穿动脉,Perforating artery
1)Perforating artery穿动脉
1.bjective:To provide anatomic basis for reconstruction of femoral calcar by transposition of bone flap pedicled with the first or the second perforating artery.方法:30侧经动脉内灌注红色乳胶的成人下肢标本,对第1、2穿动脉起始、走行、分支分布和骨膜支进行详细的解剖学观察。

1.strio-capsulares; (3)A. cerebri media gab 2-3Aa.(3)大脑中动脉发出2—3条内侧穿动脉及4—5条外侧穿动脉;
2.der A. cerebri post. entsprangen 5-7 Aa.(6)大脑后动脉内侧部发出5—7条后穿动脉;
3.Study of microanatomy on anterior communicating artery and its perforating branches前交通动脉及其下丘脑穿动脉的显微解剖研究
4.Transradial Approach for Diagnostic Coronary Angiography and Coronary Interventions;经皮穿刺桡动脉冠状动脉介入诊断与治疗
5.The Tans-saphenous Femoral Artery Punctures Method on The China Agricultural University Mini-pigs中国农大小型猪经隐动脉股动脉穿刺方法
6.Experience of transradial coronary angiography in 452 patients经皮穿刺桡动脉冠状动脉造影452例经验总结
7.No complications oc cured, such as unintentional puncture of carotid artery and pneumothorax.且无 1例出现误穿颈动脉和气胸等穿刺并发症 ;
8.Effective investigation of different puncture parts and different puncture needles for blood collection不同部位不同穿刺针动脉穿刺采血法效果观察
9.Microsurgical Anatomy of Anterior Circulation of Willis Circle and Its Perforating BranchesWillis动脉环前循环动脉及其穿通动脉的显微解剖研究
10.Anatomical Study of Superior Ulnar Collateral Artery Perforator Flap;尺侧上副动脉穿支皮瓣的解剖学研究
11.Clinical application of modifi ed percutaneous femoral artery puncture with Seldinger technique经皮改良Seldinger股动脉穿刺术临床应用
12.Investigation on Noise Elimination Nozzle with Micro-Perforated Panel in Pulse Detonation Engine脉冲爆震发动机微穿孔消声喷管研究
13.Application of self-made pressured girdle of vascular puncturing point in patients underwent coronary artery intervention via radial artery自制血管穿刺点加压束带在经桡动脉冠状动脉介入术中的应用
14.Observation on effect of puncturing for blood sample collection via brachial artery and radial artery in senile patients with critical illness老年危重病人经肱动脉与桡动脉采血穿刺效果观察
15.Analysis on 30 Cases of Transradial Punctune Coronary Angiography Combined with Encephalon Angiography经桡动脉穿刺冠状动脉联同全脑血管造影32例分析
16.Investigation the braking time of percutaneous coronary intervention after femoral artery puncture冠脉介入治疗股动脉穿刺术后制动时间调查分析
17.Research of the influence of topical anesthesia on artery courage vigor for patients with radial artery puncture表面麻醉对桡动脉穿刺患者动脉血气影响的研究
18.Evidence-based Nursing: Bandaging and Hemostasis for Puncture Point after Coronary Intervention by Radial Artery Path桡动脉途径冠状动脉介入术后穿刺处包扎止血方法的循证护理

1.Effect of the improved hemostasia on the bleeding of arteriopuncture point in the hemodialysis patients;改良止血法对血液透析患者动脉穿刺点止血效果的观察
3)Perforating branch artery动脉穿支
4)artery puncture动脉穿刺
1.Exploration of artery puncture in different parts of neonate and to analyze the bloodgas;对新生儿不同部位动脉穿刺取血气分析标本的探讨
5)perforator artery穿支动脉
6)femoral artery puncture股动脉穿刺
1.Objective To investigate the effects of vascular vasodilation via femoral artery puncture combined with thrombolytics on arterial ischemia of the lower extremity.目的观察股动脉穿刺注射扩张血管及溶栓药物治疗下肢远端动脉缺血患者的临床疗效。

锁骨下动脉-锁骨下动脉-颈动脉旁路术锁骨下动脉-锁骨下动脉-颈动脉旁路术 适用于大动脉炎所致的左锁骨下动脉和左颈总动脉起始处缩窄、闭塞而无名动脉通畅者,无名动脉分叉处缩窄、闭塞而左锁骨下动脉通畅者。手术在全麻下取双侧颈部横切口。显示双侧锁骨下动脉,用0.7~0.8cm口径的人工血管,经胸锁乳突肌后方隧道,作人工血管与锁骨下动脉端-侧吻合。若颈总动脉起始处有缩窄、闭塞者,加作颈部垂直切口,显露颈总动脉,再以等粗人工血管与颈总动脉及移植于两锁骨下动脉间的人工血管分别作端-侧吻合。手术可纠正或改善脑部和左上肢的血液供应。