理中丸,Lizhong Pill
1)Lizhong Pill理中丸
1.Observe the mechanism,material basisand regulation of formula-symptom corresponding of Dahuang HuanglianXiexin Decoction and Lizhong Pill on the models of stress-restrain ulcer withcold and hot syndrome.目的:将水浸应激型胃溃疡疾病模型与中医寒、热证相结合,探讨应激型溃疡寒、热证形成机制,揭示应激型溃疡寒、热证候实质;观察寒性方剂大黄黄连泻心汤、热性方剂理中丸对应激型溃疡寒、热证模型的作用机理及方证相应规律。

1.HPLC fingerprint for Traditional Chinese medicine compatibility of Fuzi Lizhong pills附子理中丸方药配伍HPLC指纹图谱研究
2.Study on multi-wavelength fusion HPLC fingerprint of Fuzilizhong pills附子理中丸多波长融合HPLC指纹图谱研究
3.Chemical and Metabolic Study on Aconitum Alkaloids of Radix Aconiti Lateralls Preparata and Fuzilizhong Pill;附子及附子理中丸中乌头类生物碱的化学和代谢研究
4.The Study of Pharmacodynamic Mechanism and Material Foundation of Compatibility about Shenqi Pill "Reinforcing Yang from Yin";肾气丸“阴中求阳”配伍机理及物质基础研究
5.Studies on Pharmacodynamic Mechanism and Chemical Compositions of Shenqi Pill's "Reinforcing Yang from Yin" Compatibility肾气丸“阴中求阳”药效机理及化学成分的研究
6.swing table abrator抛丸清理转台, 转台式抛丸清理机
7.A Preliminary Study on Glycopathological Mechanisms of Pancreatic Damage and Effects of Chinese Herbal Compounds in Diabetic Rats糖尿病大鼠胰腺损害及补中益气丸、金匮肾气丸作用的糖病理学机制初步研究
8.From the Editions of "Wan Jing" to Study the Development of the Ancient Batting Ball;从《丸经》的版本看中国古代捶丸的演变
9.Determination of Paeoniflorin in Xiangfu Pills (Shuiwan) by HPLCHPLC法测定香附丸(水丸)中芍药苷的含量
10.Studies on the Anti-depression Effect and Mechanism of the Traditional Chinese Formula from Yueju Pill;以越鞠丸为基础的抗抑郁中药复方药理作用及其机理研究
11.A Study on the Features of Physiology and Biological Chemistry on Pelleted Plant Seeds and Their Application in Heitutan Degraded Grassland丸粒化牧草种子生理生化特征及在“黑土滩”治理中的应用研究
12.table type airless shot blasting machine台式真空抛丸清理机
13.vibrating trough continuous sling shot blasting machine振动槽连续抛丸清理机
14.hook type airless shot blasting machine单钩真空抛丸清理机
15.car-type airless shot blasting machine车式无空气抛丸清理机
16.rotary table shot blasting machine转台抛丸清理强化机
17.Study on Material Basis and Mechanisms of the Vessels-like Action of Radix Platycodi in Tianwang Buxin Wan;天王补心丸中桔梗舟楫作用的物质基础及机理研究
18.The Experimental Study of Liu-shen-wan on Inducing HL-60 Cell Apoptosis with Chinese Herbs Serum Pharmacology Method;用中药血清药理学方法观察六神丸诱导HL-60细胞凋亡的实验研究

Lizhong Wan(Tang)理中丸(汤)
1.ObjectiveDahuanghuanglianxiexin Tang and Lizhong Wan(Tang) were classicalprescriptions in healing digestive system diseases, the former was used totreating heat sydrom, but the latter was opposite.目的:大黄黄连泻心汤、理中丸(汤)均为临床常用的治疗消化系统疾患的经方,但两方所治病证有寒热之别。
3)sishenwan and lizhongwan四神丸合理中丸
4)Dingkou Lizhong Wan丁蔻理中丸
1.Determination of Eugenol in Dingkou Lizhong Wan by GC;GC法测定丁蔻理中丸中丁香酚的含量
5)Fuzilizhong pills附子理中丸
1.Digitized fingerprints of Fuzilizhong pills by HPLC;附子理中丸数字化指纹图谱研究
2.Study on multi-wavelength fusion HPLC fingerprint of Fuzilizhong pills附子理中丸多波长融合HPLC指纹图谱研究
3.To determine accurately the content of trace arsenic(As)in Qinjinliyan tea,Fuzilizhong pills and Banlangen granulation.目的:对清金利咽茶、附子理中丸、板蓝根冲剂中微量砷含量进行准确测定。
6)Hezhong Lipi Pills和中理脾丸
1.Studies on Quality Standard of Hezhong Lipi Pills;和中理脾丸的质量标准研究

理中丸lizhongwan理中丸Lizhong Boluses 治疗脾胃虚寒,脘腹疼痛,呕吐泄泻,阳虚失血的丸剂型中成药。方剂来源于《伤寒论》。本方主要治中焦脾胃之证,故名。 药物组成 人参、干姜、白术、甘草各90克。 功能分析 方中以干姜辛热温中散寒,健运脾阳为主药;人参甘温补气,健脾益胃,协助干姜振奋脾阳为辅药。白术苦温,健脾燥湿,合人参复运化而正升降为佐药。甘草甘温健脾益气,缓急止痛,兼合诸药为使药。诸药合用,中焦之寒得辛热而去,中焦之虚得甘温而复,清阳升而浊阴降,运化健而中焦治,共奏温中散寒、补气健脾,扶阳抑阴之功。是治疗中焦脾胃虚寒的代表方剂。 主治病证 脾胃虚寒之脘腹疼痛,喜暖喜按,呕吐恶心,口泛清涎,泄泻稀溏,倦怠乏力,或吐衄便血,崩漏下血,血色紫暗,面色□白,舌质淡,苔白,脉沉细或沉迟者。 西医诊为慢性胃炎、胃下垂、胃及十二指肠溃疡,胃神经官能症、神经性呕吐、幽门梗阻、慢性肠炎及消化道出血、血小板减少性紫癜、子宫功能性出血等均可用此药。 剂量用法 本药有蜜丸剂,每丸重9克;水丸剂每9粒重1克。蜜丸剂口服每次一丸,每日两次;水丸剂每服5~9克,每日两次;温开水送服。小儿酌减。服药期间忌食生冷坚硬及难于消化的食物。 (高学敏)