1.Investigation on value of low field MRI in diagnosis of knee joint trauma;低场MR在膝关节外伤中的诊值价值探讨
2.The application of laparoscope in traumatic acute abdomen(21 cases report).;外伤性急腹症应用腹腔镜治疗21例体会
3.Correction of traumatic lower eyelid ectropian with orbicularis muscle flap;应用眼轮匝肌皮瓣矫治外伤性下睑外翻

1.All his injuries are external, ie He hasn't been injured inside the body.他受的伤都是外伤.
2.Blunt Trauma Injury after Colon Surgery,Analysis钝性外伤后结肠损伤的外科诊治分析
3.The highest percentage of victim injuries was from blunt trauma and burns.受难者受伤的最高机率就是硬物外伤和烧伤。
4.The physical or psychological condition produced by a trauma.创伤病外伤或创伤产生的身体或心理状况
5.Analysis of Features of Forensic Expertise in Accident Trauma Insurance and Intentional Injury意外伤害与故意伤害人体损伤鉴定的对比分析
6.Severe injuries to the head may cause more serious brain damage.头部重度的外伤能造成较重的脑损伤。
7.Malingering analysis of the appraising cases with head injuries;脑外伤精神伤残鉴定案例中伪装分析
8.Clinical Analysis of Cerebral Trauma with Optic Nerve Injury颅脑外伤合并视神经损伤的临床分析
9.traumatic obstructive edema of glottis外伤性声门梗阻性水肿
10.traumatic absence of endometrium外伤性子宫内膜缺失
11.traumatic subdural effusion外伤性硬脑膜下积液
12.compulsory insurance against injury to passengers旅客意外伤害强制保险
13.Nontraumatic Spinal Epidural Hematoma:MRI Diagnosis非外伤性脊髓硬膜外血肿的MR诊断
14.CT Diagnosis of Traumatic External Hydrocephalus in Children小儿外伤性外部性脑积水的CT诊断
15.The retrospective study of clinic cases of cephal-prosops injury emergency case in plastic surgery美容外科处理头面部外伤回顾性研究
16.Traumatic wound dehiscence after penetrating keratoplasty穿透性角膜移植术后外伤性伤口破裂临床观察
17.Repair of Laceration of Lacrimal Duct with a Skin Hook: with an Analysis of 10 cases用皮钩修复外伤性泪小管裂伤(附10例分析)
18.traumatic neurosis(由于战伤, 恐怖等原因所引起的)外伤性神经症

1.Comparison of X-ray Radiate Side Photograph and Coronal CT scan+Axial CT scan in the Nasal Region Injury;鼻部外伤中X线侧位片与CT冠状和横断扫描的应用对比
2.Selection of the Imaging Method in the Nasal Region Injury;鼻部外伤影像学检查方法的探讨
3.MRI diagnosis of vertebral body compression caused by vertebral injury and primary osteoporosis;脊柱外伤及原发性骨质疏松椎体压缩的MRI诊断
1.Early diagnosis and operative treatment of traumatic thoracic disc herniation;外伤性胸椎间盘突出症的早期诊断与手术治疗
2.Treatment of traumatic tracheal rupture with coated tracheal stent;外伤性气管破裂的覆膜气管支架治疗
3.Clinical analysis of 164 cases of traumatic spleen rupture;164例外伤性脾破裂临床分析
1.The nursing of the mental disease companioning with traumatism;精神科疾病伴有外伤的护理
2.Feasibility of low-dose and integrative spiral CT examination for various traumatism;螺旋CT低剂量一体化扫描在多发外伤中应用的可行性实验研究
3.The analysis and identification of 35 cases, in which the brains had notable and slight traumatism and were found tiny bleeding of brain by CT scanning ,show that not slight traumatism but diseases can lead directly to tiny bleeding of brain .通过对 35例有显著轻微外伤进行 CT扫描发现有小量脑出血案件的分析和鉴定 ,说明了这种小量脑出血与轻微外伤无直接因果关系 ,而是因疾病所致 ,提出了在受理这类案件鉴定时必须依靠 CT扫描的检测 ,才能作出准确的科学结
6)traumatic surgery外伤外科

外伤外伤traumas  跌仆,或受外力撞击、兵器损伤等,以及虫兽咬伤,烫、烧、冻伤等致病因素导致皮肉筋骨及内脏受伤。