1.A Survey on the Incidence of Juvenile Scoliosis in Quanzhou Area;泉州市区少年儿童脊柱侧弯患病普查
2.Application value of thoracoplasty for correction of severe and rigid idiopathic scoliosis;胸廓成型术在特发性重度僵硬性脊柱侧弯矫治中的应用价值
3.Curative Effect of Different Operation to Degenerative Scoliosis;退行性脊柱侧弯不同手术方式疗效观察

1.Anesthesia investigation on intraoperative wake-up tests in patients undergoing scoliosis surgery脊柱侧弯矫形术中唤醒试验麻醉探讨
2.Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis research progress in abroad青少年特发性脊柱侧弯研究国外进展
3.The Effects of Asymmetrical Stress on Spinal Growth and the Mechanism of Lateral-Pushing Correction of Scoliosis;不对称应力对脊柱生长的影响及脊柱侧弯侧推矫正机制的研究
4.Scoliosis Induced by Cutting Gramus Posterior Nervorum Spinalium on Rabbits兔脊神经后支切断脊柱侧弯动物模型建立
5.Effecs of KKT technology in treating idiopathic scoliosis(AIS)脊柱动力平衡KKT技术治疗特发性脊柱侧弯疗效观察
6.Application of SLOT-Wide Spine Splicing Technology in Imaging of Scoliosis in YouthSLOT全脊柱拼接技术在青少年脊柱侧弯成像的应用
7.The Application of Three Dimension Curve Planar Reconstruction Technique with MR in Spinal ScoliosisMR三维曲面重建在脊柱侧弯诊断中的应用价值
8.The pathological morphology of paravertebrai Muscle of the scoliosis脊柱侧弯椎旁肌病理变化的实验性研究
9.Hemivertebra Resection with short-segment Fusion for Congenital Scoliosis半椎体切除短节段融合治疗先天性脊柱侧弯
10.SLOT Scan imaging in teenagers with scoliosisSLOT Scan技术在青少年脊柱侧弯摄片中的应用
11.The application value of three-dimensional ultrasound in diagnosis of fetal scoliosis in the clinic三维超声诊断胎儿脊柱侧弯的临床价值研究
12.This understanding could help to determine the etiology of diseases such as scoliosis and spondylolisthesis.了解这个问题能够帮助我们确定像脊柱侧弯,脊柱滑脱这类疾病的发病原因。
13.Pathological Study of Muscle Spindles in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis.青少年特发性脊柱侧弯椎旁肌中肌梭的病理学研究
14.Objective: To observe the pathological morphology of paravertebral muscle Of the scoliosis in pinealectomized Leghorn chickens.目的:观察鸡脊柱侧弯动物模型椎旁肌的病理改变。
15.Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis对青少年特发性脊柱侧弯患者的体感诱发电位检查
16.Study of Clinical Applications with CT Measurement, CTA and 3-D Reconstruction for Correction Operation of Scoliosis;CT测量、CTA及3-D重建对脊柱侧弯矫形手术的临床应用研究
17.The Pathological Study of Paravertebral Muscle in Chicken Scoliosis Induced by Pinealectomy;鸡松果体切除脊柱侧弯动物模型椎旁肌病理研究
18.The Serum Melatonin Changes Following the Pedicle of Pineal Gland Disrupted and It s Relation to Scoliosis;鸡松果体蒂离断术后血清褪黑素变化与脊柱侧弯发生的关系

idiopathic scoliosis特发性脊柱侧弯
1.Objective:To investigate the efficacy of spinal orthosis combinated with orthopedic gymnastics in treating patients with idiopathic scoliosis.目的:探讨脊柱矫形器配合矫正体操治疗特发性脊柱侧弯患者的疗效。
1.Application of acute normovolemic hemodilution in combination with controlled-hypotension and amidocaproic acid in scoliolosis-epithesis;急性等容血液稀释联合控制性降压及氨基己酸在脊柱侧弯矫正术中的应用
4)congenital scoliosis先天性脊柱侧弯
1.Objective To evaluate the clinical application of multi-slice spiral CT(MSCT) and X-ray plain film in congenital scoliosis.目的探讨多层螺旋CT(MSCT)和X线平片对于先天性脊柱侧弯的诊断价值。
5)severe scoliosis重度脊柱侧弯
1.[Objective]To report the records of 185 patients in whom severe scoliosis had been treated with preoperative halo-pelvic distraction and following total spine osteotomy and internal fixation.[方法]对重度脊柱侧弯患者,先用头盆环牵引,使重弯变为轻弯,以便置入器械的安装,再在头盆环牵引下进行截骨矫正畸形和内固定手术,术后继续配戴头盆环制动,术后第2d即可下床站立活动,给护理工作带来极大方便。

脊柱侧弯脊柱侧弯scoliosis  由多种原因引起的脊柱离开正中线向左或/和向右侧偏曲。病因可有脊柱畸形、下肢短缩、骨盆倾斜、脊髓灰质炎、脊髓膜膨出、脊柱结核等。特发性脊柱侧弯最常见,女孩多见,70%可自行矫形,侧弯弧度超过30°的病情常持续进展,需手术矫正。