财务转型,financial transformation
1)financial transformation财务转型
1.On the status,problems and development of financial transformation of telecommunication enterprises——Empirical study based on questionnaire电信运营企业实施财务转型的现状、问题与发展方向——基于问卷调查结果的分析
2)financial reversion财务扭转
3)financial model财务模型
1.Through the definition and analysis on the economic returns and cost of the merger,we can make six math models and get the ideal financial model,that is ΔV=NRA+NRB;According to the financial model,we can analyze the merging cost separately in cash payment and stock payment.并购是两家或更多的独立企业或公司合并组成一家公司,并购的前提是并购的经济收益要大于并购成本,通过对并购经济收益和并购成本的界定和分析,建立了6个数学模型,推导出理想财务模型:ΔV=NRA+NRB;根据财务模型分别分析现金支付和股票支付下的并购成本,现金支付的并购成本主要是确定支付价格,股票支付下的并购成本的关键是确定换股比率。
2.This article gives a systematic description about the pricing of financial products, and puts forward the proposition about establishing the unified financial model of pricing the financial products, which is applicable to both traditional financial products and derivative financial instruments.本文对资本市场上金融产品基础价格的各种财务计量模型做了比较系统的描述 ,提出了建立统一的金融产品基础价格财务模型的设想 ,使其既适用于传统金融产品又适用于衍生金融产品 ,并对其加以论证和改进。
4)fiscal transition财政转型
1.Finance is a kind of allocation of public resources and its publicity determines Chinese s fiscal transition.作为公共财政目标的组成,复式预算的建立将有力地推动我国财政职能的完善和中国式公共财政转型的进程。
2.Through the review and systematic analysis of the fiscal transition in the late Qing dynasty, and together with the history of public finance in the Republic of China and in new China, the paper studies the relationship between public finance and public production system, the fiscal source of the emergence of the system of largescale public production. 本文通过对清末财政转型的回顾和分析,并结合民国和新中国财政的历史,来探讨财政与公共生产制度的关系,研究大规模公共生产制度在我国出现的财政根源,最后得出一些有关我国公共生产制度的结论。

1.Toward a Budget State:Fiscal Transformation and State Building;走向“预算国家”——财政转型与国家建设
2.Question and Countermeasure Research on Finance Reforming of Low Developed Area in China;中国欠发达地区财政转型问题与对策研究
3.On the Transfer of the Active Fiscal Policy and the Content of the Moderate Fiscal Policy;论积极的财政政策转型和稳健的财政政策
4.On China Fiscal s Policy Transition from Positive to Moderate;论我国财政政策由积极到稳健的转型
5.The Review of the Proactive Financial Policy and Transformation Study;我国积极财政政策的回顾与转型探讨
6.On the Proactive Fiscal Policies:Path Dependence and Structure Transformation积极财政政策:路径依赖与结构转型
7.The Research about Countermeasure That the Transformation of VAT Influencing on Finance & Revenue增值税转型对财政财务影响的对策研究
9.The Problem of Fiscal Decentralization in Economic Transition in China;我国经济转型中的财政分权问题研究
10.China's Dual-finance Structure in the Process of Economic Transition;中国经济转型中的二元财政结构研究
11.The Reseach of Villages and Towns Finacial Debt Problem in the Period of Making the Transition of Economy;经济转型时期乡镇财政债务问题研究
12.The Reform of Public Finance during Social Transition in China;中国社会转型进程中的公共财政改革
13.The Financial Solution of Ecological Crisis in Social Transition;社会转型期的生态危机及其财政应对
14.Research on the Fiscal Decentralization in Russian System Transformation;俄罗斯制度转型中财政分权问题研究
15.An Analysis on the Level of China sFiscal Collection in Economic Transition;经济转型中我国财政课征水平之分析
16.Fiscal Federalism,Informal Finance and Government Debt;财政联邦制、非正式财政与政府债务——对中国转型经济的规范分析
17.Reflections on the Transformation of China s Fiscal Policy from "Positive" to "Steady";我国财政政策从“积极”向“稳健”转型的思考
18.The Supply Impulse:On the Fiscal Policy in the Transformation of Economic Growth;供给推动——论经济增长方式转型中的财政政策

financial reversion财务扭转
3)financial model财务模型
1.Through the definition and analysis on the economic returns and cost of the merger,we can make six math models and get the ideal financial model,that is ΔV=NRA+NRB;According to the financial model,we can analyze the merging cost separately in cash payment and stock payment.并购是两家或更多的独立企业或公司合并组成一家公司,并购的前提是并购的经济收益要大于并购成本,通过对并购经济收益和并购成本的界定和分析,建立了6个数学模型,推导出理想财务模型:ΔV=NRA+NRB;根据财务模型分别分析现金支付和股票支付下的并购成本,现金支付的并购成本主要是确定支付价格,股票支付下的并购成本的关键是确定换股比率。
2.This article gives a systematic description about the pricing of financial products, and puts forward the proposition about establishing the unified financial model of pricing the financial products, which is applicable to both traditional financial products and derivative financial instruments.本文对资本市场上金融产品基础价格的各种财务计量模型做了比较系统的描述 ,提出了建立统一的金融产品基础价格财务模型的设想 ,使其既适用于传统金融产品又适用于衍生金融产品 ,并对其加以论证和改进。
4)fiscal transition财政转型
1.Finance is a kind of allocation of public resources and its publicity determines Chinese s fiscal transition.作为公共财政目标的组成,复式预算的建立将有力地推动我国财政职能的完善和中国式公共财政转型的进程。
2.Through the review and systematic analysis of the fiscal transition in the late Qing dynasty, and together with the history of public finance in the Republic of China and in new China, the paper studies the relationship between public finance and public production system, the fiscal source of the emergence of the system of largescale public production. 本文通过对清末财政转型的回顾和分析,并结合民国和新中国财政的历史,来探讨财政与公共生产制度的关系,研究大规模公共生产制度在我国出现的财政根源,最后得出一些有关我国公共生产制度的结论。
5)financial-oriented auditing财务型审计
6)non-financial model非财务模型

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