1.5-HT_(1A/1B) receptors,α_2-adrenoceptors and the post-receptor adenylate cyclase activation in the mice brain are involved in the antidepressant-like action of agmatine;脑5-HT_(1A/1B)、α_2受体及腺苷酸环化酶参与了胍丁胺的抗抑郁作用
2.Evaluation of the Antidepressant-like Effect of Agmatine in Chronically Stressed Mice;在慢性应激小鼠模型上评价胍丁胺的抗抑郁作用及机制
3.Modulating effect of agmatine on desensitization and down-regulation of μ-opioid receptor by activation of I1 imidazoline receptor;胍丁胺-I1咪唑啉受体对μ-阿片受体脱敏和下调的影响

1.Inhibition of Agmatine on Psychological Dependence Induced by Morphine and the Possible Mechanism;胍丁胺抗吗啡精神依赖及其作用机制
2.I_1-imidazoline Receptor Mediates the Modulation to Morphine Dependence by Agmatine;I_1-咪唑啉受体介导胍丁胺对吗啡依赖的调节
3.Modulation of Pain Threshold and Some Morphine Effects by Endogenous Agmatine;内源性胍丁胺对痛阈及吗啡作用的影响
4.Effect of Agmatine and Morphine on Learning and Memory in Mice and Rats;胍丁胺与吗啡共同处理对学习记忆的影响
5.Effect of agmatine on alcohol-drinking behavior in alcohol-preferring FH/Wjd rats胍丁胺对先天嗜酒FH/Wjd大鼠饮酒行为的影响
6.The Central Cardiovascular Effects of Agmatine are Effectively Antagonized by Clonidine可乐定能阻断胍丁胺的中枢心血管效应
7.Effects of agmatine metabolite putrescine on morphine analgesia,tolerance and dependence胍丁胺代谢产物腐胺对吗啡镇痛、耐受和依赖的影响
8.The Influence of Agmatine on the Adaptation of the NMDA Receptor Action System in Morphine Dependence;胍丁胺对吗啡长期处理引起NMDA受体系统代偿性变化的影响
9.The Molecular Mechanism of Novel Neurotransmitter Agmatine and Its New Target;新神经递质胍丁胺作用的分子机制及其新靶点的研究
10.The Experimental Study on the Analgesic Effect and Mechanisms of Agmatine on the Inflammatory Pain;胍丁胺对炎性疼痛的镇痛作用及其机制的实验研究
11.Neuroprotective Effect and its Mechanism of Agmatine on Secondary Spinal Cord Injury in Rats;胍丁胺对脊髓继发性损害的神经保护作用及其机制研究
12.Effects of Agmatine on the Electrical Activity of Hippocampal and Subfornical Organ Neurons;胍丁胺对大鼠海马和穹隆下器神经元放电的影响
13.Preliminary Experimental Study on Role and Mechanism of Agmatine in Regeneration of Facial Nerve Injury;胍丁胺对面神经损伤修复作用及机制的实验初探
14.The Mechanism of IR and Agmatine in Cardio-cerebral Vascular of Septic Rats咪唑啉受体与胍丁胺对脓毒血症大鼠心脑血管作用机制的研究
15.Role of the spinal NMDA receptor NR2B subunit in inhibition of morphine tolerance by agmatine脊髓内NMDA受体NR2B在胍丁胺拮抗吗啡耐受中的作用
16.Effect of agmatine on the neurons and astrocytes in hippocampus of chronically stressed rats胍丁胺对慢性应激大鼠海马神经元和星形胶质细胞的影响
17.Modulation of agmatine on internalization of μ-opioid receptor by activation of I1 imidazoline receptor and its molecular mechanism胍丁胺-I1咪唑啉受体对μ-阿片受体内吞的影响及机制探讨
18.Agmatine-I1 Imidazoline Receptor Mediates the Modulation to Compensatory Adaptation of μ-opioid Receptor by Long-term Treatment of Opioids;胍丁胺-I1咪唑啉受体系统对阿片长期处理导致的μ-阿片受体代偿性适应的调节

1.Advances in the research of arginine-agmatine metabolism;精氨酸-胍基丁胺代谢的研究进展
2.Aim: To determine the effect of agmatine on the proliferation of PASMCs induced by serum.目的:观察胍基丁胺对血清诱导大鼠肺动脉血管平滑肌细胞(PASMCs)增殖的影响。
3.The cardiac electrophysiological effects of agmatine (AGM) were examined in guinea pig papillary muscle using intracellular microelectrode technique.应用细胞内微电极技术,观察了胍基丁胺(agmatine,AGM)对豚鼠乳头肌细胞的电生理效应。
6)pre-column reaction双胍辛胺
1.A new method of HPLC pre-column reaction detection for guazatine analysis was developed.本文研究HPLC双胍辛胺-安息香柱前反应检测分析方法。
