医用缝线,suture for medical use
1)suture for medical use医用缝线
2)surgical suture医用缝合线
1.Application and development of surgical suture;医用缝合线的应用和发展
2.Newest research and development of surgical sutures are introduced both at home and abroad.主要介绍了目前国内外医用缝合线最新的研究成果和发展情况 ,为我国进一步研发优质缝合线提供参考。
3.The fiber could be used as surgical suture.2 cN/dtex,断裂伸长为24%,可以满足医用缝合线的力学性能要求。

1.Recycling in Mumbai is so sophisticated that the guts of dead animals are said to be collected and turned into medical sutures.孟买的回收利用更是登峰造极,据说死动物的内脏被用来制作医用缝合线
2.Experimmental study of the anastomosis of intestine with medical adhesive无缝线医用OB胶粘合法吻合小肠的实验研究
3.Studies on An Absorbable Suture Which is Made by Tendon in Tails of Myocastor Coypus;海狸鼠尾部肌腱制作医用可吸收缝合线的研究
5.surgical gut外科缝合用的羊肠线
6.sewn together with overhand stitches (close vertical stitches that pass over and draw the two edges together).用锁边缝线缝在一起(将横过的垂直缝线合拢并将两个边缝在一起)。
7.join with a suture, as of a wound in surgery.外科中用缝合线连接伤口。
8.A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes.丝线一段毛线、粗线或丝线,尤指主要用来缝合钮扣孔的结实丝线
9.Yarn of synthetic filament (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale合成纤维长丝纱线(缝纫线除外),供零售用
10.Comparison of Nylon and Silk on the Skin Suture尼龙线与丝线用于手术皮肤缝合的比较
11.having or joined by a seam or seams.有缝合线或被缝合线连接的。
12.The surgeon closed the incision with stitches.外科医生缝合了伤口。
13.Utility of Linear Endostapler for Side-to-Side Esophagogastric Anastomosis应用直线型缝合器行食管胃侧侧吻合术
14.Straight for ward seaming is basis of joining to another piece and is used on all garments.直线缝纫是与其他衣片缝合的基础,适用于所有服装。
15.Water leakage of the puncture site was found in 1 patient and was sewed up with 8-0 absorbable sutures.1例患者手术中穿刺口漏水 ,用 8- 0可吸收缝线缝合。
16.The cut in his finger was sewn up with a piece of fine silk.他手上的伤口用一根细细的丝线缝合起来。
17.Combined cataract and strabismus surgery with adjustable sutures可调节缝线在白内障联合斜视手术中的应用
18.Application of releasable suture in combined phacoemulsification and trabeculectomy可调整缝线在青光眼白内障联合手术中的应用

surgical suture医用缝合线
1.Application and development of surgical suture;医用缝合线的应用和发展
2.Newest research and development of surgical sutures are introduced both at home and abroad.主要介绍了目前国内外医用缝合线最新的研究成果和发展情况 ,为我国进一步研发优质缝合线提供参考。
3.The fiber could be used as surgical suture.2 cN/dtex,断裂伸长为24%,可以满足医用缝合线的力学性能要求。
4)absorbable surgical sutures可吸收医用缝合线
5)the absorbable suture of m edico biom aterial医用可吸收缝合线
6)surgical sutures医疗缝线
