颈静脉,jugular vein
1)jugular vein颈静脉
1.Structural and hemodynamic study of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction with valved bovine jugular vein conduit in the canine model by color Doppler echocardiography;彩色多普勒超声心动图检测牛颈静脉带瓣管道重建犬右室流出道后结构及血流动力学研究
2.Immunogenicity of bovine jugular vein conduits treated with different cross-linking methods;牛颈静脉经不同方法交联改性后的免疫原性
3.Application of disposable vacuum blood collection needle in collecting blood sample from jugular vein for infants;一次性真空采血针在婴幼儿颈静脉采血中的应用

1.Trans-jugular catheter-directed thrombolysis combined with trans-dorsalis pedis vein thrombolysis for the treatment of deep venous thrombosis of the lower limbs经颈静脉导管血管内溶栓联合足背静脉溶栓治疗下肢深静脉血栓
2.Microanatomy Research for Jugular Foramen Region by Far-lateral Approach;经远外侧入路颈静脉孔区的显微解剖
3.Comparative Anatomical Study on Surgical Approaches to Tumors in Jugular Foremen颈静脉孔区肿瘤手术入路的对比研究
4.Anatomy and imageology of the jugular foramen region颈静脉孔区的解剖学结构与影像显示
5.CT and MRI Imaging in the Diagnosis of Tumors in Jugular Foramen Area颈静脉孔区肿瘤的CT和MRI诊断
6.Gamma knife treatment for glomus jugular tumors(report of 9 cases)颈静脉球瘤的伽玛刀治疗(附9例报告)
7.Clinical Application of Aegisy Vena Caval Filter in Transcatheter Thrombolytic Therapy of Deep Venous Thrombosis of Lower Extremity via Jugular Vein Approach经颈静脉Aegisy腔静脉滤器在下肢DVT导管溶栓治疗中的临床应用
8.Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt and hepatic encephalopathy经颈静脉肝内门体静脉分流术后肝性脑病的治疗
9.Bilateral internal jugular vein stenting is also a rare procedure.两侧内颈静脉支架置放术也是少见的技术。
10.Results The internal jugular vein(IJV) and the common carotid artery(CCA)join tightly to each other.结果 颈总动脉与颈内静脉紧密相连 ;
11.Results: The vertebral venous plexus, external jugular vein, verterbral vein, deep cervical vein, pharyngoesophageal venous plexus were all enlarged and dyed black.结果:椎管静脉丛,颈外静脉,椎静脉,颈深静脉和咽食管静脉丛等明显充盈和染色。
12.Conclusion: All the veins mentined abve may become the important pathway of the cerebral blood after bilateral internal jugular veins have been ligated.结论:颈内静脉阻断后,上述静脉均是颅内静脉血液的回流通道。
13.jugulo-omohyoid lymph node颈内静脉肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结;颈内静脉肩胛舌骨肌淋巴结
14.Congenital carotid-jugular arteriovenous fistula combining posterior cervical vascular malformation by CTA:case reportCTA诊断先天性颈内静脉、颈内外动脉瘘合并后颈部血管畸形1例
15.Probe into "Sandwich" fixation method for patients accepting PICC via external jugular vein经颈外静脉行PICC“三明治”固定方法探讨
16.Ultrasound-guided catheterization of the internal jugular vein in high-risk routine超声引导高危入路颈内静脉穿刺置管
17.Internal jugular phlebectasia:Report of one case and review of the literature颈内静脉扩张症1例报告及文献复习
18.Distortion of right common carotid artery combined with internal jugular vein thrombosis:case report右侧颈总动脉走行扭曲合并颈内静脉血栓形成超声表现1例

Jugular veins颈静脉
1.Methods Fresh bovine jugular veins with a retained native valve procured from a slaughterhouse were used as raw material to fabricate the valved conduits.目的 :探讨牛颈静脉带瓣管道结构形态及其流体动力学特性。
3)glomus jugulare颈静脉球
1.Clinical anatomy of the transmastoid lateral approach combined with transjugular process for exposing glomus jugulare;经乳突联合枕骨髁外侧入路切除颈静脉球部位病变的临床解剖
4)External jugular vein颈外静脉
1.A Comparison of Chemotherapeutic Effect by Indwelling Transfusion Via External Jugular Vein and Peripheral Vein;颈外静脉与外周静脉留置化疗输液的效果比较
2.Histological Evidences of Using Human External Jugular Vein to Reconstruct Carotid Artery: A Comparative Study with Greater Saphenous Vein;颈外静脉可用于颈动脉重建的组织学证据:与大隐静脉之比较
3.Nursing of hemodialysis by way of inserting anti-infective double lumen catheter through external jugular vein to central vein;经颈外静脉插管至深静脉行血液透析的效果观察
5)jugular foramen颈静脉孔
1.Microsurgical resection of jugular foramen tumors by far lateral approach;远外侧入路显微外科切除颈静脉孔区肿瘤16例
2.The microsurgical anatomy of the jugular foramen and caudal cranial nerves;ⅨⅩⅪ脑神经和颈静脉孔的显微解剖研究
3.Cross-sectional anatomy of the jugular foramen;颈静脉孔区的薄层断面解剖学研究
6)Bovine jugular vein牛颈静脉
1.Structural and hemodynamic study of right ventricular outflow tract reconstruction with valved bovine jugular vein conduit in pulmonary atresia by color Doppler echocardiography;多普勒彩色超声心动图对肺动脉闭锁行牛颈静脉带瓣管道重建右心室流出道的结构及血流动力学研究探讨——附4例报道
2.Research on calcification feature of bovine jugular vein conduit cross-linked by glutaraldehyde with canine model;牛颈静脉带瓣管道重建犬右室-肺动脉连接后的钙化研究
3.Research on calcification feature of bovine jugular vein conduit cross-linked by glutaraldehyde;戊二醛鞣制的牛颈静脉带瓣管道钙化的实验研究

肝颈静脉回流征肝颈静脉回流征hepatojugular reflux 当右心功能不全引起肝淤血肿大时,用力压迫肝脏可使颈静脉怒张更明显,称为肝颈静脉回流征阳性。这是右心功能不全的表现之一。反之为阴性。