双层接口,Two-leveled Interfaces
1)Two-leveled Interfaces双层接口
1.Research of Schemes for Batch Urgent Swtiching on Based on Two-leveled Interfaces基于双层接口的批量应急开机方案
2)bidirectional interface双向接口

1.Research and Implementation of Bidirectional Interface Between XML and Database;XML与数据库双向接口的研究和实现
2.Only Two-Way Inbound Port can be bound to a Two-Way Receive Port.只可将双向入站端口绑定到双向接收端口。
3.&Only dual Interfaces仅仅双重接口(&O)
4.Building Bio-robot System Based on Bi-directional Neural Interface;基于双向神经接口的生物机器人系统的研究
5.Design and Realization of Two-way Transparent Transmission SPI Interface一种透明传输的双向SPI接口的设计与实现
6.This flag tells if the port is a two way receive port. This property is required for instance creation.此标记指示该端口是否为双向接收端口。创建实例时要求此属性。
7.pliers with a joint adjustable to two positions in order to increase the opening of the jaws.有一个可以双向可调的接点以增加钳口的开口度的钳子。
8.Bastion host can have interface on two network ( dual home ) or on a single network ( single home )Bastion主机可以在2个网络上有接口(双向的)或在一个单个的网络上(单向的)有接口
9.A bi-directional path comprised of an input connection and an output connection, both having the same exchange interface.由输入连接和输出连接组成的一种双向通路,两个连接都有同一交换机接口。
10.Receive Port '{0}' has no Send Pipeline specified. Specify a Send Pipeline for the Two Way Receive Port.接收端口“{0}”没有指定发送管道。请为双向接收端口指定一个发送管道。
11.Send Port '{0}' has no Receive Pipeline specified. Specify a Receive Pipeline for the Two Way Send Port.发送端口“{0}”没有指定接收管道。请为双向发送端口指定一个接收管道。
12.An Empirical Study on Relations between U.S. Antidumping and U.S. Manufacturing Industry's Import, Output, and FDI美国反倾销与制造业进口、产出、直接投资双向关系——基于VAR模型实证
13.Research and Realize of the Data Exchange Interface Between XML and Web DatabaseXML和Web数据库间数据双向交换接口的研究与实现
14.Design of a Dual-Interface Multi-Channel ARINC429 Bus Card Based on NIOS Ⅱ基于NIOSⅡ的双接口多通道ARINC429接口卡设计
15.terminated two-port具有端接的双口网络
16.Only Two-Way Outbound Port can be bound to a Two-Way SendPort.只可将双向出站端口绑定到双向发送端口。
17."three direct links (mail, air and shipping services and trade) and Bilateral exchanges"直接三通与双向交流
18.Implementation of a Duplex-Parallel Interface in Long Distance Based on Dual-Ported memory基于双口RAM的长距离双工并行接口实现

bidirectional interface双向接口
3)dual interfaces双接口
1.In this paper,it is put forward how Delphi drives AutoCAD to draw by calling the dual interfaces of AutoCAD s object model,the program of representative application being provided.现提出Delph i通过AutoCAD提供的对象模型的双接口进行绘图的方法,并给出典型实例的具体实现。
4)double female双雌接口
5)double male双雄接口
6)double-socket pipe双承接口
