窦神经,Carotid sinus nerve
1)Carotid sinus nerve窦神经
2)sinuvertebral nerve窦椎神经
3)sinus denervation去窦神经
4)epineural sinus神经上窦
5)hyponeural sinus神经下窦
6)sinoaortic denervation去窦弓神经
1.Candesartan inhibits sinoaortic denervation-induced cardiovascular hypertrophy in rats;坎替沙坦抑制大鼠去窦弓神经引起的心血管肥大(英文)
2.METHODS: Rats were examined at 2, 10, and 16 weeks after sinoaortic denervation (SAD).本研究观察去窦弓神经大鼠肥厚心室和主动脉组织中这两因子的改变。
3.AIM To determine the long term effects of sinoaortic denervation(SAD) on hemodynamics and cardiovascular and renal morphology of rats with normal blood pressure.目的 研究去窦弓神经 (SAD)对正常血压大鼠的血流动力学及心、肾、血管等器官病理形态学的影响。

1.The Protective Effect of Anti-inflammation on Organ Damage in Sinoaortic Denervated Rat;抗炎治疗对去窦弓神经大鼠器官损伤的保护作用
2.Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis and Genomic Polymorphisms in Sinoaortic-denervated Rats;去窦弓神经大鼠心肌细胞凋亡和基因组多态性的研究
3.the main pathologic changes were located in arcuate ligament and uinar nerve.主要病理改变在尺神经及弓状韧带。
4.Reciprocal Anatomical Relationship between Normal Ethmoid Sinus正常筛窦与蝶窦和视神经管毗邻关系的CT表现及临床意义
5.Transnasal Edoscopic Sphenoethmoidal Optic Nerve Decompression on 37 Eyes with Traumatic Optic Neuropathy;经鼻内镜筛蝶窦入路视神经减压术37例分析
6.Microsurgical Removal of the Large Acoustic Neuromas by the Retrosigmoid Suboccipital Keyhole Approach;枕下乙状窦后锁孔入路切除显微大型听神经瘤
7.Quantitative study of synaptophysin in sinoatrial node in cases of sudden cardiac death;心源性猝死者窦房结神经突触素定量研究
8.Microsurgical excision of large acoustic neurinomas via retrosigmoid keyhole approach乙状窦后锁孔入路切除大型听神经鞘瘤
9.Endoscopic Endonasal Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary神经内镜单鼻腔蝶窦入路切除垂体腺瘤
10.Experience of Microsurgical Resection of Acoustic Neuromas via Suboccipital Retrosigmoidal Approach: Report of 30 Cases枕下乙状窦后入路切除听神经瘤30例体会
11.The microsurgical technique of acoustic neuromas removal trans suboccipital--retrosigmoid sinus approach乙状窦后入路切除听神经瘤的显微手术
12.the skin of his face looked drawn and tight; her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow.他的面部拉长而紧张;他的神经如弓弦一样紧张。
13.②GSPN′s extension line and the bow forms swell up to clip the Cape 127.60°±5.10°.②岩浅大神经延长线与弓状隆起夹角127.60°±5.10°;
14.The Study of the Applied Anatomy of the Temporal Branches of the Facial Nerve: Path Across the Zygomatic Arch and the Temporal Region;面神经颞支在颧弓—颞区的应用解剖学研究
15.Lift the cerebral dura mater to exposure greater superficial petrosal nerve, facial hiatus and arcuate eminence.显微镜下将脑膜抬起,暴露出岩浅大神经、面神经裂孔和弓状隆起。
16.The Comparison between Transpterional-sylvian and External Transethmo-sphenoid Decompression of Optic Canal;经翼点—外侧裂入路与经鼻外筛—蝶窦入路视神经管减压术的对比
17.- Archers to the battlements!-弓箭手到城垛去!
18.a painter, "Magic Brush"Zhang, rescued Inuse, a Persian businessman who fainted but his beloved daughter Ying Niang was snatched by a bandit named Dou Hu.画工神笔张救起昏厥的波斯商人伊努斯,爱女却被强人窦虎掳去。

sinuvertebral nerve窦椎神经
3)sinus denervation去窦神经
4)epineural sinus神经上窦
5)hyponeural sinus神经下窦
6)sinoaortic denervation去窦弓神经
1.Candesartan inhibits sinoaortic denervation-induced cardiovascular hypertrophy in rats;坎替沙坦抑制大鼠去窦弓神经引起的心血管肥大(英文)
2.METHODS: Rats were examined at 2, 10, and 16 weeks after sinoaortic denervation (SAD).本研究观察去窦弓神经大鼠肥厚心室和主动脉组织中这两因子的改变。
3.AIM To determine the long term effects of sinoaortic denervation(SAD) on hemodynamics and cardiovascular and renal morphology of rats with normal blood pressure.目的 研究去窦弓神经 (SAD)对正常血压大鼠的血流动力学及心、肾、血管等器官病理形态学的影响。

窦固(见窦固攻北匈奴)窦固(见窦固攻北匈奴)Dou Gu Doll GU窦固(D ouGu,?一公元88)东汉中期将领。字孟孙。扶风平陵(今陕西咸阳西北)人。名将窦融侄。历任奉车都尉、卫尉等。以率军攻北匈奴著名。见窦固攻北匈奴。