
1.This is usually followed by a posterior paresis.随后通常是后肢麻痹。
2.One of the lower or hind limbs in human beings and primates.腿人类或灵长目动物下肢或后肢中的一只
3."They have a stout, coarse-haired Body, a tapered muzzle, and hindlimbs longer than their forelimbs."躯体肥胖,毛皮粗糙,口锥形。后肢比前肢长,两个后趾愈合。
4.The Experimental Studies of Wistar Rat Hindlimb Ischemia Model;Wistar大鼠后肢缺血模型的实验研究
5.Experimental Study on the Effects of Exogenous Thrombin on Angiogenesis in Rabbit Ischemic Hindlimb凝血酶对兔缺血后肢血管新生的影响
6.Asymmetry of posterior limb of internal capsule on horizontal sections端脑横切面上内囊后肢不对称性研究
7.Construction and evaluation of rat hindlimb acute ischemia model大鼠后肢急性缺血模型的构建及评估
8.Observation on nursing of venous embolism of limbs in patients with cerebrovascular disorder脑卒中后肢体静脉栓塞的观察及护理
9.any of numerous carnivorous dinosaurs of the Triassic to Cretaceous with short forelimbs that walked or ran on strong hind legs.三叠纪至白垩纪的许多食肉恐龙,前肢短,靠其强壮的后肢走或跑。
10."Tortoises have a high, domed shell, heavy elephant-like hind legs, and hard-scaled forelegs."陆龟的背甲高而呈圆盖形;后肢粗大,形如象腿;前肢覆以硬鳞。
11.large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs, including: whales; dolphins; porpoises; narwhals.大型水生食肉哺乳动物,前肢象鳍、无后肢,包括:;鲸;海豚;鼠海豚;独角鲸。
12.eel-like aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills.北美洲鳗形水生蝾螈,前肢非常小,无后肢;有永久性外部腮。
13.phantom limb(截肢后依然感到肢体存在的)幻肢(感)
14.feel stiff after a long walk走长路后感觉肢体发僵.
15.Objective To analyze the cause of poor stumps and to introduce the methods of treatment, so that the rate of poor stump would be decreased.目的分析下肢截肢后不良残肢发生的原因,并介绍其临床处理方法。
16.Rehabilitation for Amputation and Paraplegia in Earthquake:A Case Report地震伤后双下肢及左上肢高位截肢伴截瘫康复1例报道
17.Training and gait analysis of permanent prosthesis下肢永久性假肢装配后的功能训练和步态分析
18.After the amputation of his left leg he becomes a cripple.在他的左脚截肢之后,他变成一个肢体残障人士。

Hind limb后肢
3)Post-traumatic Limbs Oedema四肢伤后
4)posterior limb of internal capsule内囊后肢
1.Asymmetry of posterior limb of internal capsule on horizontal sections端脑横切面上内囊后肢不对称性研究
2.ObjectiveTo study the effects of cerebral infarction in the left posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC) on reflexive visually-guided saccades with the gap-task and the function of parietal lobe eye field (PEF) on regulating the paradigm.目的研究左侧内囊后肢梗塞对Gap-task模式下反射性视觉诱导性眼扫动的影响,探讨顶叶眼区的调节功能。
5)Support-strength of hind limb后肢撑力
6)metabalism of hind limb后肢代谢

伤友 又云伤苦节士。【诗文】:陋巷孤寒士,出门苦栖栖。虽云志气高,岂免颜色低。平生同门友,通籍在金闺。曩者胶漆契,迩来云雨睽。正逢下朝归,轩骑五门西。是时天久阴,三日雨凄凄。蹇驴避路立,肥马当风嘶。回头忘相识,占道上沙堤。昔年洛阳社,贫贱相提携。今日长安道,对面隔云泥。近日多如此,非君独惨凄。死生不变者,唯闻任与黎。[任公叔、黎逢。]【注释】: 苦栖栖:一作苦(忄西)(忄西)。【出处】:全唐诗