1.Damage Problem of Aircraft Carrier Striked by Cruise Missiles;巡航导弹打击航母毁伤问题的研究
2.Reconnaissance electronic warfare and strike integrated system侦察对抗打击一体化系统研究
3.With the rapid development of modern information technologies and extensive application of high science and technology equipments,the effect of region defence and fire strike not only rests with the efficiency of air-based and land-based guiding systems,but also rests with the quality of information reconnaissance and processing of the destroyed target.现代信息技术的迅速发展与高科技装备的广泛应用,使区域防空和火力打击的效果不仅取决于空基和陆基制导系统的效能,还取决于对被摧毁目标信息侦察与处理的质量,因而,对侦察打击一体化系统的研究与应用成为各国关注的焦点。

1.To hit or beat, especially repeatedly.打击,连续打击打击,敲击,尤指连续续性的
2.Batter:The player at bat in baseball and cricket."打击手:棒球、板球中的击球员,打击手。"
3.The player at bat in baseball and cricket.打击手棒球、板球中的击球员,打击
4.To beat or strike with or as if with a cudgel.打击,用棍打用棍棒或象是用棍棒打击
5."a swift, violent blow or stroke"快速猛烈地打击或击.
6.To hit or knock out with a sap.用包皮短棒打击或击倒
7.inflict a blow [a wound] on [upon] a person予人以打击 [伤害]
8.a blow that knocks the opponent off his feet.一种打击打倒对手的脚。
9.A blow, especially with the fist.敲打打击,尤指用拳
10.The percussion section of an orchestra.打击乐器组管弦乐队的打击乐器组
11.One that raps or strikes, especially a door knocker.敲击者敲击或打击的人,尤指敲门者
12.A sudden attack, blow, stroke, or seizure.猝发,搏斗突然的袭击、打击、攻击或抓获
13.Fighting or boxing at close range.近击拳击中近距离的出拳或打击
14.A violent physical or verbal attack; an assault.袭击身体上猛烈的打击或言辞犀利的抨击,袭击
15.To hit with or as if with a heavy club.棒击用重棒击打或好象用重棒击打
16.To deal a sharp, resounding blow.重击猛力且响亮地击打
17.The act, activity, or sport of fighting with the fists.拳击,拳击运动,打拳
18.To strike violently and repeatedly;batter or maul.连续猛击,痛击强烈且重复地击打、捶打或殴打

1.In the future war,the enemy aerodrome or air base is inevitably seen as key striking targets.在未来战争中,必须将敌机场或空军基地作为重点打击目标,因此,对该类目标打击方法的研究,具有重大的现实意义和军事价值。
2.The article analyses the relationship of striking and protecting, the main problems existed presently in striking and protecting and gives new ideas about striking and pro-tecting in criminal work.本文详细阐述了打击和保护的辨证关系,及当前打击与保护方面存在 的主要问题和刑侦工作中打击与保护的新思路。
3)crack down打击
1.Great efforts have been made by police to crack down it but the effect lasts temporarily.近来,以往被多次打击的传销又开始抬头,并有大肆蔓延之势。
2.In order to prevent and crack down crimes,we should strengthen security staff construction,grant them the right to enforce law.为了预防和打击高校犯罪,只有加强高校保卫队伍素质建设,授予其执法权力的同时用法律制裁犯罪,堵住执法空档,并调动各种力量开展法制宣传,建立立体防控体系,实行综合治理,以适应社会的需要。
1.A working mode necessary for public security sections to maintain social order is "attack-oriented,prevention-based,attack and prevention flexibly combined".打击和防范是遏制、减少犯罪过程中互为依存、互为条件的两个方面,既对立又统一。
1.There are more differences between the hitting motions of boxing and wushu because of different aims and condition which manifest differently in many respects, Such as force, speed and quality of hitting, etc.拳击和武术打击动作因目的和条件不同而存在较大差异,在运动生物力学上又表现为打击力、打击速度、打击质量的不同。
2.Perfecting trademark management work and strengthening hitting intrusion is the need of international trade,the need of raising enterprise competition and the need of fair competition.完善商标管理工作,强化打击侵权力度,是开展国际贸易的需要;提高企业竞争力的需要;开展公平竞争的需要。
6)To thrash;beat.击打,痛打

打击1.击;撞击。 2.加以攻击,使对方遭受失败﹑挫折。 3.犹刺激。