非合作博弈功率控制,non-cooperative power control game theory
1)non-cooperative power control game theory非合作博弈功率控制
2)non-cooperative power control game非合作功率控制博弈
3)non-cooperative power allocation game中继非合作功率分配博弈
4)non-cooperative game非合作博弈
1.A power control algorithm based on non-cooperative game in cognitive radio;认知无线电中基于非合作博弈的功率控制算法
2.Fuzzy construction of non-cooperative game and its application;非合作博弈模型的模糊构建与应用
3.Based on the non-cooperative game,a payoff function is defined,which would provide a minimum signal interference ratio(SIR)for each user and consider the CCI from other cells.基于非合作博弈理论,给出既可以保证每个用户信干比最小又考虑其他小区同信道干扰的效用函数。

1.Non-Cooperative Game Analysis of Internet Backbone Interconnection互联网骨干网互联的非合作博弈分析
2.The Realistic Reasons of Non-cooperative Game and the Redesign of the Game in Stock Company;股份公司委托代理非合作博弈的现实动因与博弈改进
3.Research on Heterogeneous Objectives Scheduling Based on Noncooperative Game;基于非合作博弈的异构目标生产调度研究
4.Research on Problems of Non-cooperative Game Theory Existed in the Internal Control;组织内部控制中的非合作博弈问题研究
5.Application of Nash Equilibrium in Trust Model of Deterministic Ad hoc Network;非合作博弈均衡在确定性Ad hoc网络中的应用
6.A Dynamic Non-cooperative Game Analysis to the Invalidity of Stock Option to Senior Managers;经理人股票期权无效性的动态非合作博弈分析
7.Analysis of the Bidding Strategy of Power Producers with Non-cooperative Game Theory Based on PSO;基于粒子群算法的发电商非合作博弈行为分析
8.Noncooperative Game for Radio Resource Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks异构网络无线资源管理中的非合作博弈
9.Power allocation based on noncooperative game theory in cognitive radio认知无线电中基于非合作博弈的功率分配方法
10.Non-Cooperative Game Based Research on Routing Schemes for Wireless Networks基于非合作博弈的无线网络路由机制研究
11.The Game From Non-cooperation to Cooperation:--Rural Public Goods Supplies Mechanism about"One Case,One Meeting"System;从非合作博弈到合作博弈——基于当前农村社区公共产品供给机制“一事一议”制度分析
12.The Logic of Incomplete Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Game:Analysis of Price Conspiracy between Enterprises and Industry Association;不完全合作、非合作博弈的逻辑:企业与行业协会价格串谋行为分析
13.Research on the Key Technologies of QoS-Allocation Based on Non-cooperative Game Theory Model;基于非合作博弈模型的QoS分配中关键技术的研究
14.Research on Brittleness of Colliery System Based on Entropy and Non-Cooperation Game Theory;基于熵与非合作博弈理论的煤矿系统的脆性研究
15.Cooperation and Non-full Cooperation Game Theory Research Review合作与非完全合作博弈理论研究综述
16.Analysis of Cooperative and Non-cooperative Game in the FTA (China, Japan, Korea);中日韩区域经济合作与非合作利益博弈分析
17.Game Model Analysis of Noncooperation and Cooperation Noncooperative Versus Cooperative Game in R&D -taking the noncooperation and cooperation of R&D between two symmetry companies;厂商研发的非合作和合作博弈模型分析
18.Non-cooperative Game and Cooperative Game Analysis of the Members among CLSC Channel闭环供应链渠道成员间非合作与合作博弈分析

non-cooperative power control game非合作功率控制博弈
3)non-cooperative power allocation game中继非合作功率分配博弈
4)non-cooperative game非合作博弈
1.A power control algorithm based on non-cooperative game in cognitive radio;认知无线电中基于非合作博弈的功率控制算法
2.Fuzzy construction of non-cooperative game and its application;非合作博弈模型的模糊构建与应用
3.Based on the non-cooperative game,a payoff function is defined,which would provide a minimum signal interference ratio(SIR)for each user and consider the CCI from other cells.基于非合作博弈理论,给出既可以保证每个用户信干比最小又考虑其他小区同信道干扰的效用函数。
5)non-cooperation game非合作博弈
1.Secondly,the non-cooperation game model of manufacture information work using the classics non-cooperation game models of the common article was established,such as Prisoners Dilemma,Boxed Pigs and Chicken Game,then three problems influencing information-oriented work in enterprises was concluded.分析了制造企业信息标准化工作的四种博弈性质,借鉴博弈论中解决"公共物品供给"典型的非合作博弈模型(囚徒、智猪和斗鸡),建立了制造信息标准化工作非合作博弈模型,找出了影响企业信息化工作的三类问题。
2.As viewed from customer competition requirements,a non-cooperation game model for multiple design task schedule is presented for the goal of minimized time of each design task submitted by the corresponding customer.从客户竞争需求的角度出发,以提交的设计任务各自的设计时间最短为调度目标,采用博弈理论,提出并构建了一种面向多设计任务的非合作博弈调度模型。
3.These collective actions based on non-cooperation game logically reflect the realities of public administration.这种非合作博弈下的集体行动逻辑反映在公共事务管理现实中可能会出现公共产品供给短缺、公共资源利用无度、公共秩序混沌无序、公共组织效率缺失、公共政策执行失范等诸多问题。
6)non-cooperative game theory非合作博弈
1.After defining concepts of brittleness,brittle link entropy,and basic element,non-cooperative game theory and its usefulness in research on the brittleness of a complex system were explored.定义了脆性、子系统间的脆性联系熵等概念,并将非合作博弈理论和方法引入到复杂系统脆性的研究中。

合作金融机构盈利分配合作金融机构盈利分配 【合作金融机构盈利分配l合作金融机构依法纳税后利润的分配。其税后利润归全体社员所有,并按下列顺序分配:①弥补被没收的财物损失,支付各种税收的滞纳金和罚款等。②弥补以前年度亏损。③提取法定盈余公积金。按照税后利润和扣除前两项后的10%提取法定盈余公积金。法定盈余公积金累计达到注册资本的50%时,可不再提取。④提取公益金。原则上信用社按税后利润的5%提取公益金,用于职工宿舍、食堂、浴室、幼儿园等福利设施的建设支出。⑤股金分红和按交易量返还利润。按照章程或社员(代表)大会的决议进行分配。交易量按活期存款年平均余额计算。