寒凝血瘀证,syndrome of congealing cold with blood stasis
1)syndrome of congealing cold with blood stasis寒凝血瘀证
1.Establishment of superficial sign model of syndrome of congealing cold with blood stasis;寒凝血瘀证表征模型的建立
2)cold-coagulation blood-stasis寒凝血瘀
1.Objective:To establish myocardial ischemia of cold-coagulation blood-stasis animal model and observe the effects of garlicin on inflammatory factor and NF-κB for myocardial ischemia of cold-coagulation blood-stasis.目的:观察大蒜素对寒凝血瘀心肌缺血炎性因子及 NF-κB 的影响。

1.Clinical Study of Dysmenorrhea with Cold Stasis Treated by Shaofuzhuyu Tang;少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀性痛经之研究
2.The Clinical Study of Using the Concoction of Shaofuzuyu in the Treatment of Dysmenorrhea of the Cold-Blood Stasis Syndrome少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀型痛经的临床研究
3.Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction on Primary Painful Menstruation Treatment:53 cases belong to syndrome of congealirs Cold with blood stasis少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经53例
4.The Clinical Observasion on Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea of Congealing Cold and Blood Stasis with Dysmenorrhea Decoction;痛经汤治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床观察
5.Animal Model Research of Cold-stagnate and Blood-stasis-Syndrome in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus;寒凝血瘀型2型糖尿病动物模型的研究
6.Clinical Investigations on the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea of Congealing Cold and Blood Stasis with Tuina Therapy推拿治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床研究
7.Clinical Study on Primary Dysmenorrheal of Syndrome of Congealing Cold with Blood Stasis by Acupuncture温针治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床研究
8.MHC-DRB1~* gene polymorphism in patients with Primary Dysmenorrhea寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经与MHC—DRB1~*基因的相关研究
9.Clinical Study of Blood Stasis Caused by the Stagnation of Chill Primary Dysmenorrhea Treated with Jiajian Shaofu Zhuyu Decoction;加减少腹逐瘀汤治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床研究
10.The Clinical Observation of Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang Jia Wei on Primary Dysmenorrheal of the Type of Blood Stasis Due to Cold;少腹逐瘀汤加味治疗原发性痛经—寒凝血瘀型的临床观察
11.Effect of Modified Decoction for Warming Meridian on Ovarian HO/CO System and the Related Factors in the Model Rat of Cold Coagulation and Blood Stasis;加减温经汤对寒凝血瘀大鼠卵巢HO/CO系统及相关因素的影响
12.Clinical Investigations on the Treatment of Primary Dysmenorrhea of Congealing Cold and Blood Stasis with Jingtongxiao Formula;经痛消方治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床研究
13.Clinical Research of Yutong Mixture on Primary Dysmenorrhea of Type of Blood Stasis Due to Cold;愈痛合剂治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床研究
14.Clinical Observation of Wen Jing Tang on Treating Insufficency-yang and Blood Stasis Due to Cold of Primary Dysmenorrhea;温经汤加减治疗阳虚寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经临床观察
15.The Clinical Study on Treating Primary Dysmenorrhea of Congealing Cold Blood Stasis with Wen Bao Zhi Tong Yin;温胞止痛饮治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经临床研究
16.Experimental Study of Animal on the Treatment of Syndrome of Blood Stasis Due to Cold Accumulation of Primary Dysmenorrheal by Shanxiang Capsule;山香胶囊治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的动物实验研究
17.The Clinical Study of Using YiMuDangGuiSiNi Decoction to Treat Dysmenorrhea (Syndrome of Cold Coagulation and Blood Stasis)益母当归四逆汤治疗寒凝血瘀型痛经的疗效观察
18.Curative Effect of Tangzuwaixifang by Fumigation and Washon Treating Diabetic Foot in Early Stage (Degree 0) with Type of Cold Coagulation and Blood Stasis糖足外洗方熏洗治疗早期糖尿病足(0级)寒凝血瘀型的疗效观察

cold-coagulation blood-stasis寒凝血瘀
1.Objective:To establish myocardial ischemia of cold-coagulation blood-stasis animal model and observe the effects of garlicin on inflammatory factor and NF-κB for myocardial ischemia of cold-coagulation blood-stasis.目的:观察大蒜素对寒凝血瘀心肌缺血炎性因子及 NF-κB 的影响。
3)Congealing cold blood stasis寒凝血瘀型
1.Objective: To observe the effect of Tonifying the kidney and Regulating the cycle on Primary Dysmenorrheal of the type of Congealing cold blood stasis, and provide scientific basis for the clinical application and further scientific of this method.目的:观察补肾调周法治疗寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经的临床疗效,并比较痛经标本同治和从标论治的临床疗效差异,为补肾调周法的临床推广应用提供科学依据。
1.Objective: To investigate the etiologic factor and pathological mechanism of ankylosing spondylitis at the viewpoint of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), research rational scheme on bian-zheng-lun-zhi in ankylosing spondylitis ,evaluate curative effect and safety of bu-shen-qiang-du-fang(BSQDF) on Kidney-asthenia,Du-cold and blood-stasis syndrome in ankylosing spondylitis.目的:从中医角度探讨强直性脊柱炎(Ankylosing Spondylitis AS)的发病因素和病因病机,寻求合理的辨证论治方案,评估补肾强督方治疗强直性脊柱炎肾虚督寒血瘀证的疗效和安全性。
5)heart ache寒凝血瘀心痛
6)syndrome of coagulated cold due to blood deficiency血虚寒凝证

血寒证  阴寒之邪侵犯血分所引起,临床以血脉凝滞、收引等为主要表现的证候。常见于冻伤、妇女月经不调、痛经及脱疽等疾病。    血寒证的临床表现为手足或少腹冷痛,喜暖畏寒,得温痛减,手足厥冷、色青紫,妇女月经衍期,痛经,形寒肢冷,经色紫黯夹有血块,舌淡暗,苔白,脉沉涩。《素问·举痛论》云,"寒则气收","寒气入经而稽迟,泣而不行,客于脉外则血少,客于脉中则气不通,故卒然而痛"。寒为阴邪,其性凝敛,寒邪侵袭血脉,脉道收引,血行不畅,致手足络脉瘀滞,气血不得畅达,故手足冷痛。血寒证还多见于妇女,由于素体虚弱,外中天地之寒,或内受饮食之冷,致寒客血脉,寒凝胞宫,冲任阻滞,血行瘀塞,而见少腹冷痛,经期推迟,经色紫黯,夹有血块,甚或经闭。阳气被遏,不能外达肌肤,则形寒肢冷,肢端青紫,舌暗苔白,脉沉迟。    《素问·调经论》云:"血气者,喜温而恶寒,寒则泣不能流,温则消而去之。"血寒证的治疗主要以温经散寒,调理气血为主。若在脱疽病中出现血寒证,则多表现为面色暗淡无华,喜暖怕冷,患肢麻木,小腿抽痛,足趾暗红或青紫而冰凉,疼痛甚剧,彻夜难眠,舌紫黯,脉弦细而迟涩。此多由肝肾不足,外感寒邪,以致寒凝血滞,阻塞经络所致。治宜温阳散寒,活血通络。    血寒证应注意与血瘀证鉴别,两证都有血脉凝滞症状,在病因病机上密切相关,但有一定区别。以病因而论,血寒证多由素体阳虚,寒邪客于血脉之中,使气血运行迟缓而致。血寒也是形成血瘀的病因之一,血瘀证中一部分是血寒证进一步发展的结果。两者的主要区别在于血寒证既有寒象,又有疼痛如刺,固定不移,甚而癥积包块,舌有瘀斑,脉沉迟等瘀血症状,与单纯血瘀不同。