中国移动营业厅,China Mobile Hall
1)China Mobile Hall中国移动营业厅
2)business hall of China Mobile移动公司营业厅
1.This paper introduces the responsibilities of each department of local business hall of China Mobile,and in the light of some main problems in the complaints of business hall,advances some corresponding measures.说明了地区移动公司营业厅各部门的职责,针对营业厅投诉中的主要问题,提出了应对措施。
3)Chinese mobile operator中国移动运营商

1.Research on the 3G Customization Handset Strategy of Chinese Mobile Operator;中国移动运营商3G手机定制战略研究
2.Analysis of Operation of Mobile Virtual Network Operator in Hong kong;透析中国香港移动虚拟运营商运营状况
3.Analysis on the Core Competence of Chinese Mobile Communication Operators;中国移动通信运营商核心竞争力研究
4.Analysis of Entry and Deterred Entry of China Duopoly Mobile Operators;中国移动通信运营商的进入遏制研究
5.Chinese Mobile Communications Industry: Industry Structure and Capital Structure;中国移动通信行业竞争与运营商资本结构
6.Discuss the impact on the operator of China mobile communication of accession to the WTO;浅论加入WTO对中国移动通信运营商的影响
7.Marketing Strategy of China Mobile Operators;我国移动通信运营商市场营销战略分析
8.A Modeling Research on the Evolution of Marketing Channel Systems of China's Mobile Operators我国移动运营商营销渠道系统演进的建模研究
9.Mobile Internet Development Strategies of Chinese Telecom Operator based on All-Service Background全业务背景下中国电信运营商的移动互联网发展策略
10.On telecom operator s operation model of mobile internet;电信运营商移动互联网运营模式研究
11.Selecting Mobile Operator Oriented Mobile Value-added Service面向移动增值服务的移动运营商选择
12.The Research of Customer Delivered Value Management on the Domestic Mobile Communication Operators;我国移动通信运营商顾客让渡价值管理研究
13.Research on Mobile Communication Operation in China How to Make a Role Positing on Industry Chain;我国移动通信运营商产业链角色定位问题研究
14.Inspiration from the pricing strategies of the 3G mobile data of operators abroad;国外运营商3G移动数据业务资费策略的启示
15.Analysis of Customer Delivered Value Management on the Domestic Mobile Communication Operators;我国移动通信运营商顾客让渡价值管理探析
16.The Effect Research of Mobile Operator in Data Service Market;移动运营商在数据业务市场中的作用研究
17.The Construction of China Mobile s Business&Operation Support System;中国移动省级运营支撑系统(BOSS)建设
18.The Competition Analysis on China Mobile Telecommunication Operation Market Based on Scenario Analysis Method;中国移动运营市场竞争格局情景分析

business hall of China Mobile移动公司营业厅
1.This paper introduces the responsibilities of each department of local business hall of China Mobile,and in the light of some main problems in the complaints of business hall,advances some corresponding measures.说明了地区移动公司营业厅各部门的职责,针对营业厅投诉中的主要问题,提出了应对措施。
3)Chinese mobile operator中国移动运营商
4)BOSS(Business & Operating Support System)中国移动业务运营支撑系统
5)China mobile communication market中国移动通信业
6)China Mobile 12580 Service中国移动12580业务
1.After one year, China Mobile 12580 Service has achieved certain development, but hasn\'t formed its differentiated characteristics.经过一年多时间的运营,中国移动12580业务取得了一定的发展,但仍未形成差异化的特色,与竞争对手的产品同质化现象严重。

寄题周至厅前双松 两松自仙游山移植县厅。【诗文】:忆昨为吏日,折腰多苦辛。归家不自适,无计慰心神。手栽两树松,聊以当嘉宾。乘春日一溉,生意渐欣欣。清韵度秋在,绿茸随日新。始怜涧底色,不忆城中春。有时昼掩关,双影对一身。尽日不寂寞,意中如三人。忽奉宣室诏,征为文苑臣。闲来一惆怅,恰似别交亲。早知烟翠前,攀玩不逡巡。悔从白云里,移尔落嚣尘。【注释】: 乘春日一溉:一作春来日一往。【出处】:全唐诗