中高端体验服务,Experience service to high-end consumer
1)Experience service to high-end consumer中高端体验服务
2)high end server高端服务
1.By analysing the file system EXT2, the article put forward several relative points to optimize EXT2,so we could reach the purpose to advance the performance of high end servers.叙述 Linux操作系统的发展并剖析了其文件系统 ,在对 EXT2文件系统分析的基础上 ,提出了优化文件系统的设计方案 ,以满足充分发挥 64位硬件平台的性能 ,达到提高高端服务性能的目

1.The Development Mechanism of High-End Maritime Service:A Perspective from the Convergence of Service Sector航运高端服务业的发展机理——服务业融合的视角
2.Aim at VIP high level customers of company provides a specialized service.针对公司VIP高端用户群提供专门服务。
3.Advance the competition of modern service trade of our country in the advanced market推进我国现代服务业在高端市场竞争
4.The waiter served the meal and the man ate it with great enjoyment.服务员端来了菜,他高兴地享用着。
5.On Intersection of High-end Tourism and Modern Service Industry;论高端旅游与现代服务业的渗透发展
6.Based on the CCB OCRM High-end Customer Service and Managemeng Studies;基于OCRM的建设银行高端客户的服务与管理研究
7.The Innovation of Sharing System between the Urban Community Health Service and Its High-end Medical Resource;社区卫生服务与其高端医疗资源共享体系创新
8.A policy analysis on the development of advanced health service in Hyper-megalopolis in China特大型城市发展高端健康服务业的政策分析
9.Implementation and Optimization of High-performance I/O Completion Ports Server高性能I/O完成端口服务器的实现与优化
10.The Principles and Strategies of Service Report on University Entrance Examination高考服务性报道避免“冷”“热”极端的原则与策略
11.Mobile Terminal and Characteristic Streaming Media Service of University Library移动终端与高校图书馆特色流媒体服务
12.self-service booking terminal自助预订服务终端机
13.Learn to serve at table, ie as a waiter学习端饭上菜(当服务员)
14.The waitress is bringing the soup.女服务员正把汤端来。
15.The waitress carried the dishes on a tray.女服务员用盘子端菜。
16.End-to-End Quality of Service Guarantee for Multicasting over Differentiated Services Networks区分服务网络端到端服务质量保证的组播方案
17.Headend Service: Service unavailable. Please try again later.数据头端服务: 服务不可用。请稍后重试。
18.Do you want to use Terminal Server on this server?您想在此服务器上使用终端服务器吗?

high end server高端服务
1.By analysing the file system EXT2, the article put forward several relative points to optimize EXT2,so we could reach the purpose to advance the performance of high end servers.叙述 Linux操作系统的发展并剖析了其文件系统 ,在对 EXT2文件系统分析的基础上 ,提出了优化文件系统的设计方案 ,以满足充分发挥 64位硬件平台的性能 ,达到提高高端服务性能的目
3)high-end services高端服务业
1.To pursue economic transformation and upgrade the level of urban development and enhance the capability of independent innovation,Ningbo must focus on the development of high-end services.宁波谋求经济转型升级、城市发展水平提升和自主创新能力增强,必须着力发展高端服务业。
4)service experience服务体验
1.Service experience reflects customers feeling and evaluation of every service experienced.服务体验是顾客对服务遭遇所作出的感觉和评价。
2.Service is inherently characterized by experience,and "customer" is one of the key factors which influence service experience.服务先天具有体验的特征,“顾客”是影响服务体验的重要因素之一。
3.Starting from the influencing factors in the interactive process of the service, this paper inspects the influence of customers’interaction in three stages of the service experience on the quality of interactive services, puts forward some countermeasures for carrying out the management and control of customers’interaction, and demonstrates the necessity of customers’authorization theoretically.从服务交互过程当中的影响因素入手,考察了服务体验3个阶段中顾客网络互动对服务交互质量的影响,提出了进行顾客互动管理控制的对策,从理论上论证了顾客授权的必要性。
5)Experience services体验服务
6)modern high-end services现代高端服务业
1.Outsourcing service industry is an important part of modern high-end services,with less energy consumption and pollution-free,high content of knowledge,ability to absorb employment,huge development potential and other characteristics,which is also the true sense of green industry.服务外包产业是现代高端服务业的重要组成部分,具有能源消耗少、无污染、知识含量高、吸纳就业能力强等特点,是真正意义上的绿色产业,发展潜力巨大。

服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义  服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义国际服务贸易的政策和措施。在国际贸易中,服务贸易占1/3,西方发达国家服务出口占世界服务出口的80%。20世纪80年代以来,贸易保护主义盛行和债务危机加深,发展中国家工业制成品也越来越具有竞争力,发达国家就越来越重视服务贸易出口,并积极倡导服务贸易自由化。1986年9月关贸总协定乌拉圭回合《部长宣言》提出建立服务贸易原则和条例的多边框架,在提高透明度和逐步自由化的条件下扩大服务贸易,促进所有贸易伙伴的经济发展及国家的进步。服务贸易保护主义是在世界性经济萧条、服务市场竞争激烈的情况下,各国为了自己的利益,对服务贸易采取逐步实行的政策。尤其是服务业不甚发达的发展中国家更是如此,如阿拉伯国家为了保护阿拉伯国家利益,多次召开区域性国际会议,制定保护阿拉伯国家利益,限制外国承包商的法令和措施。西方发达国家一面倡导服务贸易自由化,同时对发展中国家劳动密集型服务贸易实行严格限制,如美国限制外籍普通服务人员入境,西欧各国近几年辞退发展中国家服务人员多达几万人。