1.Protective effects of endoxin antagonist on myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in rats;内洋地黄素拮抗剂对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用
2.Anti-digoxin antiserum antagonized cerebral ischemic-reperfusion injury induced by endoxin;地高辛抗血清拮抗内洋地黄素介导的脑缺血再灌注损伤的实验研究
3.Endoxin mediated cerebral ischemic-reperfusion injury;内洋地黄素介导脑缺血-再灌注损伤
2)Endgenous digitalis-like factor内源性类洋地黄素
5)endogenous digitalis-like substance内源性洋地黄样物质
1.Influence of repeated intravenous dripping different dose of Shengmai Injection on the blood serum concentration of endogenous digitalis-like substance in patients with heart failure;不同剂量生脉注射液多次静点对心力衰竭患者内源性洋地黄样物质血浓度的影响
2.Obiective To study the effect of median preoptic nucleus (MnPO)microinjection of Ang Ⅱon endogenous digitalis-like substance (EDLS)release and Na+,K+-ATPase activity of proximal tubule in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).目的探讨自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)正中视前核(MnPO)注射AngII对血清内源性洋地黄样物质和肾脏近球小管Na+,K+-ATPase活性的影响。
6)Endogenous digitalis-like substance内源性洋地黄物质
1.Objective: To evaluate the effect of Shengmai Injection on the serum level of endogenous digitalis-like substance(EDLS) in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), and to reveal the possible mechanism of the influence on Shengmai Injection on the blood concentration and pharmacokinetic parameters of digoxin.目的 观察生脉注射液对慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者血清内源性洋地黄物质(EDLS)水平的影响,以探讨生脉注射液对地戈辛血药浓度和药动学参数影响的可能途径。

1.Change of Endogenous Digoxin-like Substance in Uremia Patients尿毒症血透患者血清内源性洋地黄物质的变化
2.Effect of acute hypoxia on serum endogenous digitalis-like substance content急性低压缺氧对人体血清内源性类洋地黄物质含量的影响
3.Related Research between Endothelium-dependent Vasodilatation Function and Endogenous Digitalis-like Substance in Elderly Patients with Essential Hypertension老年原发性高血压血管内皮依赖性舒张功能与内源性类洋地黄物质的相关性研究
4.Proteomics Analysis of Effect of Endogeneous Digitalis-like Substance on Human Endothelial Cells;内源性洋地黄素在血管内皮细胞作用机制的比较蛋白质组学研究
5.A plant of the genus Digitalis, which includes the foxgloves.洋地黄一种植物毛地黄,包括毛地黄
6.Study on Marine Flavobacterium Against Phytopathogens and Antifungal Activity Compouds;抗植物病原真菌海洋黄杆菌及其活性物质研究
7.Analysis of sediment provenance and its geological significance in the first member of Shahejie Formation,Huanghua Depression黄骅坳陷沙一段物源分析及地质意义
8.Study on Tetrodotoxin and Insecticidal Metabolites from Two Marine Microbes;海洋微生物源河豚毒素和杀虫活性物质的研究
9.Effects of Organic Matters on the Properties and External Copper Validity of Yellow Soil有机物料对黄壤性质及外源铜有效性的影响
10.Composition and Physical Nature of Loess in the Middle Reach of the Yellow River黄河中游地区黄土成份及物理力学性质研究
11.The Toxicology Study of Indole-2, 3-dione;内源性活性物质2,3-吲哚醌毒理研究
12.The review of discovery course of nitric oxide;内源性活性物质NO发现历程的回顾
13.The effect of rehmannia glutinosa oligosaccharide on vascular endothelial cell growth factor secreted by human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells地黄低聚糖对人脂肪组织源性间充质干细胞分泌血管内皮细胞生长因子的影响
14.Induced Resistance in Eggplant Against Verticillium Wilt Disease by Exogenous Chemicals;外源化学物质诱导茄子对黄萎病的抗性研究
15.Study on Phenolic Acids- the Inner Antioxidant in Beer啤酒内源性抗氧化物质—酚酸的研究
16.Study on the Volatile Oil from Aerial Part of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi by GC-MS黄芩地上部分挥发性物质气相色谱-质谱研究
17.Study on the Lipid Antimicrobial Substances and Lectins of Tenebrio Molitor L.黄粉虫体内脂类抗菌活性物质及凝集素的研究
18.Study on the Germination of Paeonia Lutea Seeds and the Dynamic Changes of Nutrition and Engogenous Hormone during the Germination;黄牡丹种子萌发及其营养物质和内源激素的动态变化研究

Endgenous digitalis-like factor内源性类洋地黄素
5)endogenous digitalis-like substance内源性洋地黄样物质
1.Influence of repeated intravenous dripping different dose of Shengmai Injection on the blood serum concentration of endogenous digitalis-like substance in patients with heart failure;不同剂量生脉注射液多次静点对心力衰竭患者内源性洋地黄样物质血浓度的影响
2.Obiective To study the effect of median preoptic nucleus (MnPO)microinjection of Ang Ⅱon endogenous digitalis-like substance (EDLS)release and Na+,K+-ATPase activity of proximal tubule in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).目的探讨自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)正中视前核(MnPO)注射AngII对血清内源性洋地黄样物质和肾脏近球小管Na+,K+-ATPase活性的影响。
6)Endogenous digitalis-like substance内源性洋地黄物质
1.Objective: To evaluate the effect of Shengmai Injection on the serum level of endogenous digitalis-like substance(EDLS) in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), and to reveal the possible mechanism of the influence on Shengmai Injection on the blood concentration and pharmacokinetic parameters of digoxin.目的 观察生脉注射液对慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者血清内源性洋地黄物质(EDLS)水平的影响,以探讨生脉注射液对地戈辛血药浓度和药动学参数影响的可能途径。

洋地黄毒苷【通用名称】洋地黄毒苷【其他名称】洋地黄毒苷 洋地黄毒苷 拼音名:Yangdihuang Dugai 英文名:Digitoxinh 书页号:2000年版二部-528 C41H64O13 764.95 本品为3β-[(O-2,6-二脱氧-β-D- 核- 己吡喃糖基-(1 →4)-O-2,6-二脱氧- β -D- 核- 己吡喃糖基-(1 →4)-2,6-二脱氧-β-D-核-己吡喃糖基) 氧代]-14β- 羟基 -5β-心甾-20(22) 烯内酯。按干燥品计算,含洋地黄毒苷(C41H64O13) 不得少于90.0%。 【性状】 本品为白色或类白色的结晶性粉末;无臭。 本品在氯仿中略溶,在乙醇或乙醚中微溶,在水中不溶。 【鉴别】 取本品约1mg ,置小试管中,加含三氯化铁的冰醋酸(取冰醋酸10ml, 加三氯化铁试液1 滴制成)2ml 溶解后,再沿管壁缓缓加入硫酸2ml 使成两液层,接界 处即显棕色,渐变为浅绿色、蓝色,最后冰醋酸层显蓝色。 【检查】 氯仿溶液的澄清度 取本品0.10g ,置具塞量筒中,加氯仿5ml ,振摇 10分钟,放置1 小时,溶液应澄清。 洋地黄皂苷 取本品10mg,加乙醇2ml 溶解后,加胆甾醇的乙醇溶液(1→200)2ml, 缓缓振摇混合,在10分钟内,不得发生沉淀。 干燥失重 取本品,在105℃干燥至恒重,减失重量不得过1.0%(附录Ⅷ L)。 【含量测定】 对照品溶液的制备 精密称取洋地黄毒苷对照品适量,加苯-氯 仿(4:1) 溶解并定量稀释制成每1ml 中约含40μg 的溶液。 色谱柱的制备 取长约200mm 、内径约25mm、下端具有活塞的色谱管,底部填少许 脱脂棉,取处理过的硅藻土(取色谱用硅藻土150g,加稀盐酸1000ml,煮沸10分钟,放 冷,滤过,用水洗涤至洗液遇pH试纸显中性,在105℃干燥后,再在500℃炽灼2 小时 ,放冷)2g,加水1ml ,充分混匀后,分次装入色谱管内,每次均用平头玻璃棒轻压使 平;另取处理过的硅藻土3g,加甲酰胺2ml 与水1ml ,充分混匀,同法装柱,上覆一小 块脱脂棉,轻压使平。 测定法 精密称取供试品约10mg,置50ml量瓶中,加氯仿10ml溶解后,加苯(同上法 处理)至刻度,摇匀,精密量取10ml,加入色谱柱中,以苯(同上法处理)-氯仿(3:1) 洗 脱,流速为每分钟不超过4ml ,收集洗脱液于250ml 量瓶中,至近刻度时,停止洗脱,另 加氯仿适量至刻度,摇匀。 精密量取上述洗脱液25ml与对照品溶液5ml ,分别置锥形瓶中,在水浴上蒸干,残 渣中各加乙醇0.5ml ,蒸干,放冷至室温,精密加70%的乙醇5ml ,密塞,在22~25℃ 放置15分钟,并时时振摇,再精密加入新制的碱性三硝基苯酚试液3ml ,摇匀,在22~ 25℃的暗处放置30分钟,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ B),立即在485nm的波长处分别测定 吸收度,计算,即得。 【类别】 强心药。 【贮藏】 密封保存。 【制剂】 洋地黄毒苷片