闭证,blockage syndrome
1)blockage syndrome闭证
1.In clinical practice, blockage syndrome usually combines collapse syndrome;hemorrhage and ischemia bases on common pathogenesis;endogenous and exogenous wind can be treated by nourishing and dispersing respectively.针对中风病发展过程中复杂多变的病情 ,分析了闭证、脱证 ,缺血、出血 ,内风、外风之间的关系 ,认为闭证脱证常常兼见 ,治当开闭固脱与扶正固本兼顾 ,出血与缺血常有共同病理基础 ,可选三七、茜草等止血活血之剂 ,内风和外风可以分别采用柔息和疏解之法。
2)Yang shutting syndrome阳闭证
1.The Clinical Study of Apoplexy (Yang shutting syndrome) Treated with Grain that Clear Heat and Wake Up the Patients;清热醒神颗粒治疗脑卒中阳闭证的临床研究
3)Sthenia ZHENG/diag闭证/诊断
5)syndrome of qi blockage气闭证
6)Closed loop verification闭环验证

1.Modeling of Reactor Power Control System and Closed Loop Verification反应堆功率控制系统的建模及闭环验证
2.Research on a Closed-loop Control Experimental System Based on Rotor Test Bed;转子实验台闭环控制实验系统的研究
3.Verify the right toe setting and turn off engine.验证右车轮着地位置设定并关闭引擎。
4.An Empirical Study on the Macro-closure of CGE Model in China中国CGE模型宏观闭合的实证检验
5.Experimental study of the vibration reduction of a blade using closed-loop control air-inhalation technology叶片闭环可控吸气减振技术实验研究
6.An Experimental Study of Closed-loop Electro-hydraulic Proportional Variable Piston Pump电液比例闭环变量柱塞泵的实验研究
7."We have proven by trial that the cavity does close," says the Professor.“我们通过试验确已证明空洞会封闭”,该教授说。
8.The test experiments show that the closed loop control model was effective.测试实验表明,闭环控制系统取得较好效果。
9.Experimental Studies on Close Loop Control Strategy for Fully Variable Valve Actuation;全可变气门机构闭环控制策略的实验研究
10.Experimental Measurement on a Closed Cycle Diesel Engine and Its Synthetic Intake Charge Control;闭式循环柴油机性能试验测量及进气系统控制
11.A Closed Water-saving Equipment by Recycle Water in Chemistry Laboratorys;一种化学实验室用封闭式循环节水装置
12.Design and Experimental Study on Vibration Reduction System Using Closed-loop Control Air-inhale Technology闭环可控吸气减振系统设计与实验研究
13.Experimental study on wastewater denitrification in closed recirculating aquaculture system池塘封闭循环水养殖废水脱氮的试验研究
14.Test Research of Grinding Head Loading Closed-loop Control System with PLC for Steel Grinding MachinePLC闭环控制钢坯修磨机磨头压下系统试验研究
15.Experimental Study of the Clearance of Cut Auto-Closed on the Thin Ring by Mathematics Modeling卡环接口自适宜封闭间隙数学建模与试验研究
16.closed circuit system闭式循环系统闭路制
17.Study of Virtual Experiment on Handling Behavior of Driver-Vehicle-Environment Closed-Loop System;汽车—驾驶员—环境闭环系统操纵稳定性虚拟试验技术的研究
18.Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research in Internally Circulating Fluidized Bed;内循环流化床的数值模拟与实验验证

Yang shutting syndrome阳闭证
1.The Clinical Study of Apoplexy (Yang shutting syndrome) Treated with Grain that Clear Heat and Wake Up the Patients;清热醒神颗粒治疗脑卒中阳闭证的临床研究
3)Sthenia ZHENG/diag闭证/诊断
5)syndrome of qi blockage气闭证
6)Closed loop verification闭环验证
