心脏停跳,arrested heart
1)arrested heart心脏停跳
1.AIM: To compare the effects of mild hypothermia beating heart cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) with those of moderate hypothermia arrested heart CPB in pediatric intracardiac procedure.方法 :分析 5 1 8例 3岁以下行心脏手术患者 ,其中 96例 (组 1 )在中低温体外循环心脏停跳下手术 ,4 2 2例 (组 2 )在浅低温体外循环心脏不停跳下进行手术 。

1."cardiac arrest:Sudden cessation of heartbeat and cardiac function, resulting in the loss of effective circulation."心搏停止,心脏停跳:心跳和心脏功能的停止,导致有效循环丧失。
2.A Clinical Study on Cerebral Injury during Intracardic Procedures On-pump Beating Heart Compared with That on Arrested Heart;心脏不停跳和心脏停跳下心内直视手术脑损害的临床对比研究
3.Perioperative changes of cTnI and cardiac enzymes in patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass with beating and arrested heart心脏停跳与不停跳先心病矫治术患者围术期cTnI及心肌酶水平变化
4.Effect of patient′s immune function on beating heart surgery and cardioplegia surgery during cardiopulmonary bypass体外循环心脏停跳和不停跳心内直视手术对机体免疫功能的影响
5.The establishment of Cardioplegic Arrest model on the basis of general cardiopulmonary bypass in rats大鼠体外循环基础上应用停跳液心脏停跳模型的建立
6.Comparison of perioperative electrocardiograms in patients with congenital heart diseases treated by open heart surgery with arrested heart and beating heart先天性心脏病心脏停跳和不停跳心内直视手术围术期心律失常发生率比较
7.His heart has stopped.他的心脏已停止了跳动。
8.His heart stopped beating.他的心脏停止了跳动。
9.His heart had stopped.他的心脏停止跳动。
10.The patient died after suffering a cardiac arrest, ie when his heart stopped functioning properly.病人患心搏停止而死亡(心脏停止跳动).
11.A patient whose heart has stopped beating, as in cardiac arrest.心脏已停止跳动的病人心脏已停止跳动的病人,如患心脏病
12.A clinical study of open heart surgery with beating heart心脏不停跳心内直视手术的临床研究
13.Experience of open heart surgery on beating heart through minor incision(A report of 100 cases)小切口心脏不停跳心内直视手术100例
14.The patient arrested en route to the hospital.病人在去医院的路上心脏停止了跳动
15.More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog.我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。
16.At 2: 25p.m, his heart ceased to beat.在下午2点25分他的心脏停止了跳动。
17.Experimental study of myocardial protective effect of cardiac arrest versus beating heart during open heart surgery停跳和不停跳行心脏直视手术对心肌保护作用的对比研究
18.The Changes of Myocardial Protection after Surgery on Beating Heart and Arrested Heart during Correction of Congenital Heart Diseases;先天性心脏病不停跳与停跳手术对心肌细胞的影响

beating heart心脏不停跳
1.Clinic Study of Beating Heart Surgery Alleviate The Systemic Inflammatory Response Induced by Cardiopulmonary Bypass;心脏不停跳对体外循环术后炎性反应的影响
2.Intraoperative care of beating heart during normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass;常温体外循环心脏不停跳心内直视术的护理配合
3.Experimental group received surgery on beating heart and control group .目的通过心肌肌钙蛋白(cTnI)浓度检测及心肌超微结构的观察,评价心脏不停跳心内直视术与心脏停跳下心内直视术的心肌保护效果。
3)beating heart surgery心脏不停跳
1.The clinical study of the effect of TNF-α on beating heart surgery during normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass;常温体外循环心脏不停跳手术对TNF-α影响的临床研究
2.Objective: To summarize cardiopulmonary bypass management in beating heart surgery through right anterolateral thoracotomy incision.目的:总结右前外侧小切口心脏不停跳心内直视手术体外循环特点及转流经验。
1.Objective To probe the myocardial protection of FDP cardioplegia.ThomasⅡ号停跳液 ) ,对手术中心脏停跳液用量、心脏停搏情况、心脏复跳情况、心脏复跳后ST段恢复至基线所需时间、术后心律失常的发生率、血中肌钙蛋白T(TnT)等指标进行了观察。
5)Arrested heart and beating heart心脏停跳及不停跳
6)off-pump heart surgery不停跳心脏手术
1.Monitoring and significance of temperature in patients undergone off-pump heart surgery;不停跳心脏手术患者温度监测的方法及意义

非心源性心脏骤停非心源性心脏骤停 除心脏本身疾病以外的其他疾患或因素影响到心脏而导致的心脏骤停。常见的原因有:①电解质和酸碱平衡失调,尤其是严重的高钾血症和低钾血症。②药物中毒或过敏导致严重的心律失常,特别是心室颤动而致心脏骤停。③手术:治疗操作和麻醉意外,各种心导管检查等,由于机械性刺激,迷走神经过度兴奋、缺氧和二氧化碳潴留,麻醉药物作用及低温对心脏影响均可致心室颤动或心脏骤停。此外,电击、雷击、溺水等原因均可致心跳骤停。详见心脏骤停条目。