicting ruminant methane emissions;反刍动物甲烷排放预测模型研究现状
2.Advance in Strategies of Decrease Methane Emission in Ruminant;降低反刍动物甲烷排放的研究进展
3.Factors of effects on content of conjugated linoleic acid in ruminants;影响反刍动物共轭亚油酸质量分数的因素

1.the second compartment of the stomach of a ruminant.反刍动物胃的第二个室。
2.the third compartment of the stomach of a ruminant.反刍动物胃的第三个室。
3.food of a ruminant regurgitated to be chewed again.反刍动物反刍回来再咀嚼一次的食物物。
4.Food regurgitated from the first stomach to the mouth of a ruminant and chewed again.反刍的食物由反刍动物的第一胃逆入口腔并再次进行咀嚼的食物
5.To provide ruminant animal an excellent herding ground with hay or sports field.提供反刍动物良好之牧草地或运动场。
6.cud-chewing mammal used as a draft or saddle animal in desert regions.在沙漠地区作驮用或骑用的反刍动物
7.relating to the abomasum (the fourth compartment of the stomach of ruminants).关于皱胃的(反刍动物胃的第四部分)。
8.Evaluation of Nutritive Value of Feedstuffs for Ruminants Using CNCPS Techiques;用CNCPS评定反刍动物饲料营养价值
9.Discriminant Analysis of Meat and Bone Meal Content in Ruminant Feed Based on NIRS基于NIRS的反刍动物饲料中肉骨粉判别
10.Research advance on ammonia and urea metabolism for ruminants反刍动物体内氨与尿素代谢研究进展
11.The fleshy, hairless snout of certain mammals, such as ruminants.鼻唇哺乳动物肉质的无毛口鼻部,如反刍动物
12.Research progress of using plant extract to regulat rumen fermentation植物提取物调控反刍动物瘤胃发酵的研究进展
13.lining of the stomach of a ruminant (especially a bovine) used as food.用作食物的反刍动物(尤其是牛)的胃的内层。
14.Advances in diversity of gastrointestinal microflora of ruminants反刍动物胃肠道微生物多样性研究进展
15.Annual Review of Ruminant Nutrition in 2007~2008 Ⅶ.Minerals Nutrition2007~2008年国际反刍动物营养研究进展 Ⅶ.矿物质
16.Study on Kinetics of Starch Degradability of Common Used Feed for Ruminants;反刍动物常用精饲料淀粉降解动力学研究
17.Bluetongue occurs in most species of ruminants, both domestic and wild.蓝舌病发生于大多数家生的和野生的反刍动物
18.woolly usually horned ruminant mammal related to the goat.产羊毛的通常有角的反刍动物,有山羊有关。

1.Study on Vaccenic Fatty Acid Content in Milk and Meat from Ruminants;奶制品及反刍动物肉类食物中n-11位反式脂肪酸含量研究
2.Effects of Micro-elements on Rumen Fermentation of Ruminants;微量元素对反刍动物瘤胃发酵机能的影响
3.A Review Regulations for the Digestion Metabolism of Carbohydrate and Nitrogenous in Ruminants;反刍动物碳水化合物和含氮化合物的消化代谢规律刍议
3)ruminant animals反刍动物
1.Real-Time Fluorescence PCR Method for Identification of Ruminant Animals-derived Materials in Feedstuff;实时荧光PCR法检测饲料中反刍动物源性成分
2.This paper presented a detail estimation of methane emission from ruminant animals in Guangxi of China according to the calculation method by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC).根据政府间国际经济合作组织(OECD)和政府间气候变化专业委员会(IPCC)提供的计算方法,结合中国反刍动物的能量供应特点,对自1980年以来的广西反刍动物的甲烷排放量进行了估算,结果表明:反刍动物摄入总能的6。
3.This review summarized the influence of DFM on health and performance of ruminant animals,moreover,information on underlying mechanisms was discussed.直接饲喂微生物(DFM)能提高育肥牛日增重和饲料利用率,提高奶牛泌乳量,改善幼龄反刍动物的健康状况和生产成绩。
5)non-ruminant animals非反刍动物
1.Effects of dietary fiber on intestinal mucosal morphology and epithelial cell turnover,mechanisms and digestive functions in non-ruminant animals were reviewed.本文综述了日粮纤维对非反刍动物肠黏膜形态和上皮细胞更新的影响及其作用机理和对动物消化功能的影响。
6)Small ruminants小反刍动物
1.Small ruminants(sheep and goats) are important renewable resources which is of significance for the sustainable progress of agriculture and world economy in the 21 st century.小反刍动物即绵羊和山羊是重要的可再生资源 ,对 2 1世纪农业及世界经济的可持续发展具有重要意义。
