自体肾移植,kidney autotransplantation
1)kidney autotransplantation自体肾移植
1.Clinical significance and observation of therapeutic effect of kidney autotransplantation in combination with endoscopic lithotripsy in the treatment of staghorn calculi;自体肾移植结合腔道碎石技术治疗复杂性肾铸形结石的临床意义及疗效观察

1.Treating Renal Artery Aneurysm with EX Vivo Renal Revascularization and Autotransplantation离体肾动脉瘤切除、自体肾移植术治疗肾动脉瘤伴高血压1例并文献复习
2.Establishment of kidney autotransplantation model on Beagle dogs自体Beagle犬肾移植模型的建立
3.Subsequently, donor renal allografts were transplanted accompanied by bilateral native nephrectomies.接着在两侧自体肾切除的同时将供肾移植入受者体内。
4.The Effect of Hydroxyethyl Starch on the Histopathology and Renal Function of Autotransplant Kidney;羟乙基淀粉对兔自体移植肾组织病理学及肾功能的影响
5.Research on the Impact of Posttransplant Anti-HLA Antibodies on Renal Allograft Function;肾移植术后HLA抗体对移植肾功能影响的研究
6.Impact of HLA Antibodies on Renal Transplant Patients肾移植术后HLA抗体对移植肾预后的影响
7.Model establishment of adrenal gland self-implantation in greater omentum and its protection of transplanted liver构建肾上腺大网膜自体种植模型及对移植肝的保护
8.Open procurement in living donor kidney transplantation:a report of 88 cases活体肾移植开放手术取肾88例分析
9.Study on the Treatment of Acute Tubular Necrosis by Transplantation of Autologous Bone Marrow-derived Adult Stem Cells;自体骨髓源性成体干细胞移植治疗急性肾小管坏死的实验研究
10.The Study of Protective Effect of Adrenal Implants under Renal Subcapsule to Transplanted Kidney in Rats;大鼠移植肾被膜下肾上腺种植体对植肾保护作用的研究
11.Post Transplant Development of HLA Antibodies and MICA Antibodies on Renal Allograft Function of Injury肾移植术后新生HLA抗体和MICA抗体对移植肾功能的损伤作用
12.Relationship between panel reactive antibody level and renal acute rejection肾移植患者群体反应性抗体水平与移植肾急性排斥的关系
13.Effect of Ulinastatin on Renal Function in Live Donor Renal Transplantation活体肾移植供体应用乌司他丁对肾功能的影响
14.Spontaneous Rupture of the Kidney after Renal Allograft:Review and Case Report肾移植术后自发性肾破裂(文献复习及病例报告)
15.Development and the reliability and validity test of self-management scale for renal transplant recipients肾移植受者自我管理量表的开发研究
16.Clinical Investigation of Effect of HLA and MICA Antibodies on Chronic Allograft Rejection after Renal Transplantation肾移植术后抗HLA和MICA抗体在移植肾慢性排斥反应中的临床研究
17.Analysis of Impact Factors for Short-term Chronic Renal Allograft Dysfunction after Living-donor Kidney Transplantation活体肾移植术后短期慢性移植肾失功影响因素分析
18.Comparative Study on Anxiety and Depression Between Cadaveric Renal Transplantation Recipients and Living-related Renal Transplantation Recipients尸肾移植受者和亲属活体肾移植受者术后焦虑抑郁的比较

Autotransplantation of kidney自体肾移植术
3)cadaveric donor kidney transplantation尸体肾移植
1.Along with the wide application of cadaveric donor kidney transplantation (CDKT), most transplantation centers face the shortage of cadaveric donors.随着尸体肾移植工作的广泛开展,目前各个移植中心均面临供受者数量差异巨大的问题,而活体肾移植有着良好的效果,特别是与尸体肾移植比较,其在各个方面均有明显的优势,目前认为在活体非亲属肾移植中,人体白细胞抗原配型作用不明显,即使6位点错配,其疗效亦好于或等于无错配的尸体肾移植。
4)Living renal transplantation活体肾移植
1.Objective Living renal transplantation is a vital access to alleviate the present shortage of donors.活体肾移植是缓解目前供体来源短缺的一种重要途径,随着肾移植技术在我国的开展和普及,供体来源的减少和尿毒症患者的日益增多成为突出矛盾。
5)living related renal transplantation亲体肾移植
1.【Objective】 To compare the effect of advanced oral immunosuppressive regimens and adopting anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody induction on the safety and efficacy of recipient in the early stage after living related renal transplantation.【目的】比较在亲体肾移植中,采用提前口服免疫抑制剂方案或术前抗CD25诱导方案对于受体术后早期安全性和有效性的影响。

自体睾丸移植术自体睾丸移植术autotransplantation of testis 指将睾丸带着精索动、静脉移植到身体另一个地方,就地接上相应的动、静脉,恢复睾丸的血运和功能的手术。临床上用于高位隐睾患儿作睾丸复位手术时,由于精索动、静脉太短,无法牵下阴囊,故将睾丸连同其血管切下来,移到阴囊去,再接上腹壁下动、静脉。此种情况的输精管是够长可伸入阴囊的。此术比勉强将隐睾牵引下来为好。此术式是1976年Sibler最先报告,国内王玲珑(1985年)亦报告此手术。