器械箱,instrument case
1)instrument case器械箱
1.Objective To design a new multifunctional surgical instrument case in order to improve the work efficiency and safety of operation in field battle.目的:设计开发多功能野战手术器械箱,以不断提高野战手术救治的工作效率和安全服务质量。

1.Research and Development on Multifunctional Instrument Case of The Animal Experiment一种多功能动物实验器械箱的设计开发
2.Label: Handwriting, print or figures attached to the medical device or its packages.标签:标贴在医疗器械上或其包装箱或包装物上,或附随医疗器械上的书写品、印刷品或图示物。
3.Mechanical design of a wire-driven parallel crane robot for container handling用于集装箱吊装的绳牵引并联起重机器人的机械结构设计
4.apparatus (abbr. appr.)仪器,器械,装置,器
5.attenuation box衰减器箱,衰耗器箱
6.closed container mechanically ventilated封闭式机械通风集装箱
7.equipment handling charge by piece装卸机械计箱装卸费
8.absorber for refrigerators or deep-freezes冷藏箱或深冻箱吸收器
9."A fuel pump delivers fuel from the tank to the carburetor. There are two general types of fuel pump, mechanical and electric. "油泵把油箱中的燃油抽出送到化油器中。通用的油泵有两种:机械泵和电子泵。
10."The overdrive is a mechanism interposed between the transmission and propeller shaft to permit the propeller shaft to turn faster than, or overdrive, the transmission main shaft."超速档是装在变速箱和传动轴之间的一套机械装置,使传动轴比变速器主轴转的更快。
11.Driving system consists of gearwheel box, universal shaft couplings and an arc-gear synchronous belt with perfect driving accuracy and high mechanical efficiency. So the mechanical consumption is small.传动系统采用齿轮箱、向轴联轴器、弧齿同步带相结合,同步性高,机械损耗小。
12.Ignition cable; Control cable sets; Switch cabinet; Electrical& hand coupler for vehicles.汽车点火线束;大中型机械控制线束;开关控制箱;有轨机车电气/动联接器。
13.Ignition cable; Control cable sets; Switch cabinet; Electrical &hand coupler for vehicles.汽车点火线束;大中型机械控制线束;开关控制箱;有轨机车电气/手动联接器。
14.Driving system consists of gearwheel device, universal joint couplings and synchronous belt with high driving accuracy and low mechanical consumption.传动系统采用齿轮箱、万向轴联轴器,同步带相结合型式,传动精度高,机械损耗小。
15."a mechanical appliance, instrument, or tool""机械装置,器械,工具"
16.equipment used for doing sth,esp in gymnastics器械(尤指体操的)
17.lock and lock case, railway point, mechanical (incl. electromechanical)机械(包括电动机械)锁和锁箱,铁道道叉用
18.mechanical stroboscope机械示速器机械频闪观测器

operating case手术器械箱
3)ear micro operating instrument set显微耳科器械箱
4)Hopper Machine棉箱机械
1.Investigation and analysis on the condition of using pesticide equipments in Changji area of Xinjiang;新疆昌吉地区农药器械使用情况调查分析
2.Through studying and ameliorating the equipment of artificial insemination in rabbits, and undergoing productive application for many years, we had found a series of practical artificial insemination equipment in rabbit.通过对家兔人工授精器械的研究与改进,并经过多年的生产实践和运用,现已研制成了一套器材少,操作 简便,效果好的实用家兔人工授精配套器械。
3.Objective To strengthen the concepts of safety and protection on equipment cleaning in supply room.目的:增强供应室器械清洗人员的安全防护意识。
6)Apparatus[英][,?p?'reit?s][美][,?p?'ret?s, -'r?t?s]器械
1.Comparison of gravity-type strength training apparatus at different beginning torque designs不同起始力矩设计重力式力量训练器械性能比较
2.The apparatus has a bearing on a gymnasts’ result, his health and safety.安全使用体操器械不仅关系到运动员成绩的提高,更直接关系到运动员的健康与安全。
3.For the purpose of recognizing the factors that affects the functions of the gravity-type strength training apparatus,the dynamics method is used to analysis the apparatus in working.为了从本质上认识影响重力式力量训练器械性能的因素,通过对器械工作过程的动力学分析,认为器械阻力有重力块重力矩、钢丝绳摩擦力矩、重力块惯性力力矩和动力传动装置的惯性力矩等4种主要形式,这4种阻力在影响器械性能上发挥着不同的作用。
